headzoo / ruqqus-plus

Enhancements for ruqqus.com

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Ruqqus Plus

Browser extension that provides enhancements for ruqqus.com.


Chrome https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ruqqus-plus/ldjlnflajiicdcmcdnmmmcidpodmijia Firefox https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/ruqqus-plus/


Yarn (> 1.22.x) or npm (> 6.x) will be needed to build the extension. Clone the repository to a directory and run the following commands (replacing yarn with npm where applicable).

yarn install
yarn run build

Which creates a directory name /build containing the built extension.

Chrome users should load the unpacked extension from the /build directory. See instructions for loading unpacked extensions.


In order to add additional functionality follow the building steps above. Use the yarn run watch command instead of yarn run build to automatically compile your changes as you make them. Extensions Reloader is recommended to quickly reload your changes.

The extension is written in ES6, React, SCSS and Bootstrap.

Most of the functionality is encapsulated within modules which can be found in the /src/js/modules directory. Modules as just classes that expose a few methods that the extension calls at different points in the extension lifecycle. A module to add target="_blank" to post links might look like this.

import Module from './Module';

 * Opens posts in a new tab.
export default class NewTabModule extends Module {
   * Returns whether the module should be enabled by default. Should
   * return a truthy or falsy value.
   * @returns {number}
  static isEnabledByDefault = () => {
    return 1;

   * Returns the label displayed on the extensions settings page next
   * to the checkbox to turn the module on or off.
   * @returns {string}
  getLabel = () => {
    return 'Open posts in new tab';

   * Called from the extension content script on page load
  execContentContext = () => {
    document.querySelectorAll('.card-title a').forEach((link) => {
      link.setAttribute('target', '_blank');

Once created the module must be registered by adding it to /src/js/modules/index.js.

The following is the full list of module methods the extension will call.

export default class Module {
   * Returns whether the module should be enabled by default. Should
   * return a truthy or falsy value.
   * @returns {number}
  static isEnabledByDefault = () => {
    return 0;

   * Returns the label displayed next to the checkbox on the settings page
   * @returns {string}
  getLabel = () => {
    return 'Does something';

   * Returns the help text displayed under the label on the settings page
   * @returns {string}
  getHelp = () => {
    return 'Explains what something does.';

   * All modules have on/off checkboxes on the extension settings page, but
   * modules may also have advanced settings which are reachable from the
   * settings page sidebar. This method returns the label used in the sidebar.
   * @returns {string} Return a falsy value when the module does not have settings
  getSettingsSidebarLabel = () => {
    return 'Tagged Users';

   * Returns the advanced settings form when applicable. The method must return
   * a React component.
   * @returns {*}
  getSettingsComponent = () => {
    const self = this;

    // Returns a React functional component. Alternatively the method
    // can return a component defined somewhere else like
    // return MyComponent;
    return () => {
      const [value, setValue] = useState('');

      useEffect(() => {
        chrome.storage.sync.get('mySettings', (resp) => {
          if (resp.mySettings.value) {
      }, []);

       * @param {Event} e
      const handleSaveClick = (e) => {

        const mySettings = { value };
        chrome.storage.sync.set({ mySettings }, () => {
          self.toastSuccess('Settings have been saved.');

      return (
        <form className="pt-2">
          <div className="mb-4">
            <h3 className="mb-3">
              My Module
            <div className="form-group">
              <label htmlFor="form-value">
                Enter a value
                onChange={(e) => setValue(e.target.value)}
          <button type="submit" className="btn btn-primary" onClick={handleSaveClick}>

   * Returns a react component that will be displayed in a modal
  getSettingsModal = () => {}

   * Called from the extension content script
   * The content script has access to the chrome extension API but does not
   * have access to the ruqqus `window` object. For example you can't access
   * window.upvote() from here.
   * This is usually where your code will go.
  execContentContext = () => {
    chrome.storage.sync.get('mySettings', (resp) => {
      if (resp.value) {

   * Called from the script injected into the page
   * Code from here has access to the ruqqus `window` object but not the
   * chrome extension API.
  execWindowContext = () => {

   * Called from the background script
  execBackgroundContext = () => {

   * Called when the extension is installed
  onInstalled = () => {

   * Called when the user exports the extension data
   * Should return all values that have been saved by the controller or module. Should
   * return a falsy value when the controller/module has nothing to export.
  exportData = () => {

   * Called when the user imports extension data
   * Will receive the values saved for the controller or module.
   * @param {*} data
  importData = (data) => {




Enhancements for ruqqus.com

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 91.5%Language:CSS 5.1%Language:HTML 3.5%