A Django webapp managing companies for users and providing a REST API. Basically it allows a user to CRUD his own companies, the user and only him will have R/W access to the companies he owns.
python3 -m virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3.5 companies_site_env
you can give it the name you like if you want
source companies_site_env/bin/activate
cd /path/to/companies_site/
pip install -rrequirements.txt
This will install all the dependencies in our virtualenv
Assuming that you are already in the project root
./manage.py makemigrations
./manage.py migrate
The project already contains an sqlite3 database, the existing user is
if you want to delete the db, just remove the
file and all that the folder
contains and redo a migration
Warning: if you delete the database, you will have to create a new user,
it can be done simply with
./manage.py createsuperuser
Or through the website signup/login page located at
once you started the django dev server
./manage.py runserver
Companies list for current user
Users listing
A basic authentication uname/password is used for the access, an example with curl:
curl --user uname:password
This fetches the users list.
Or simply open it in your browser, the django rest_framework provides some views to make the requests simpler.
The functions are:
GET /api/companies/
: fetch the companies list for the current user
POST /api/companies/
: creates a new company (you will have to send the
JSON with all the fields except the id, the creation and update date,
here's an example of the format:
{ "owner": "", "company_name": "testandco4545", "email": "owner@testandco4455.ch", "phone_number": "223354466", "address_line1": "10, rue du 4545", "address_line2": "", "postal_code": "1208", "city": "Geneve", "state_province": "GE", "country_code": "DE" }
just leave the owner an empty string, the field will be automatically
filled with your user profile in the view controller.
GET /api/companies/<company_id>
: fetch the details for one company
PUT /api/companies/<company_id>
: updates a company
DELETE /api/companies/<company_id>
: deletes a company
Open your browser at the following url:
The login page displays, log in if you have already an account,
otherwise sign up, the both will lead you to the welcome page where
a link to the companies management will be available.
Create, Update or Delete your companies through the interface