heinrich10 / authservice

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Archived... please refer to the new repo auth-service


How to run


  1. execute npm install to install dependencies
  2. execute node index to run the server, it will listen on port 6010


  1. execute npm install to install dependencies
  2. execute INTERFACE=grpc node index to run the server, it will listen to port 6010

How to run in docker

  1. build the project using docker build -t authservice:latest .
  2. once build is successful, execute docker run -it -p 6010:6010 -d authservice:latest
  3. to use the gRPC interface, add the line ENV INTERFACE grpc to the Dockerfile or use docker run -it -e INTERFACE=grpc -p 6010:6010 -d authservice:latest

Running the test

  • to run integration, test execute npm test:integration
  • to run unit test, execute npm test:unit
  • to run both, execute npm test


GET /check


    status: true

POST /register

request body

    "username": "user1",
    "password": "password,

response body

    "token": "alkaljv"
    "refreshToken: "asdasdasd"

POST /login

request body

    "username": "user1",
    "password": "password,

sample response

    "success": true

gRPC .register


    "username": "user1",
    "password": "password"


    "status": 201,
    "message": "success"

gRPC .login


    "username": "user1",
    "password": "password"


    "status": 200,
    "token": "kajlkjfldajfb",
    "refreshToken": "apjapvjp"


There are 2 settings that can be configured by supplying ENV vars:

  • PORT: port where the app listens to (default: 6010). note: you have to change the EXPOSE on the Dockerfile.
  • INTERFACE: rest or grpc (default: rest)

example: executing PORT=3001 INTERFACE=grpc node index will make the app listen to port 3001 and use the grpc interface



  • kubernetes cluster
  • a running ambassador instance

execute kubectl apply -f ./deploy/deploy.yml. you should be able to access the api endpoints with http://${AMBASSADOR_IP}/auth/

example: GET http://localhost/auth/check would let you check if server is running.


  • To make it simple, I did not add configuration files. If I need to add it, I would probably use dotenv.
  • This uses registry pattern to inject the db.
  • I used rsa256 auth type for jwt, where there is a private key to sign the issued token and a public key to verify its signature.
  • I know it is not a good practice to upload the key files to the repo but this is the easiest way as of the moment.
  • There are a lot of ways to manage this key file, a way I used before is aws ssm, another way could be using hashi corp vault.
  • Separating unit and integration my seem trivial in this repo, but in production it makes more sense because there will be more files (even on microservices, it won't be this small).



Language:JavaScript 98.9%Language:Dockerfile 1.1%