helenhe40 / Challenge

The OpenMP SC14 Code Challenge

Home Page:http://openmp.org/wp/2014/11/code-challenge-announced-at-sc14/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


OpenMP Code Challenge

We believe that OpenMP is ready for your code, therefore the OpenMP ARB issued this challenge at SC14:-

Bring us shared memory or offload code (C++ AMP, CUDA, OpenACC®, OpenCL®, ...) from your real applications. We'll show you how to write it in modern OpenMP.

What code do we want?

We're interested in real application code, not just code snippets. We believe that with the release of OpenMP TR3, OpenMP is the best directive based language to use to exploit all of your expensive hardware.

Therefore, the codes we'd like

  • Are real codes that are important to you
  • Are open source (since we're asking you to push them here, that should be obvious)
  • Have build and correctness testing scripts
  • Have some documentation so that we can understand at least how to build and test them. Ideally a little more too!

If you are only interested in seeing how we can express specific, small operations, we'll look at those too, but we'd prefer to show you that our specification can handle the complexities of real applications, not just toy kernels.

How do I submit code?

Clone this repository, create a new branch, add your code in a new sub-directory, push back to github in your clone, and then send us a pull request via the "Code Challlenge"list at the OpenMP Forum. We'll pull your code here and start to look at it.

Please include a licence.txt (or equivalent file), so that we can be confident that we are allowed to look at your code in an un-encumbered manner. (Without this we won't pull the code).