hekaber / companies_site

a little companies manager implemented with django

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A Django webapp managing companies for users and providing a REST API. Basically it allows a user to CRUD his own companies, the user and only him will have R/W access to the companies he owns.


1) Create a python virtualenv for this project

python3 -m virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3.5 companies_site_env

you can give it the name you like if you want

2) Activate the virtualenv

source companies_site_env/bin/activate

3) Go to the project root and install the requirements

cd /path/to/companies_site/ pip install -rrequirements.txt

This will install all the dependencies in our virtualenv

4) Make data migrations

Assuming that you are already in the project root ./manage.py makemigrations ./manage.py migrate

The project already contains an sqlite3 database, the existing user is admin:admin1234 if you want to delete the db, just remove the db.sqlite3 file and all that the folder companies_site/companies/migrations contains and redo a migration

Warning: if you delete the database, you will have to create a new user, it can be done simply with ./manage.py createsuperuser Or through the website signup/login page located at once you started the django dev server

5) Start the dev server

./manage.py runserver

API Reference

The REST API is available at the following urls:

Companies list for current user

Users listing

A basic authentication uname/password is used for the access, an example with curl:

curl --user uname:password This fetches the users list.

Or simply open it in your browser, the django rest_framework provides some views to make the requests simpler.

The functions are: GET /api/companies/: fetch the companies list for the current user POST /api/companies/: creates a new company (you will have to send the JSON with all the fields except the id, the creation and update date, here's an example of the format: { "owner": "", "company_name": "testandco4545", "email": "owner@testandco4455.ch", "phone_number": "223354466", "address_line1": "10, rue du 4545", "address_line2": "", "postal_code": "1208", "city": "Geneve", "state_province": "GE", "country_code": "DE" } just leave the owner an empty string, the field will be automatically filled with your user profile in the view controller.

GET /api/companies/<company_id>: fetch the details for one company PUT /api/companies/<company_id>: updates a company DELETE /api/companies/<company_id>: deletes a company

Using the django webapp

Open your browser at the following url: The login page displays, log in if you have already an account, otherwise sign up, the both will lead you to the welcome page where a link to the companies management will be available. Create, Update or Delete your companies through the interface


a little companies manager implemented with django


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