heathersherry / Knowledge-Graphs-and-Data-Integration-in-Database-Conferences-2019

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Knowledge Graphs and Data Integration in Database Conferences (2019)

VLDB 2019

  1. User Guidance for Efficient Fact Checking [PDF]
  2. Efficient Knowledge Graph Accuracy Evaluation [PDF] [techical reprot]
  3. Snuba: Automating Weak Supervision to Label Training Data [PDF]
  4. Ontology-based Entity Matching in Attributed Graphs [PDF, more similar to a graph paper]
  5. Meta-Mappings for Schema Mapping Reuse [PDF]
  6. Subjective Databases [PDF]
  7. Embedded Functional Dependencies and Data-completeness Tailored Database Design [PDF]
  8. Tutorial: Combating Fake News: A Data Management and Mining Perspective [Link]
  9. Tutorial: Data Lake Management: Challenges and Opportunities [Link]
  10. Buckle: Evaluating Fact Checking Algorithms Built on Knowledge Bases [PDF, demo]
  11. Spade: A Modular Framework for Analytical Exploration of RDF Graphs [PDF, demo]
  12. SystemER: A Human-in-the-loop System for Explainable Entity Resolution [PDF, demo]
  13. PivotE: Revealing and Visualizing the Underlying Entity Structures for Exploration [PDF, demo]

Some interesting papers in other topics:

  1. A Distributed System for Large-scale n-gram Language Models at Tencent [PDF, industrial track]
  2. Rafiki: Machine Learning as an Analytics Service System [PDF]
  3. Local Algorithms for Hierarchical Dense Subgraph Discovery [PDF]
  4. Towards a Unified Framework for String Similarity Joins [PDF]
  5. Efficient Algorithms for Densest Subgraph Discovery [PDF]
  6. Exploring Change – A New Dimension of Data Analytics [PDF]

KDD 2019

  1. Estimating Node Importance in Knowledge Graphs Using Graph Neural Networks [Paper, Presentation]
  2. KGAT: Knowledge Graph Attention Network for Recommendation [Paper, Presentation]
  3. Knowledge-aware Graph Neural Networks with Label Smoothness Regularization for Recommender Systems [Paper, Presentation]
  4. The Role of “Condition”: A Novel Scientific Knowledge Graph Representation and Construction Model [Paper, Presentation]
  5. Universal Representation Learning of Knowledge Bases by Jointly Embedding Instances and Ontological Concepts[Paper, Presentation]
  6. AKUPM: Attention-Enhanced Knowledge-Aware User Preference Model for Recommendation [Paper, applied science track]
  7. Constructing High Precision Knowledge Bases with Subjective and Factual Attributes [Paper, Presentation, applied science track]
  8. Towards Knowledge-Based Personalized Product Description Generation in E-commerce [Paper, applied science track]
  9. How to Invest my Time: Lessons from HITL Entity Extraction [Presentation, applied science track]
  10. OAG: Toward Linking Large-scale Heterogeneous Entity Graphs [Paper, applied science track]


  1. Progressive Deep Web Crawling Through Keyword Queries For Data Enrichment [PDF]
  2. HoloDetect: Few-Shot Learning for Error Detection [PDF]
  3. Entity Matching Meets Data Science: A Progress Report from the Magellan Project [PDF, industrial track]
  4. Automatically Generating Interesting Facts from Wikipedia Tables [PDF, industrial track]

Some interesting papers in other topics:

  1. Answering Why-questions by Exemplars in Attributed Graphs [PDF]
  2. DeepBase: Deep Inspection of Neural Networks [PDF]
  3. Verifying Text Summaries of Relational Data Sets [PDF]
  4. An End-to-End Automatic Cloud Database Tuning System Using Deep Reinforcement Learning [PDF]
  5. SkinnerDB: Regret-Bounded Query Evaluation via Reinforcement Learning [PDF][VLDB2018 short version]
  6. AI Meets AI: Leveraging Query Executions to Improve Index Recommendations [PDF]
  7. PRSim: Sublinear Time SimRank Computation on Large Power-Law Graphs [PDF]

ICDE 2019

  1. Unsupervised String Transformation Learning for Entity Consolidation [PDF]
  2. MIDAS: Finding the Right Web Sources to Fill Knowledge Gaps [PDF]
  3. NSCaching: Simple and Efficient Negative Sampling for Knowledge Graph Embedding [PDF]
  4. Knowledge Graphs and Enterprise AI: The Promise of an Enabling Technology [PDF, keynote]
  5. Canonicalization of Open Knowledge Bases with Side Information from the Source Text [PDF]
  6. Towards the Completion of a Domain-Specific Knowledge Base with Emerging Query Terms [PDF]
  7. WebPut: A Web-Aided Data Imputation System for the General Type of Missing String Attribute Values [PDF, demo]
  8. EXPLAINER: Entity Resolution Explanations [PDF, best demo]
  9. Demonstrating Spindra: A Geographic Knowledge Graph Management System [PDF, demo]
  10. Entity Integrity, Referential Integrity, and Query Optimization with Embedded Uniqueness Constraints [Paper, short paper]
  11. Top-K Entity Resolution with Adaptive Locality-Sensitive Hashing [Paper, short paper]

Some interesting papers in other topics:

  1. Answering Why-Questions for Subgraph Queries in Multi-Attributed Graphs [PDF]
  2. A semi-supervised framework of clustering selection for de-duplication [PDF]
  3. An Efficient Parallel Keyword Search Engine on Knowledge Graphs [PDF]
  4. Discovering Maximal Motif Cliques in Large Heterogeneous Information Networks [PDF]
  5. Finding Densest Lasting Subgraphs in Dynamic Graphs: a Stochastic Approach [PDF]
  6. Lazo: A Cardinality-Based Method for Coupled Estimation of Jaccard Similarity and Containment [PDF]
  7. Adaptive Dynamic Bipartite Graph Matching: A Reinforcement Learning Approach [Paper]
  8. RecovDB: accurate and efficient missing blocks recovery for large time series [Paper, demo]
  9. AI Pro: Data Processing Framework for AI Models [PDF, demo]

TKDE 2019

  1. Collective Keyword Query on a Spatial Knowledge Base
  2. Distribution-Aware Crowdsourced Entity Collection
  3. Pair-Linking for Collective Entity Disambiguation: Two Could Be Better Than All
  4. Schema-Agnostic Progressive Entity Resolution
  5. Normalization of Duplicate Records from Multiple Sources

VLDBJ 2019

