hector-valdivia / material-adaptive

Adaptive template development with Angular Material

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Material Adaptive

This is the github repository for the code used in the Pesto and Shrine adaptive layout demos available in http://design.google.com/resizer/

Our demos were built using Angular 1.x and the Angular Material library.

You can also view them as standalone examples:


Our goals for creating these Material Adaptive applications are:

  • Validate ease-of-use to create applications with Angular Material
  • Test implementations of adaptive layouts with Angular Material
  • Provide both applications and code as sample for developer starter project
  • Demonstrate code styles and best practices



Adaptive template development with Angular Material


Language:JavaScript 57.6%Language:CSS 29.5%Language:HTML 12.9%