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a beta version of deep occlusion

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DOC: Deep OCclusion from a single image PDF

By Peng Wang


we propose a deep convolutional network architecture, called DOC, which detects object boundaries and estimates the occlusion relationships (i.e. which side of the boundary is foreground and which is background). Specifically, we first represent occlusion relations by a binary edge indicator, to indicate the object boundary, and an occlusion orientation variable whose direction specifies the occlusion relationships by a left-hand rule. To train and test DOC, we construct an instance occlusion boundary dataset using PASCAL VOC images, which we call the PASCAL instance occlusion dataset (PIOD). It contains 10,000 images.


This code has been tested on Linux (Ubuntu 14.04), Matlab 2014b using K40/Titian X GPUs. The caffe code is built based on HED, with extended hdf5 data reader and orientation loss metioned in our paper.

For edge NMS, we take use of that from edge box and piotr's toolbox. lightspeed If you can not run, please recompile the edge nms part from the source.

PASCAL Instance Occlusion Dataset (PIOD)

You may download the dataset from here. Please follow the readme and use the toolkit inside for observing the occlusion labelling. The visualization code is developed based on the work of Hoiem et.al iccv07

For getting the original images, please download from the PASCAL official website.


'git clone --recursive https://github.com/pengwangucla/DOC.git'

We release a demo code how to generate occlusion edge maps for a single scale image after the provided the orientation map and edge map.

To run it:

  1. Download the dataset and put it under $root/data/

  2. Download lightspeed. Unzip and put it under $root/tools.

  3. mv $root/tools/edge_nms.m $root/tools/piotr_toolbox

  4. open matlab and run $root/demo_occ.m

For extracting the two maps (edge map and orientation map): For PIOD, we provide pre-trained orientation and edge models for PIOD. Since I use separate c++ code for network forward which is not directly hooked up with matlab, so I saved out the pre-computed result maps. Please use the way you like (either python or matlab) to forward the pre-computed model. With the image transform same as HED.

To download the full pre-computed orientation maps and edge maps for PIOD, you may down load from here and unzip it under the output folder to view all the occlusion edges.

For BSDS, the results and models are sitll under cleaning and will be released later. (But you may use our released code to retrain from the converted orientation representation of the BSDS ownership data here, tune in order to get the results)


Please follow the augmentation in HED for edge and orientation training using the sigmoid cross entropy loss and orientation loss. (Notice you may need to re-compute orientation for augmentation.)


To be released.


In the future work, we will try to combining such low level cues with high level object instance segmentation knowledge and long range context to achieve better and reasonable results.


If you find DOC useful in your research, please consider citing:

    title={DOC: Deep OCclusion estimation from a single image},
    author={Wang, Peng and Yuille, Alan},

Please issue or contact jerryking234@gmail.com if there is other problems


a beta version of deep occlusion


Language:C++ 80.6%Language:Python 9.0%Language:Cuda 4.5%Language:CMake 3.1%Language:MATLAB 1.4%Language:Makefile 0.7%Language:Shell 0.4%Language:CSS 0.3%Language:HTML 0.1%