Download or Clone this repo on your local machine
- Create your IBM Cloud Account at If you already have an IBM Cloud Account, login here
- Provision your IBM Watson Assistant at Name your IBM Watson Assistant service and Click on create.
- Click on launch Watson Assitant to open the tool.
- Then Click on "Create assistant" Button to create your IBM Watson Assistant.
- Name your assistant. If you want, you can give description for ypur assistant.
- Click on "Add an actions or dialog skill"
- Go to "upload skill" tab and choose the skill-Room-Booking.json
- We completed the chatbot. Let's set our IBM Cloud Function to send an email when someone sends a booking request. Go to and Click on "Create" Button and click on "Action"
- Prove a name for your Action. Leave "Enclosing Package" as default. And Choose python 3.7 as your runtime. Then Finally, Click on "Create".
- You will see a Text area to enter your python code. Just copy the python from and past it in the text area of IBM Cloud Funtion.
- Now go to your Google Account Security at Enable 2 step verification. Then Go to "App password" under "Signing in to Google".
- Select "Mail" as app and "Other" as "Other" as device. Enter any name for your custom device. example: IBM Cloud Fumction
- Copy the app password and back to our IBM Cloud Function. Enter the app password in the python program on 10 line.
- Click on "Endponits" from the side bar of IBM Cloud Function Action Click on "Enable as Web Action" and Copy the URL.
- Come Back to your IBM Watson Assistant. Go to "Option > Webhooks" from the side bar of your IBM Watson Assistant. Then past the URL (Note: Add .json at the end of the URL).
That's it. We have successfully developed our AI Room Booking Chatbot. If you have any questions, Contact me at