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TNT Re-implementation 🚗

Paper: TNT: Target-driveN Trajectory Prediction

Note. If you cannot see the formulation correctly, you need to install this plugin in Chrome

This paper focus on the task of future trajectory prediction for moving road agents, where both the states and the targets are represented by their physical locations $(x_t, y_t)$.

It total contains 4 parts:

  1. Scene context encoding.

    Since HD map is available, it use the VectorNet to encode the context. Specifically, polylines are used to abstract the HD map elements $c_P$ (lanes, traffic signs) and agent trajectories $s_P$; a subgraph network is applied to encode each polyline, which contains a variable number of vectors; then a global graph is used to model the interactions between polylines. The output is a global context feature $x$ for each modeled agent.

  2. Target prediction

    It models the potential future targets:

    $$ T = {\tau^n } = {(x^n,y^n) + (\Delta x^n, \Delta y^n) }_{n=1}^N $$

    The distribution over targets can be modeled via a discrete-continuous factorization:

    $$ p(\tau^n | x) = \pi (\tau^n | x) \cdot \mathcal{N} (\Delta x^n | v_x^n (x)) \cdot \mathcal{N} (\Delta y^n | v_y^n (x)) $$

    The loss function for training this stage is given by

    $$ \mathcal{L_{S1}} = \mathcal{L_{cls}} (\pi, u) + \mathcal{L_{offset}} (v_x, v_y, \Delta x^u, \Delta y^u) $$

  3. Target-conditioned motion estimation

    It models the likelihood of a trajectory given a target as $p(s_F|\tau, x) = \prod_{t=1}^T p(s_t|\tau, x)$. It takes context feature $x$ and a target location $\tau$ as input, and outputs one most likely future trajectory $[\hat{s_1}, \dots, \hat{s_T}]$ per target. During training stage, it applies a teacher forcing technique by feeding the ground truth location $(x^u, y^u)$ as target. The loss term for this stage is the distance between predicted states $\hat{s_t}$ and ground truth $s_t$ :

    $$ \mathcal{L_{S2}} = \sum_{t=1}^T \mathcal{L_{reg}} (\hat{s_t}, s_t) $$

    where $\mathcal{L}_{reg}$ is implemented as Huber loss over per-step coordinate offsets.

  4. Trajectory scoring and selection

    It use a maximum entropy model to score all the $M$ trajectories from the second stage: $$ \phi(s_F | x) = \frac{\exp(g(s_F, x))}{\sum_{m=1}^M \exp (g(s_F^m, x))} $$ the ground truth score of each predicted trajectory is defined by its distance to ground truth trajectory $$ \psi(s_F) = \frac{\exp (-D(s,s_{GT})/ \alpha)}{\sum_{s'} \exp (-D(s', s_{GT})/ \alpha)} $$ The loss function for training this stage is the cross entropy between the predicted scores and ground truth scores:

    $$ \mathcal{L_{S3}} = \mathcal{L_{CE}} (\phi(s_F | x), \psi(s_F)) $$

    Then we first sort the trajectories according to their score in descending order, and then pick them greedily; if one trajectory is distant enough from all the selected trajectories, we select it as well, otherwise exclude it.

The total loss function is as follow:

$$ \mathcal{L} = \lambda_1 \mathcal{L_{S1}} + \lambda_2 \mathcal{L_{S2}} + \lambda_3 \mathcal{L_{S3}} $$

The total framework is as follows:


At inference time, it works as follows:

  1. encode context;
  2. sample N target candidates as input to the target predictor, take the top $M$ targets as estimated by $\pi(\tau | x)$;
  3. take the MAP trajectory for each of the $M$ targets from motion estimation model $p(s_F | \tau, x)$;
  4. score the $M$ trajectories by $\phi(s_F|\tau, x)$ and select a final set of $K$ trajectories.

Table of Contents


Training on Linux server; CUDA version 10.1

pytorch == 1.7.1, torchvision==0.8.2, torchaudio==0.7.2, cudatoolkit=10.1

apt-get install -y python3-opencv

pip install opencv-python

And need to install the argoverse-api. Except follow these instructions in the offical web, there are still others package need to install. If you encounter this error:

ImportError: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

You need to follow these instructions:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install libgl1-mesa-glx


After configuring the Environment, you can follow the instruments below to train the model end-to-end.

  1. download the dataset from the website, notice that we are predicting the agent trajectory, you need to download the Argoverse Motion Forecasting and pull the data in the root path of this repository.

    An example folder structure:

    | -- TNT
    |    | -- Dataset
    |    | -- eval
    |    | -- ...
    |    | --
    | -- train
    |    | -- data
    |         | -- *.csv
    | -- val
    |    | -- data
    |         | -- *.csv
    | -- test
    |    | -- data
    |         | -- *.csv

    or you can add the suffix --train_data_locate or --val_data_locate when running the code to specify the data location manually.

  2. After preparing the data, you can begin to train the model. And there are several parameters which you can add to the suffix when running the training code and you can refer the table to look at each parameters meaning.

    Simple training code just as follows:

    python --gpu 0 --batch_size 12 --num_worker 6

    notice that this repository only supports for single-GPU running, and you can specify which gpu card to use.

  3. infer the model.

    Simple training code just as follows:

    python --gpu 0

Note. The root name of this repository do not to be changed, or it cannot find the save path. Keep this repository name TNT.

Note. it's better to set the num_worker as 0 since if being set more than 0, it will occur some unexpected bugs. The reason may be that it is complex in the dataloader and due to my little knowledge, I cannot make it to become parallel.

Note. In order to deal with the dataset, I manually remove those map data whose length is not equal 18 in order to pack it as torch.tensor where every data dimension must be the same.

Results and Visualization


	auther = 		{Shengchao Hu},
	title = 		{TNT Re-implementation},
	howpublished = 	        {\url{}},
	year = 			{2021}


Name Default meaning
N 1000 over-sample number of target candidates
M 50 keep a small number for processing
alpha 0.01 the temperature in scoring psi
last_observe 30 the last observe in the trajectory for the agent
total_step 49 the total step in the trajectory for the agent
batch_size 2 the batch size for the training stage
gpu 0 if the device is cuda then which card to use
lambda_1 0.1 the weight for the loss1
lambda_2 1.0 the weight for the loss2
lambda_3 0.1 the weight for the loss3
K 6 the final number of candidate trajectory
min_distance 0.5 the min distance in selection stage
seed 12345 the seed to init the random
learning_rate 0.001 the learning rate for the optimizer
train_data_locate ../train/data the train dataset root directory
val_data_locate ../val/data the val dataset root directory
test_data_locate ../test/data the test dataset root directory
num_worker 0 the num worker for the data loader
epochs 50 the num epochs for the training
steps_to_print 10 the steps to print the loss
epochs_to_save 1 the num epochs to save the model
resume None the pretrained model to reload
ft True fine-tuning in optimizer
miss_threshold 2.0 The miss threshold in the eval stage for the MR


  1. The VectorNet re-implementation refers to this repo.
  2. Hang Zhao, Jiyang Gao, Tian Lan, Chen Sun, Benjamin Sapp, Balakrishnan Varadarajan, Yue Shen, Yi Shen, Yuning Chai, Cordelia Schmid, et al. Tnt: Target-driven trajectory prediction. arXiv preprint arXiv:2008.08294, 2020.



Language:Python 100.0%