hdhoang / stm32-hal

This library provides access to STM32 peripherals in Rust.

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Crate Docs

This library provides high-level access to STM32 peripherals. It's based on the STM32 Peripheral Access Crates generated by svd2rust. It provides a consistent API across multiple STM32 families, with minimal code repetition. This makes it easy to switch MCUs within, or across families, for a given project.

Family support: F3, F4, L4, L5, G0, G4, and H7. U5 is planned once its SVD files and PAC become available. WL and WB eventually.

Motivation: Use STM32s in real-world hardware projects. Be able to switch MCUs with minimal code change.

Design priority: Get hardware working with a robust feature set, aimed at practical uses. The freedom to choose the right MCU for each project, without changing code bases.

Both DMA (Direct Memory Access) and non-DMA APIs and examples are provided. DMA APIs provide faster and more efficient operations, while non-DMA APIs are simpler, and are compatible with embedded-hal.

Getting started

Review the syntax overview example for example uses of many of this library's features. Copy and paste its whole folder (It's set up using Knurling's app template), or copy parts of Cargo.toml and main.rs as required.

Example highlights:

use cortex_m;
use cortex_m_rt::entry;
use stm32_hal2::{
    gpio::{GpioB, PinNum, PinMode, OutputType, AltFn},
    i2c::{I2c, I2cDevice},
    timer::{Event::TimeOut, Timer},

fn main() -> ! {
    let mut cp = cortex_m::Peripherals::take().unwrap();
    let mut dp = pac::Peripherals::take().unwrap();

    let clock_cfg = Clocks::default();
    clock_cfg.setup(&mut dp.RCC, &mut dp.FLASH).unwrap();

    let mut gpiob = GpioB::new(dp.GPIOB, &mut dp.RCC);
    let mut pb15 = gpiob.new_pin(PinNum::P15, PinMode::Output);

    let mut timer = Timer::new_tim3(dp.TIM3, 0.2, &clock_cfg, &mut dp.RCC);

    let mut scl = gpiob.new_pin(PinNum::P6, PinMode::Alt(AltFn::Af4));
    scl.output_type(OutputType::OpenDrain, &mut gpiob.regs);

    let mut sda = gpiob.new_pin(PinNum::P7, PinMode::Alt(AltFn::Af4));
    sda.output_type(OutputType::OpenDrain, &mut gpiob.regs);

    let i2c = I2c::new(dp.I2C1, I2cDevice::One, 100_000, &clock_cfg, &mut dp.RCC);

    loop {
        low_power::sleep_now(&mut cp.SCB);

Why this module is different from stm32yxx-hal libraries

There are some areas where design philosophy is different. For example: GPIO type-checking, level-of-abstraction from registers/PAC, role of DMA, role of embedded-hal traits in the API, feature parity among STM32 families, and clock config.

stm32yxx-hals focus on building an API that doesn't let users configure something wrong. From a programmer's perspective, these guards aren't zero-cost: They complicate both HAL and user code, and limit functionality.

Docs caveat

The Rust docs page is built for STM32L4x3, and some aspects are not accurate for other variants. We currently don't have a good solution to this problem, and may self-host docs in the future.


PRs are encouraged. Documenting each step using reference manuals is encouraged where applicable.

Most peripheral modules use the following format:

  • Enums for various config settings, that implement #[repr(u8)] for their associated register values
  • A peripheral struct that has public fields for config. This struct also includes a private regs field that is the appropriate reg block. Where possible, this is defined generically in the implementation, eg: U: Deref<Target = pac::usart1::RegisterBlock>. Reference the stm32-rs-nightlies Github to identify when we can take advantage of this.
  • If config fields are complicated, we use a separate PeriphConfig struct owned by the peripheral struct. This struct impls Default.
  • Use raw pointers only when necessary. For example, pass &mut dp.RCC to methods when able.
  • A constructor named new that performs setup code, including RCC peripheral enable and reset
  • enable_interrupt and clear_interrupt functions, which accept an enum of interrupt type
  • Add embedded-hal implementations as required, that call native methods. Note that we design APIs based on STM32 capabilities, and apply EH traits as applicable.
  • When available, base setup and usage steps on instructions provided in Reference Manuals. These steps are copy+pasted in comments before the code that performs each one.
  • Don't use PAC convenience field settings; they're implemented inconsistently across PACs. (eg don't use something like en.enabled() - use en.set_bit().)

Example module structure:

#[derive(clone, copy)]
/// Select pulse repetition frequency. Modifies `FCRDR_CR` register, `PRF` field.
enum Prf {
    Medium = 0,
    High = 1,

#[derive(clone, copy)]
/// Available interrupts. Enabled in `FCRDR_CR`, `...IE` fields. Cleared in `FCRDR_ICR`.
enum FcRadarInterrupt {

/// Represents the Fire Control Radar peripheral.
pub struct FcRadar<F> {
    regs: F,
    pub prf: Prf,

impl<F> FcRadar<F>
    F: Deref<Target = pac::fcrdr1::RegisterBlock>,
    pub fn new(regs: R, prf: Prf, rcc: &mut pac::RCC) -> Self {
        rcc_en_reset!(apb1, fcradar1, rcc);

        regs.cr.modify(|_, w| w.prf().bit(prf as u8 != 0));        

        Self { regs, prf }

    /// Track a target. See H8 RM, section 3.3.5.
    pub fn track(&mut self, hit_num: u8) -> Self {
        // RM: "To begin tracking a target, perform the following steps:"

        // 1. Select the hit to track by setting the HIT bits in the FCRDR_TR register. 
        #[cfg(feature = "h8")]
        self.regs.tr.modify(|_, w| unsafe { w.HIT().bits(hit_num) });
        #[cfg(feature = "g5")]
        self.regs.tr.modify(|_, w| unsafe { w.HITN().bits(hit_num) });

        // 2. Begin tracking by setting the TRKEN bit in the FCRDR_TR register.
        self.regs.tr.modify(|_, w| w.TRKEN().set_bit());

        // In tracking mode, the TA flag can be monitored to make sure that the radar
        // is still tracking the target.
    /// Enable an interrupt.
    pub fn enable_interrupt(&mut self, interrupt: FcRadarInterrupt) {
        match interrupt {
            FcRadarInterrupt::TgtAcq => self.regs.cr.modify(|_, w| w.taie().set_bit()),
            FcRadarInterrupt::LostTrack => self.regs.cr.modify(|_, w| w.ltie().set_bit()),

    /// Clear an interrupt flag - run this in the interrupt's handler to prevent
    /// repeat firings.
    pub fn clear_interrupt(&mut self, interrupt: FcRadarInterrupt) {
        match interrupt {
            FcRadarInterrupt::TgtAcq => self.regs.icr.write(|w| w.tacf().set_bit()),
            FcRadarInterrupt::LostTrack => self.regs.icr.write(|w| w.ltcf().set_bit()),

/// Wrap our native methods with `embedded-hal` traits.
impl<F> embedded_hal::TargetTrack for FcRadar<F>
    F: Deref<Target = pac::fcrdr1::RegisterBlock>,
    type Error = Error;

    fn track(&mut self, track: u8) -> Result<(), Error> {
        FcRadar::track(self, track);


  • SAI, SDIO, ethernet unimplemented
  • DMA only implemented on F3, L4, G0, and G4
  • The DMA2 peripheral is unimplemented
  • DMA circular buffers unimplemented
  • Only bxCAN is implemented - the fdCAN used on newer families is unimplemented
  • USB unimplemented for H7
  • USART synchronous mode, and auto-baud-rate detection unimplemented
  • USART interrupts unimplemented on F4
  • H7 clocks are missing advanced features
  • PWM input unimplemented
  • SPI unimplemented for H7
  • CRC unimplemented for L5, F4, G0, and G4
  • Flash read/write unimplemented on H7
  • Low power timers (LPTIM) unimplemented
  • Timer 15 can't set PSC on L5 due to a PAC error that's now fixed upstream on GH
  • ADC unimplemented on F4
  • ADC3 unimplemented on H7
  • Low power modes beyond sleep and cstop aren't implemented for H7


This library provides access to STM32 peripherals in Rust.


Language:Rust 100.0%