hdiniz / vim-gradle

Create, compile and manage your Gradle projects without leaving vim!

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Create, compile and manage your Gradle projects without leaving vim!


Plug 'hdiniz/vim-gradle'

The plugin will use your project's Gradle wrapper or fallback to a Gradle installation. Some commands (:GradleInit [args], :GradleWrapper [args]) will require a Gradle installation.


By default, you Gradle project will be loaded you open vim under a Gradle project. See |autoload|. When the project is detected, the :Gradle <args> command becomes available:

:Gradle compile

Erros detected during built populate vim's quickfix window:



:Gradle[!] {args}

Compiles the project passing {args} to the Gradle binary. The build is started asynchronously and the output is redirected to a output window.

quickfix errors are provided by the Gradle init script.


Manually loads the Gradle project based on current buffer or current directory. Use when autoloading is disabled. See g:vim_gradle_autoload

:GradleInit {args}

*Requires Gradle installation

Runs gradle init {args} on current directory.

:GradleWrapper {args}

*Requires Gradle installation

Runs gradle wrapper {args} on current directory.



Default: 1

When a new buffer is open search 'build.gradle' and 'build.gradle.kts' files up on the directory tree.

If disabled, projects can be loaded via :GradleLoad.


Default: 1

Allows vim-gradle to load additional gradle init script from vim-gradle extensions.


Default: ''

Absolute path to the Gradle binary. Used for out-of-project commands and projects without a Gradle Wrapper. Overrides |g:vim_gradle_home| and $GRADLE_HOME.


Default: ''

Absolute path to a Gradle installation. Used for out-of-project commands and projects without a Gradle Wrapper. Overrides $GRADLE_HOME.


TODO: support airline parts on project files and compilation window


Extensions can hook into Gradle init scripts by defining the function:


let s:gradle_folder_path = escape( expand( '<sfile>:p:h:h:h:h' ), '\' ) . '/gradle/'

function! gradle#extensions#{extension_name}#build_scripts()
    return [s:gradle_folder_path . 'extension_name.gradle']

This can be used to define custom tasks and plugins on the project. The references scripts will load after the rootProject has been evaluated.

Java Extension Example

def errorListener = {
    def match = it =~ /([^:]+):(\d+):(\d*) (?:(e)rror|(w)arning): (.+)/
    if (match.size() > 0) {
        // Log to vim temp file
        vimLog("javac quickfix: $it")
        // Populate vim quickfix (type, file, line, column, message)
        vimQuickfix(match[0][5], match[0][1], match[0][2], match[0][3], match[0][6])
} as StandardOutputListener

allprojects { project ->
    project.afterEvaluate {
        tasks.withType(JavaCompile).each {
            // Enable javac lint options
            it.options.compilerArgs << "-Xlint:all"
            // Capture javac stderr




Create, compile and manage your Gradle projects without leaving vim!


Language:Vim Script 92.5%Language:Kotlin 4.3%Language:Java 2.9%Language:Shell 0.3%