heggy231 / wdi-capstone-project-4-zom

Zom app that helps you fall asleep as you write away all your noisy mind

Home Page:https://zom-postgres.herokuapp.com/posts/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Project 4 - Final Capstone Project

Motivation to build this project?

Have you experienced not being able to fall into sleep? Do you remember why? Top 1 reason why most people can't sleep is that they think too much in bed.

I suffered from insomnia where I couldn't sleep for 2 straight weeks. While looking all over to find how to fall asleep, I ran into Goodnight mind book by Dr. Carney who is one of Canada's leading experts in psychological treatments for insomnia. Following that book cured me of insomnia. Today, I am presenting you with one of most effective technique that I learned that helped me go to sleep.

  • Goal: Zom app is a private space for sleepless to brain dump all of their worries and quiet down their mind.


Technology Python Flask Peewee SQL Stack

  • Flask: Flask as the core framework for Python.

  • Peewee: object-relational mapper (ORM) implementation for bridging relational data and Python objects.

  • Jinja: designer-friendly templating language for Python

  • SQLite: Lib that implements small, fast, self-contained, high-reliability, full-featured, SQL database engine

Other Technologies Used
  • JWT | bcrypt - Authentication
    • A JSON web token, encrypted container format that is used to securely transfer information between two parties. JWTs are credentials, which can grant access to resources.
  • Cookies - Registering login time
  • Twitter API - Share my diary


Process/ Approach

  • Research

  • User Story

    • User can visit / to see a landing page (signin.html).
    • User can Login or Register.
    • Logged in User can post diary from landing page (signin.html).
    • Logged in User can navigate to user's profile (posts.html).
    • Logged in User can create/edit/update/delete User's diary entries from User's profile page (posts.html).
    • Logged in User can see User's list of diary posts on profile page (posts.html)
    • Logged in User with a post can view User's post (posts/id.html)
    • Logged in User can logout and be redirected to signin page.
  • Wireframes

Wireframes Mobile

Wireframes Desktop

  • ERD (Entity Relationship Diagram)


  • System Architecture system architecture

  • Sprint 1: Back-End Build Out

    • Define Peewee, WTForms
    • Define login, DB
    • Create Models
    • JWT, bcrypt Auth
    • Sign In/Out
    • Collect user data logic
    • Visualize data
  • Sprint 2: Front-End Jinja Templating

    • Create Routes, Controllers
    • Back-End Testing
    • Use Postman to test all CRUD (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE)
    • Skeleton- create forms
    • Logic/Functionality
    • Test Front-End, Back-End connection
    • Heroku
  • Sprint 3: Front-End Polish, documentation

    • Mobile first styling
    • README.md
    • Presentation slides
    • Fonts/Styles/CSS
    • UI/UX, Flow etc
    • Navbar overlay, animation
    • Built out, test
    • Responsive check


Unsolved Problems

  • Notifications: Flash Error message to show up as modal.
  • Help robots
  • Hover effect chartJS
  • Desktop UI
  • Deploy with secret key hidden on heroku
  • Deploy with Postgres and still working

Code blocks...

user login time


edit route




Catch the login time data. At first create a new column on User DB but Python told me user properties are not set yet. I went for new direction of setting the cookie.
Focus on one thing at a time. jQuery not listening with Flask. Heroku with Postgres DB Learning to switch gear from Python, Jinja, Peewee


Step-by-step...was able to move forward by breaking into small bite-size chunks. Learned how Jinja templating, how data gets passed between routes. I got real good at redirect, URL_For. Try it even though I am not sure if it will work and build as I get yelled by Python. Build locally, from the ground up, not from a tutorial!


To everyone, especially the instructors- Isha, Dalton, Brock!


Zom app that helps you fall asleep as you write away all your noisy mind



Language:HTML 40.7%Language:Python 36.4%Language:CSS 22.6%Language:JavaScript 0.3%