headzoo / surf

Stateful programmatic web browsing in Go.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Could you move the docs to godoc?

abhi18av opened this issue · comments

Hey @headzoo

I wanted to add this to the awesome-go list but the requirement is of

  • github.com repo:
  • godoc.org:
  • goreportcard.com:
  • coverage service link (gocover, coveralls etc.):

Could you help me out with this commit?

Hi, godoc.org documents packages automatically. https://godoc.org/github.com/headzoo/surf Are you asking whether I can write better inline documentation for the godoc tool?

Ah, right. I'm such a noob sometimes 😄

Well, could you just add that badge/link to the docs on the Readme ?

Added. Also thanks for pointing out goreportcart.com. I didn't even know it existed. Pretty cool.

Thanks :)