heitorherzog / Part-3-Running-full-text-queries-and-combined-queries-with-Elasticsearch-and-Kibana

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Beginner's Crash Course to Elastic Stack Series

Part 3: Running full text queries and combined queries with Elasticsearch and Kibana

Welcome to the Beginner's Crash Course to Elastic Stack!

This repo contains all resources shared during Part 3: Running full text queries and combined queries with Elasticsearch and Kibana.

Workshop objectives:

  • delve deeper into advanced queries designed to search text fields
  • build a combination of queries to answer more complex questions
  • fine tune the relevance of search results


Beginner's Crash Course to Elastic Stack Table of Contents This workshop is a part of the Beginner's Crash Course to Elastic Stack series. Check out this table contents to access all the workshops in the series thus far. This table will continue to get updated as more workshops in the series are released!

Free Elastic Cloud Trial

Instructions on how to access Elasticsearch and Kibana on Elastic Cloud

Instructions for downloading Elasticsearch and Kibana


Dataset from Kaggle used for workshop

Elastic America Virtual Chapter: Want to attend live workshops? Join the Elastic Americal Virtual Chapter to get the deets!

Review from Workshop Part 2

There are two main ways to search in Elasticsearch:

  1. Queriesretrieve documents that match the specified criteria.
  2. Aggregations present the summary of your data as metrics, statistics, and other analytics.

Search queries

Get information about documents in an index

The following query will retrieve all documents that exist in the specified index. This query is a great way to explore the structure and content of your document.


GET Enter_name_of_the_index_here/_search


GET news_headlines/_search

Expected response from Elasticsearch:

Elasticsearch displays a number of hits and a sample of 10 search results by default. The field "_ source"(line 22) lists all fields or content of the document.


Aggregations Request

Analyze the data to show the categories of news headlines in our dataset


GET Enter_name_of_the_index_here/_search
  "aggregations": {
    "Name your aggregation here": {
      "Specify aggregation type here": {
        "field": "Name the field you want to aggregate here",
        "size": State how many buckets you want returned here


GET news_headlines/_search
  "aggregations": {
    "by_category": {
      "terms": {
        "field": "category",
        "size": 100

Expected response from Elasticsearch:

When you minimize hits(line 10), you will see the aggregations report we named by_category. This report displays all categories that exist in our datset as well as the number of documents that fall under each category.


Full Text Queries

Searching for search terms

The match query is a standard query for performing a full text search. This query retrieves documents that contain the search terms in any way, shape or form. The order and the proximity in which the search terms are found(i.e. phrases) are not considered as a priority.


GET Enter_name_of_index_here/_search
  "query": {
    "match": {
      "Specify the field you want to search":{
        "query":"Enter search terms"

Searching for a phrase

What happens when you use the match query to search for phrases?

Let's search for articles about Ed Sheeran's song "Shape of you" using the match query.


GET news_headlines/_search
  "query": {
    "match": {
        "query":"Shape of you"

Expected response from Elasticsearch:

Elasticsearch returns greater than 10,000 hits. The top hit as well as many others in the search results only contain the search terms "you" and "shape". These terms are not found in the same order or proximity to each other as the search query "Shape of you". Along with a few articles about the song "Shape of you", it pulls up articles about being in shape or what shape of your face says about you.

When the match query is used to search for a phrase, it has high recall but low precision as it returns a lot of loosely related documents.


Searching for phrases using the match_phrase query


GET Enter_name_of_index_here/_search
  "query": {
    "match_phrase": {
      "Specify the field you want to search":{
        "query":"Enter search terms"


GET news_headlines/_search
  "query": {
    "match_phrase": {
        "query":"Shape of You"

When the match_phrase parameter is used, all hits must meet the following criteria:

  1. the search terms "Shape", "of", and "you" must appear in the headline field.
  2. the terms must appear in that order.
  3. the terms must appear next to each other.

Expected response from Elasticsearch:

With match_phrase parameter, we get 3 hits returned. All 3 hits satisfy the criteria mentioned above.

The match_phrase parameter yields higher precision but lower recall.


Running a match query against multiple fields

When designing a query, you do not always know the context of user's search. When a user searches for "Michelle Obama", the user could be searching for statements written by Michelle Obama or articles related to her.

To accommodate these contexts, you can write a query designed search for terms in multiple fields.

This query runs a match query on each field and calculates a score for each field. Then it assigns the highest score among the fields to the document.


GET Enter_the_name_of_the_index_here/_search
  "query": {
    "multi_match": {
      "query":"Enter search terms here",
      "fields": [
        "List the field you want to search over",
        "List the field you want to search over",
        "List the field you want to search over"

Example: Find the search terms "Michelle" and "Obama" in the headline, short_description, and author fields.

GET news_headlines/_search
  "query": {
    "multi_match": {
      "query":"Michelle Obama",
      "fields": [

Expected response from Elasticsearch:

We see 3044 hits that contain "Michelle Obama" in the headline or short_description or author field. While the multi_match query increased the recall, it decreased the precision of the hits.

An article featuring Bernie Sanders as the main topic is pulled up as a top hit for a search regarding Michelle Obama. In this article, Michelle Obama is mentioned once in the short description.


Per-field boosting

Articles mentioning "Michelle Obama" in the headline are more likely to be related to our search than the articles that mention "Michelle Obama" once or twice in the short_description.

To improve the precision of your search, you can designate one field to carry more weight more than others.

This can be done by boosting the score of the field headline using the carat(^) symbol.


GET Enter_the_name_of_the_index_here/_search
  "query": {
    "multi_match": {
      "query":"Enter search terms",
      "fields": [
        "List field you want to boost^2",
        "List field you want to search over",
        "List field you want to search over"


GET news_headlines/_search
  "query": {
    "multi_match": {
      "query":"Michelle Obama",
      "fields": [

Expected response from Elasticsearch:

Per-field boosting yields same number of hits(5128). However, it changed the ranking of the hits. The hits ranked higher on the list have Michelle Obama in the boosted field, headline.

These articles are more likely to be about Michelle Obama and we have improved the precision of our search!


What happens when you use the multi_match query to search for a phrase?

While searching for Michelle Obama, the user remembers that she is throwing a party for all of her friends this weekend. She searches for articles regarding party planning to get some ideas for it.

GET news_headlines/_search
  "query": {
    "multi_match": {
      "query":"party planning",
      "fields": [

Response from Elasticsearch:

This query yields a lot of hits(2846). This happens because the terms "party" or "planning" are popular terms. With the multi_match query, a document is considered as a hit if any one of these search terms were found in any of these fields in any way shape or form. Because of this wide net, you will see irrelevant search results included among the hits.


Improving precision with phrase type match

You can improve the precision of a multi_match query by adding a phrase type match in the query. The phrase type performs a match_phrase query on each field and calculates a score for each field. Then it assigns the best score to the document.


GET Enter_the_name_of_the_index_here/_search
  "query": {
    "multi_match": {
      "query":"Enter search phrase",
      "fields": [
        "List field you want to boost^2",
        "List field you want to search over",
        "List field you want to search over"
        "type": "phrase"

Example: Look up the phrase "party planning" in the fields headline and short_description. Assign a higher score to documents containing the phrase "party planning" in the headline field.

GET news_headlines/_search
  "query": {
    "multi_match": {
      "query":"party planning",
      "fields": [
        "type": "phrase"

Expected response from Elasticsearch:

The recall is much lower(6 vs 2846 hits) but every one of the hits have the phrase party planning in either the headline or short_description field or both. Among these, the hits that have the phrase party planning in the boosted field headline are ranked higher in the search results.


Combined Queries

There will be times when a user asks a multifaceted question that requires multiple queries to answer.

For example, a user may want to find political articles about Michelle Obama published before the year 2016.

This search is actually a combination of three queries:

  1. Query articles that contain "Michelle Obama" in the headline field.
  2. Query Michelle Obama articles from the "POLITICS" category.
  3. Query Michelle Obama articles published before the year 2016

One of the ways you can combine these queries is through a bool query.

Bool Query

The bool query is a query that matches documents matching boolean combinations of other queries.

There are four clauses to choose from:

  1. must
  2. must_not
  3. should
  4. filter

You can build combinations of one or more of these clauses. Each clause can contain one or multiple queries that specify the criteria of each clause.

These clauses are optional and can be mixed and matched to cater to your use case. The order in which they appear does not matter either!


GET name_of_index/_search
  "query": {
    "bool": {
      "must": [
        {One or more queries can be specified here. A document MUST match all of these queries to be considered as a hit.}
      "must_not": [
        {A document must NOT match any of the queries specified here. It it does, it is excluded from the search results.}
      "should": [
        {A document does not have to match any queries specified here. However, it if it does match, this document is given a higher score.}
      "filter": [
        {These filters(queries) place documents in either yes or no category. Ones that fall into the yes category are included in the hits. }

A combination of query and aggregation request

A bool query can help you answer multi-faceted questions.

To understand what type of questions we can ask about Michelle Obama, we need to first understand what articles have been written about her.

One way to understand that is by searching for categories of articles that mention Michelle Obama.


GET Enter_name_of_the_index_here/_search
  "query": {
    "Enter match or match_phrase here": { "Enter the name of the field": "Enter the value you are looking for" }
  "aggregations": {
    "Name your aggregation here": {
      "Specify aggregation type here": {
        "field": "Name the field you want to aggregate here",
        "size": State how many buckets you want returned here

Example: Query all data that has the phrase "Michelle Obama" in the headline. Then perform aggregations on the queried data and extract all categories that exist in the queried data.

GET news_headlines/_search
  "query": {
    "match_phrase": { 
      "headline": "Michelle Obama"
  "aggregations": {
    "category_mentions": {
      "terms": {
       "field": "category",
       "size": 100

Expected reponse from Elasticsearch:

When you minimize hits field(line 10), you will see an aggregations report called category_mentions. This report displays an array of all the categories that exist in the queried data and the number of articles that have been written about each category.

We see that Michelle Obama has been written about diverse topics such as politics, black voices, parenting, taste, and even weddings!


The must clause

The must clause defines all the queries(criteria) a document MUST match to be returned as hits. These criteria are expressed in the form of one or multiple queries. All queries in the must clause must be satisfied for a document to be returned as a hit. As a result, having more queries in the must clause will increase the precision of your query.


GET Enter_name_of_the_index_here/_search
  "query": {
    "bool": {
      "must": [
        "Enter match or match_phrase here": {
          "Enter the name of the field": "Enter the value you are looking for" 
          "Enter match or match_phrase here": {
            "Enter the name of the field": "Enter the value you are looking for" 


GET news_headlines/_search
  "query": {
    "bool": {
      "must": [
        "match_phrase": {
          "headline": "Michelle Obama"
          "match": {
            "category": "POLITICS"

Expected response from Elasticsearch:

You will get 45 hits. All documents will contain "Michelle Obama" in the headline field and "POLITICS" in the category field. image

The must_not clause

The must_not clause defines queries(criteria) a document MUST NOT match to be included in the search results.


GET Enter_name_of_the_index_here/_search
  "query": {
    "bool": {
      "must": [
        "Enter match or match_phrase here": {
          "Enter the name of the field": "Enter the value you are looking for" 
          "Enter match or match_phrase here": {
            "Enter the name of the field": "Enter the value you are looking for"

Example: All hits must contain Michelle Obama in the headline field. Documents must_not contain the term weddings in the category field.

GET news_headlines/_search
  "query": {
    "bool": {
      "must": {
        "match_phrase": {
          "headline": "Michelle Obama"
          "match": {
            "category": "WEDDINGS"

Expected response from Elasticsearch:

This query increases the recall(203 hits). This query pulls up all hits that contain "Michelle Obama" in the headline field. Among the hits, Elasticsearch excludes all documents that has the term "WEDDINGS" in the category field.


The should clause

The should clause adds "nice to have" queries(criteria). The documents do not need to match the "nice to have" queries to be considered as hits. However, the ones that do will be given a higher score so it shows up higher in the search results.


GET Enter_name_of_the_index_here/_search
  "query": {
    "bool": {
      "must": [
        "Enter match or match_phrase here: {
          "Enter the name of the field": "Enter the value you are looking for" 
          "Enter match or match_phrase here": {
            "Enter the name of the field": "Enter the value you are looking for"

Example: During the Black History Month, it is possible that the user is looking up Michelle Obama in the context of "BLACK VOICES" category rather than in the context of "WEDDINGS", "TASTE", or "STYLE" categories.

All hits MUST contain Michelle Obama in the headline field. Having the phrase "BLACK VOICES" in the category is not required. However, if a document contains the phrase "BLACK VOICES" in the category field, this document will be given a higher score and shown higher in the search results.

GET news_headlines/_search
  "query": {
    "bool": {
      "must": [
        "match_phrase": {
          "headline": "Michelle Obama"
          "match_phrase": {
            "category": "BLACK VOICES"

Expected response:

We should still get same number of hits(207) as the should clause does not add or exclude more hits. However, you will notice that the ranking of the documents has been changed. The documents with "BLACK VOICES" in the category field are now presented towards the top of the search results.


The filter clause

The filter clause contains filter queries that place documents in either "yes" or "no" category.

For example, let's say you are looking for an article written in certain time range. Some documents will fall within this range(yes) or do not fall within this range(no).

The filter clause only includes documents that fall in the yes category.


GET Enter_name_of_the_index_here/_search
  "query": {
    "bool": {
      "must": [
        "Enter match or match_phrase here": {
          "Enter the name of the field": "Enter the value you are looking for" 
             "date": {
               "gte": "Enter lowest value of the range here",
               "lte": "Enter highest value of the range here"

Example: All hits must include the phrase "Michelle Obama" in the headline. Among these hits, exclude any documents that have not published between the date range "2014-03-25" and "2016-03-25".

GET news_headlines/_search
  "query": {
    "bool": {
      "must": [
        "match_phrase": {
          "headline": "Michelle Obama"
             "date": {
               "gte": "2014-03-25",
               "lte": "2016-03-25"

Expected response from Elasticsearch:

You will see 33 hits returned. All hits have been published between the date range we specified under the filter clause.

Fine-tuning the relevance of bool queries

There are many ways you can fine-tune the relevance of bool queries. One of the ways is to add multiple queries under the should clause.

Adding multiple queries under the should clause This approach ensures that you maintain a high recall but also offers a way to present more precise search results towards the top.


GET Enter_name_of_the_index_here/_search
  "query": {
    "bool": {
      "must": [
        {"Enter match or match_phrase here": {"Enter the name of the field": "Enter the value you are looking for"}}
          {"Enter match or match_phrase here": {"Enter the name of the field": "Enter the value you are looking for"}},
          {"Enter match or match_phrase here": {"Enter the name of the field": "Enter the value you are looking for"}},
          {"Enter match or match_phrase here": {"Enter the name of the field": "Enter the value you are looking for"}}

Example: Let's say you want to run a search for articles with the phrase "Michelle Obama" in the headline field. But you want to favor articles that mention her biography "Becoming", and terms like "women" and "empower".

To do this, you can add multiple queries in the should clause.

This will cast a wide net because none of the queries in the should clause need to match. However, the ones that match the queries under the should clause will be given a higher score.

This approach allows you to maintain a high recall but also gives you a way to customize the precision of top hits.


GET news_headlines/_search
  "query": {
    "bool": {
      "must": [
        {"match_phrase": {"headline": "Michelle Obama"}}
          {"match": {"headline": "Becoming"}},
          {"match": {"headline": "women"}},
          {"match": {"headline": "empower"}}

Expected response from Elasticsearch:

Adding many queries under the should clause did not reduce the number of hits(207). However, it favored documents that match the queries in the should clause, improving the precision of top search results.

