hcoyote / rtm-cli

Remember the Milk Command Line Interface

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Remember The Milk Command Line Interface

node module: rtm-cli
GitHub repo: dwaring87/rtm-cli

This Node module provides a command line interface, written in JavaScript, for the popular Remember the Milk task list manager.



If you already have Node installed, this program can be installed via npm:

npm install -g rtm-cli

which will install the executable rtm into your $PATH.

Executable Releases

Standalone executables, that do not require a pre-existing installation of Node, are available in the Releases page.


The main usage of the program:

  Usage: rtm [options] <command> [command arguments]


      -V, --version            output the version number
      -p, --plain              do not use styled/colored text (overrides --color)
      -c, --color              force the use of styled/colored text
      -s, --status             toggle the display of the status spinner
      -x, --completed [value]  set display of completed tasks (true/false/number of days)
      -d, --hideDue [value]    hide tasks due more than n days from today (false/number of days)
      -f, --config [file]      specify configuration file
      -h, --help               output usage information


      add|a [task...]                     Add a new Task
      addList|al [name] [filter...]       Add a new List or Smart List
      addTags|at [index] [tags...]        Add one or more tags to a Task
      comp|x [indices...]                 Complete one or more Tasks
      decPri|- [indices...]               Decrease the Priority of one or more Tasks
      due [index] [due...]                Set the Due Date of a Task
      edit [index] [name...]              Change the name of a Task
      incPri|+ [indices...]               Increase the Priority of one or more Tasks
      lists|l                             Display all lists
      login                               Add RTM User information
      logout                              Remove RTM User information
      ls [filter...]                      List all tasks sorted first by list then by priority
      lsd [filter...]                     List all tasks sorted first by due date then by priority
      lsp [filter...]                     List all tasks sorted first by priority then due date
      move|mv [index] [list...]           Move Task to a different List
      planner [options] [filter...]       Display tasks in a weekly planner (--start: sun, mon, today)
      postpone|pp [indices...]            Postpone one or more Tasks
      pri|p [index] [priority]            Change Task Priority
      remove|rm [indices...]              Remove one or more Tasks
      removeList|rml [name...]            Remove a List
      removeTags|rmt [index] [tags...]    Remove one or more tags from a Task
      renameList|mvl [oldName] [newName]  Rename a List
      reset                               Reset cached task indices
      tags|t                              Display all tags
      uncomp|unc [indices...]             Mark one or more Tasks as not complete
      whoami                              Display RTM user information
      today                               Display tasks with a priority, due or completed today, or overdue

Interactive Mode

An interactive mode is started when no commands are given to rtm, which allows commands to be given sequentially.

Use the quit command to leave the interactive mode.


Plain Output: --plain, -p

Display output text without any styling and/or colors. This option overrides the default in the configuration files.

Note: This option overrides --color, if provided, and will disable the status/spinner text.

Default: Display styled/colored output.

Styled Output: --color, -c

Force the display of output text using special styling and/or colors. This option overrides the default in the configuration files.

Default: Display styled/colored output.

Status Text: --status, -s

Toggle the display of the status/spinner text messages. This option will toggle the default value in the configuration files.

Note: When status messages are disabled, error messages will not be displayed and any errors encountered will be silently ignored.

Default: Display status/spinner messages.

Completed Tasks: --completed [value], -x [value]

Specify how completed tasks should be displayed. This option overrides the default in the configuration files. Valid values include:

Value Description
true Display all completed tasks
false Don't display any completed tasks
n > 0 Display tasks completed within n days

Default: 7

Hide Tasks Due in Future: --hideDue [value], -d [value]

Hide tasks with due dates more than value days in the future. This option overrides the default in the configuration files. Valid values include:

Value Description
false Do not hide any tasks based on due date
n > 0 Hide tasks with due dates more than n days from today

Default: false

Configuration File: --config [file], -f [file]

Specify a configuration file to use. Properties in this file will override the default configuration properties. RTM User information will be stored in this file.

Default: $HOME/.rtm.json

Version Information: --version, -v

Display RTM CLI version

Help: --help, -h

Display Usage Information


Add a Task: add, a

add [Task Name]

The Task Name can use RTM's Smart Add Syntax. Additionally, to minimize the need to escape special characters at the command line, the following properties can be specified:

  • priority as p:{priority}
  • list as l:{list}
  • tags as t:tag1 t:tag2
  • due date as due:{due date}

If Task Name is not provided, a prompt allowing multiple new task entries will be displayed. Enter a blank line to finish adding new tasks.


> add Buy Milk ^tomorrow !2 #Shopping
> add Feed The Cat today p:1 l:Chores t:pets *daily

Add a List: addList, al

addList [List Name] [Smart List Filter]

This command will add a new empty List to the User's account or if a Smart List Filer is provided, a Smart List using the provided advanced search criteria will be created.

If no arguments are provided, a prompt allowing multiple new list names will be displayed. Enter a blank line to finish add new lists.


> addList Bills
> addList Important priority:1 OR priority:2

Add Tags to a Task: addTags, at

addTags [index] [tags...]

This command will add one or more tags to a Task. Tasks are referenced by index number, which are displayed when listing tasks. Multiple tags can be provided as arguments to this command.

If no arguments are provided, a prompt allowing multiple task indices and tags to be entered will be displayed. Enter a blank line to finish adding tasks and tags.


> addTags 1 rent
> addTags 5 rent bills

Complete a Task: comp, x

comp [indices...]

This command will mark the Tasks as complete. Tasks are referenced by index number, which are displayed when listing tasks. Multiple task indices can be provided as arguments to this command.

If no arguments are provided, a prompt allowing multiple task indices to be entered will be displayed. Enter a blank line to finish adding task indices.


> comp 15
> comp 1 9 8

Decrease Task Priority: decPri, -

decPri [indices...]

This command will decrease the priority of the Tasks by 1. Tasks are referenced by index number, which are displayed when listing tasks. Multiple task indices can be provided as arguments to this command.

If no arguments are provided, a prompt allowing multiple task indices to be entered will be displayed. Enter a blank line to finish adding task indices.


> decPri 15
> decPri 1 9 8

Set Task Due Date: due

due [index] [due date]

This command will set the Due Date of a Task. Tasks are referenced by index number, which are displayed when listing tasks. Due Dates can be entered in any format that RTM can parse.

If no arguments are provided, a prompt allowing multiple task and due dates to be entered will be displayed. Enter a blank line to finish adding tasks and due dates.


> due 1 tomorrow
> due 15 May 12
> due 3 days

Edit Task Name: edit

edit [new task name]

This command will change the name of a Task. Tasks are referenced by index number, which are displayed when listing tasks.

If no arguments are provided, a prompt allowing multiple task indices and names to be entered will be displayed. Enter a blank line to finish adding indices and names.


> edit 1 Buy More Milk

Increase Task Priority: incPri, +

incPri [indices...]

This command will increase the priority of the Tasks by 1. Tasks are referenced by index number, which are displayed when listing tasks. Multiple task indices can be provided as arguments to this command.

If no arguments are provided, a prompt allowing multiple task indices to be entered will be displayed. Enter a blank line to finish adding task indices.


> incPri 15
> incPri 1 9 8

Display all Lists: lists, l

This command will display the names of all Lists. If the List is a 'Smart List', the search criteria will be displayed alongside the list name.

Login: login

This command will remove any saved RTM user information and start the login procedure. An Auth URL will be displayed and opened in the User's browser. This URL will ask the User to grant RTM CLI access to their account. Once authorized, the user's information (id, username, full name and an Auth Token provided by RTM) will be saved locally ($HOME/.rtm.json by default).

Logout: logout

This command will remove any saved RTM user information. Any future requests to the RTM API Server will require the User to login again.

List Tasks By List, Priority: ls

ls [filter]

This command will display the User's tasks sorted first by List then by priority. A filter, using RTM's Advanced Search Syntax can be used to filter the tasks displayed.


> ls
> ls priority:1 AND list:Work

List Tasks By Due Date, Priority: lsd

lsd [filter]

This command will display the User's tasks sorted first by Due Date (with tasks without a due date shown first) then by priority. A filter, using RTM's Advanced Search Syntax can be used to filter the tasks displayed.


> lsd
> lsd priority:1 AND list:Work

List Tasks By Priority, Due Date: lsp

lsp [filter]

This command will display the User's tasks sorted first by priority then by due date. A filter, using RTM's Advanced Search Syntax can be used to filter the tasks displayed.


> lsp
> lsp priority:1 AND list:Work

Move Task to List: move, mv

move [index] [list name]

This command will move a Task to a different List. Tasks are referenced by index number, which are displayed when listing tasks. The list name must be the name of an existing List.

Note: This command will fail if there is more than 1 List matching the new List name.


> move 1 Work

Weekly Planner: planner

planner [--start <sun, mon, today>] [filter]

This command will display this week's Tasks in a weekly planner table. The --start option can be one of: sun, mon, or today and will set the first day of the planner. An optional filter can be used to filter the displayed tasks. Any incomplete tasks with a due date before the start of the planner and tasks without a set due date will be displayed below the planner.


> planner
> planner --start mon NOT due:never   # Hide tasks with no due date set

Postpone a Task: postpone, pp

postpone [indices...]

This command will postpone the due date of a Task by one day. Tasks are referenced by index number, which are displayed when listing tasks. Multiple task indices can be provided as arguments to this command.


> postpone 1
> postpone 1 15 8

Set Task Priority: pri, p

pri [index] [priority]

This command will set the priority of the tasks. Tasks are referenced by index number, which are displayed when listing tasks. Acceptable priority values include 1, 2, and 3 - any other value removes the priority from the task.

If no arguments are provided, a prompt allowing for multiple task and priority inputs is displayed. Enter a blank line to finish adding tasks/priorities.


> pri 15 1
> pri 14 0

Remove a Task: remove, rm

remove [indices...]

This command will remove the Tasks from the User's account. Tasks are referenced by index number, which are displayed when listing tasks. Multiple task indices can be provided as arguments to this command.


> remove 1
> remove 1 15 8

Remove a List: removeList, rml

removeList [name]

This command will remove the List matching the provided name from the User's account. Any tasks remaining in the List will be moved to the User's Inbox.

Note: This command will fail if there is more than one List matching the provided list name.

If no list name is provided, a prompt allowing for multiple list names to be entered will be displayed. Enter a blank line to finish adding list names.


> removeList Bills

Remove Tags From a Task: removeTags, rmt

removeTags [index] [tags...]

This command will remove one or more tags from the Task. Tasks are referenced by index number, which are displayed when listing tasks. Multiple tags can be provided as arguments to this command.


> removeTags 1 bills
> removeTags 15 bills rent

Rename a List: renameList, mvl

renameList [old name] [new name]

This command will change the name of the List from old name to new name.

Note: This command will fail if there is more than one List matching the provided old name.

Note: This command is unable to rename a 'Smart List' (the RTM API considers a 'Smart List' to be read-only).


> renameList Food Groceries

Reset Task Index Cache: reset

This command will regenerate the cached lookup table used to reference a specific task to an index number. This is helpful when many tasks have been deleted and the task indices are getting large.

Display all Tags: tags, t

This command will display all tag names associated with the User's tasks. Next to each tag will be the number of incomplete and complete Tasks for that tag.

Un-Complete a Task: uncomp, unc

uncomp [indices...]

This command will mark the Task as incomplete. Tasks are referenced by index number, which are displayed when listing tasks. Multiple task indices can be provided as arguments to this command.


> uncomp 1
> uncomp 15 8

Custom Commands:

Custom meta-commands can be added to your configuration file's aliases property. This property is a list of aliased commands that reference an existing command and can provide pre-defined arguments. This can be used to create a meta-command that uses one of the existing display commands (such as ls) and a pre-set filter string (using RTM's Advanced Search Syntax).

The included today command is a meta-command added to the default configuration.

To create your own meta command, add the alias property to your configuration file (located at $HOME/.rtm.json by default). The example below creates the overdue command listing overdue tasks with the existing lsp command.

  "aliases": [
      "name": "overdue",
      "description": "Display all tasks that are overdue",
      "command": "lsp",
      "args": "dueBefore:today AND status:incomplete"

The name property gives the command name, description is the command description given in the help output, command is the existing command to map the new one to, and args provide the arguments (such as the filter string) to the command.


RTM CLI has a number of properties that can be configured using a separate JSON configuration file. The default user configuration file is located at $HOME/.rtm.json but can be changed using the --config option.


The default configuration is as follows:

  "dateformat": "ddd mmm-dd",
  "plannerDateformat": "ddd",
  "completed": 7,
  "hideDue": false,
  "plain": false,
  "status": true,
  "styles": {
    "list": "yellow.underline",
    "index": "dim",
    "priority": {
      "0": "reset",
      "1": "red",
      "2": "blue",
      "3": "cyan"
    "completed": "dim",
    "notes": "reset",
    "tags": "magenta",
    "due": "green"
  "aliases": [
      "name": "today",
      "description": "Display prioritized tasks and tasks due or completed today",
      "command": "lsp",
      "args": "(not priority:none and status:incomplete) or completed:today or (due:today and status:incomplete)"


The following is a list of all configuration properties, their descriptions, and default values.

Property Type Description Default
client object

RTM API Client Information

Property Type Description Default
key string RTM API Key RTM CLI API Key
secret string RTM API Secret RTM CLI API Secret
perms string

RTM API Permissions

  • read
  • write
  • delete

RTM CLI includes an RTM API client key/secret but you can override these with your own, if you prefer.

dateformat string

Date Display Format

This property describes how dates will be formatted when displayed in the task lists generated by the ls, lsd, and lsp commands.

The format is parsed by the dateformat node module. Mask options are described in that project's README.

ddd mmm-dd
plannerDateformat string

Planner Date Display Format

This property describes how dates will be formatted when displayed in the headers of the planner table.

The format is parsed by the dateformat node module. Mask options are described in that project's README.

completed boolean or integer

Display Completed Tasks

The display of completed tasks can be changed to include all, none or some of the completed tasks with the following values:

  • true: display all completed tasks
  • false: don't display any completed tasks
  • n > 0: display tasks completed within the last n days

This can be overridden using the --completed [value] flag at the command line.

hideDue boolean or integer

Hide Tasks Due in Future

This property can be configured to hide tasks that have a due date set more than n days in the future. Valid values for this property include:

  • false: Do not hide any tasks based on due date
  • n > 0: Hide tasks with a due date greater than n days from today

This can be overridden using the --hideDue [value] flag at the command line.

plain boolean

Display Plain Text

When set to true, output text will not be styled and/or colored.

This can be overridden using the --plain or --color flags at the command line.

status boolean

Display Status Text

When set to true, the status/spinner messages (such as 'Getting Tasks...') will be displayed.

This can be overridden using the --status flag at the command line.

styles object

Task Attribute Styles

Different attributes of tasks can have different styles applied to them when displayed.

Styles are applied using the chalk npm module and can include the styles listed on that project's README and can be combined using a .:

Property Type Description Default
list string List Name yellow.underline
index string Index Number dim
priority object

Task Priorities

Property Type Description Default
0 string No Priority reset
1 string Priority 1 red
2 string Priority 2 blue
3 string Priority 3 cyan
completed string Completed Tasks dim
notes string Notes Indicator reset
tags string Tags magenta
due string Due Dates green
aliases object[]

Command Aliases

This configuration property allows you to define your own meta-commands that map a new command name to an existing command (such as ls, planner, etc) with a pre-defined set of arguments (such as a filter string using RTM's advanced search syntax). The today command is already included in the default configuration and can be used as an example.

Property Type Description Default
name string Command Name today
description string Command Description - will be used in the help output Display tasks with a priority, due or completed today, or overdue
command string Command - the existing command to execute. lsp
args string Options and arguments to pass to the specified command. (not priority:none and status:incomplete) or completed:today or (dueBefore:tomorrow and status:incomplete)


Remember the Milk Command Line Interface

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 100.0%