hchyang / PSiTE

Simulate next-generation sequencing reads for tumor samples

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Phylogeny guided Simulator for Tumor Evolution (PSiTE)

PSiTE is a phylogeny guided simulator for tumor evolution. It first simulates somatic variants (Single Nucleotide Variants (SNVs) and Copy Number Variants (CNVs)) along the history of tumor evolution and then generates Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) data for tumor samples. PSiTE can simulate a wide range of tumor data including single sector, multi-sectoring bulk tumor as well single cell data. It provides a powerful approach simulating tumor evolution with different demographic histories and allows efficient benchmarking of methods for clonality analysis.

You can find more details in our paper:

Table of Contents

1. Installation

PSiTE is written in Python3 (>=3.5). It requires three python libraries: numpy, pyfaidx and PyYAML. In order to simulate whole genome sequencing (WGS) data, ART is also needed. We recommend using the latest version of ART (MountRainier or later), since older versions introduce high levels of sequencing errors. If users would like to simulate whole exome sequencing (WES) data, please refer to section 2.5.0 for the additional requirements.

PSiTE can be downloaded from github:

git clone https://github.com/hchyang/PSiTE.git

2. Usage

There are six modules in PSiTE.

Program: psite.py (a Phylogeny guided Simulator for Tumor Evolution)
Version: 0.9.1

Usage:   psite.py <command> [options]

Command: vcf2fa     build normal genome from input germline vcf file
         phylovar   simulate somatic variations along a phylogeny
         chain2fa   build tumor genomes from somatic variants (encoded in chain files)
         fa2wgs     simulate WGS reads from normal and tumor genomes (in fasta format)
         fa2wes     simulate WES reads from normal and tumor genomes (in fasta format)
         allinone   a wrapper for NGS reads simulation by combining all individual steps

PSiTE starts the simulation by generating the personal (diploid) genome of an individual using the input VCF file (Module 1: vcf2fa). Subsequently, by taking the evolutionary history of the sample (For example, using coalescent simulations from Population Genetic modeling) and a set of user specified rate parameters of somatic events (e.g. SNV and CNV rates), PSiTE stimulates somatic variants of a sample along its evolutionary history (Module 2: phylovar). At the end of the second module, the simulated somatic variants will be stored in a special file format called chain file, which records all the somatic events from the root of the tree to focal clone. In the third step, PSiTE integrates simulated somatic variants (stored in the chain file) into the personal genome of the individual and builds the genomes of tumor clones (possibly down to individual cells) (Module 3: chain2fa). In the last step, users can use ART to simulate WGS reads from cancer genomes of different clones, taking into account their relative proportions in the tumor (Module 4: fa2wgs). Alternatively, users can use a similar module to simulate WES data (Module 5: fa2wes). In order to facilitate the simulation, PSiTE also provides a wrapper module (Module 6: allinone), which allows users to execute all previous steps in one command.

2.1 vcf2fa (module 1)

Given a reference genome (in FASTA format) and a list of phased germline SNVs (in VCF format), vcf2fa will build the genomes of normal cells (in FASTA format).

2.1.1 Input files

Reference file (-r/--reference)

The reference genome (e.g. hg19.fa, in FASTA format) is specified via -r/--reference. Note that this file should contain all the chromosomes of interest. If a user wants to simulate a female individual, all the autosomes and chromosome X should be included in this file).

VCF file (-v/--vcf)

A list of phased germline SNVs in the VCF format is specified via -v/--vcf. The variants in this file will be spiked into the reference genome to build the germline genome of an individual. Only SNVs are acceptable. PSiTE expects phased genotype data for the cancer individual. To be more precise, the VCF file should contain only one sample's genotype information and two alleles at each locus should be separated by '|' in the GT field of the VCF file.

2.1.2 Output files

Output (-o/--output)

The directory that stores the output of vcf2fa is specified via -o/--output. After running vcf2fa, two FASTA files will be generated. They are named as normal.parental_0.fasta and normal.parental_1.fasta respectively (see --parental option under 2.2.3 for more details). Each file contains a haploid genome created by replacing the reference alleles with germline variants of the corresponding haplotype.

2.1.3 Options

-a/--autosomes and -s/--sex_chr

These two options allow users to specify the set of chromosomes to simulate. In the --autosomes option, the chromosomes should be separated by comma (e.g. '1,2,3,4,5'). To avoid long names, users can also use two dots to represent a continuous block of chromosomes. For example, 'chr1..4,chr7' is equivalent to 'chr1,chr2,chr3,chr4,chr7'. In vcf2fa, it is required to specify the values for --autosomes, following which vcf2fa generates two parental copies for all the specified autosomes. The parameter --sex_chr is optional. --sex_chr X,Y and --sex_chr X,X will specify a male and a female individual respectively. (Note that users should be careful about the chromosome names. Chromosome names not found in the reference file will lead to the early termination of the program.)

2.2 phylovar (module 2)

phylovar is the core module of PSiTE. It can jointly simulate SNVs and CNVs of a tumor sample along the history of a cell lineage tree (i.e. phylogenetic tree). Phylovar can be used either in a standalone mode or in an integrated mode to simulate NGS data of a tumor sample together with other modules in PSiTE.

2.2.1 Input files

Tree file (-t/--tree)

To run the module, a cell lineage tree (i.e. a phylogenetic tree in the Newick format) which captures the ancestral relationship of the tumor cells is required. The ms program is recommended to generate the tree (with -T option in ms), and it has the full-assemblage of options needed to generate complex demographic histories of the sample from Population Genetics.

A typical tree is as follows:

Trunk variants file (--trunk_vars)

This file contains known trunk variants, specified by --trunk_vars. The truncal variants can also be simulated randomly using the --trunk_length option (see Section 2.2.3).

The format of this file is shown below:

#chr hap start end var target
1 0 364645 364646 0
1 1 464646 466646 +3 194327,149250611,5687878
1 1 464650 464651 1
1 1 464660 464661 1 0
1 1 464670 464671 1 2,3
2 0 465636 465637 1 
2 1 468637 472633 -1
  • chr: The chromosome on which the variant locates.
  • hap: The haplotype copy of the chromosome on which the somatic variant resides on. The specified haplotype should match what is given in the option --parental (see Section 2.2.3). For example, if '0011' is specified via --parental for a given chromosome, the hap column allows users to specify the truncal events to be on one of the four haplotypes (0/1/2/3).
  • start: The starting position of the variant (0-based, inclusive).
  • end: The end position of the variant (0-based, exclusive).
  • var: The type of the variant. 0/1/2: SNV, -1: deletion, +N: amplification. 0/1/2 represent different types of base substitutions (see section --tstv option under section 2.2.3).
  • target: This column is optional and is only relevant when the focal variant is a SNV or an amplification. 1) For an amplification with N new copies (i.e. +N in the var column), the target column can be a list with N integers (seperated by commas) or omitted. The integer list indicates all the insert loci of the new copies in this column. Without this information, the amplification will be treated as a tandem amplification. 2) For a SNV, target indicates the copy of the segment that carries this variant. If a SNV is covered by an amplification with N new copies, the value in this column can be either an integer in the range of [0,N], or a list of numbers separated by commas representing multiple copies carrying this mutation. If there is no value in this column, the focal SNV is assumed to occur early (i.e. if there are overlapping CNV events, SNVs are assumed to be earlier than the CNV event). In this case, all the new copies of the amplification will carry the SNV. In addition to this default setting, users can also specify alternative scenarios using this column. For example:
#chr hap start  end    var target
1    1   464646 466646 +3 194327,149250611,5687878
1    1   464650 464651 1
1    1   464660 464661 1 0
1    1   464670 464671 1 2,3

In this example, there is an amplification in the region 1:464646-466646 covering all the three SNVs. The first copy of this amplification is inserted before 194327. The second one is inserted before 149250611. The third copy is inserted before 5687878. And the three SNV records correspond to the following three scenarios:

  1. The original copy and all the amplified copies will carry the first SNV (1:464650-464651).
  2. Only the original copy (before amplification) carries the second SNV (1:464660-464661).
  3. Only the second and the third new copies carry the third SNV (1:464670-464671).
Configuration file (--config)

The configuration file, specified by --config, enables users to specify mutation parameters for the whole genome or individual chromosome. A typical configuration file contains two sections: the genome section and chromosome section. In the genome section, users can specify the default parameters shared across all chromosomes. In the chromosome section, users can customize parameters specific to an individual chromosome. The local/chromosome parameters will overwrite the global/genome parameters. Separate parameter sections provide a flexible way to simulate somatic variants across the genome with different mutation rates.

The configuration file should be specified in the YAML format. Here is an example of the configuration file (for parameters listed in the YAML file, please see section 2.3.3 for further details).

    snv_rate: 2.0
    cnv_rate: 0.6
    trunk_snv_rate: 2.0
    trunk_cnv_rate: 0.6
    del_prob: 0.5
    tandem_prob: 1.0
    cnv_length_beta: 200
    cnv_length_max: 400
    copy_parameter: 0.5
    copy_max: 5
    parental: '01'
    tstv: 2.0
    length: 800000
    - '1':
        length: 500000
        parental: '00'
    - '2':
        length: 200000
        snv_rate: 0.8
    - '3':
        length: 100000
        snv_rate: 0.4
        cnv_rate: 0.11

In a configuration file, all the parameters under the genome section must be specified. The parental value and the chromosome names should be quoted with quotation marks. The 'length' is required for each chromosome, and the sum of the length of all chromosomes should be equal with the value specified in the genome section. The parameters specified for snv_rate, cnv_rate, trunk_snv_rate and trunk_cnv_rate in the genome section is the total rate of the whole genome, the corresponding value of each chromosome is rescaled according to its length. Users can override this setting by specifying the corresponding parameters under chromsomes. In the example configuration file above, the genome cnv_rate is 0.6 and is 0.11 for chromosome 3. So the cnv_rate for chromosome 2 is calculated by (0.6-0.11)*200000/(200000+500000)=0.14.

Affiliation file (--affiliation)

By default, phylovar simulates the genomic profile of a single sample. Using this option, phylovar can simulate multi-sector tumor samples. In the affiliation file, users should designate the sample affiliation of the tumor cells to different sectors. An example affiliation file is shown below:

#sector purity depth prune_p cells
sector1 0.6    -     0.05    1,2,3,4..5000
sector2 0.6    100   0.05    5001..10000
  • sector: The id of each sector.
  • purity: The purity of each sector (the proportion of cells that is tumor cells in each sector) .
  • depth: The depth of each sector. It's different from the 'depth' in sector file (see section 2.4.1 and section 2.5.1). The 'depth' here is used to simulate read count for the simulated SNVs (see 'SNV files' under section 2.2.2). It dose not affect the coverage of sequencing reads in module fa2wgs/fa2wes. User can use '-' here to disable the read count simulation.
  • prune_p: The pruning proportion for each sector. Subtrees that have descendants fewer than the specified proportion will be trimmed away (see 2.2.3 --prune for details).
  • cells: The list of cells in each sector. It can be specified as a list of cell names separated by commas or a continuous block of cells separated by two dots (e.g. 'cell1..4,cell7' is equivalent to 'cell1,cell2,cell3,cell4,cell7').
Clone file (--clone)

By default, phylovar treats the phylogeny as a cell lineage tree. Using this option, phylovar can deal with clone tree. User defines the cell composition of each clone in this file. An example clone file is shown below:

#clone cells
clone1 1,2,3,4..5000
clone2 5001..10000
  • clone: The id of each clone.
  • cells: The list of cells in each clone. It can be specified as a list of cell names separated by commas or a continuous block of cells separated by two dots (e.g. 'cell1..4,cell7' is equivalent to 'cell1,cell2,cell3,cell4,cell7').
CNV length distribution file (--cnvl_dist)

By default, phylovar simulates CNVs whose length distribution is an exponential distribution (check --cnv_length_beta in section 2.2.3). With this option, users can specify a file, which contains an empirical distribution of CNV length. An example input file is shown below:

#low high prob
10000 20000 0.2
20000 80000 0.6
80000 100000 0.2
  • low: The lower bound of the bin (inclusive)
  • high: The upper bound of the bin (exclusive)
  • prob: The probability of a simulated CNV whose length falls in the range of [low,high).

Each record is specifying a bin. In each bin the length of CNVs follows an uniform distribution. Sum of the probability of all bins should be 1. This CNV length setting will override other settings of CNVs' length (i.e. cnv_length_beta and cnv_length_max settings in command line or in the configuration file).

2.2.2 Output files

Module phylovar can output multiple files to facilitate benchmarking of methods used in cancer genomics. Since the evolutionary history of the sample can be very complex, outputting all the files can be quite resource intensive. Phylovar allows user to toggle different options for outputting the mutational information. Output files that are not foremost will be labelled as optional.

SNV files (-S/--snv)

This option specifies the directory to store the SNV files of all sectors. The SNV file contains the frequency information of simulated SNVs in each sector. In addition to the SNV file for each sector, there is also a SNV file for the whole tumor sample named 'tumor.snv' under this folder. There are at least five columns in the SNV file.

  • chr: The chromosome on which the SNV locates.
  • start: The start position of the SNV (0-based, inclusive).
  • end: The end position of the SNV (0-based, exclusive).
  • form: The type of base substitution (0 is transition, 1 and 2 are two types of transversions, see the details for option --tstv under section 2.2.3).
  • frequency: The frequency of the alternative allele in tumor sample (taking into account tumor purity).

There are two more columns in SNV files if users simulate read count for each SNV by specifiying 'depth' in affiliation file or --depth.

  • rcount: The read count of SNVs. The read count of each sector is simulated with the depth specified in affiliation file, and the read count of the SNVs in whole tumor is simulated with the depth specified by --depth in section 2.2.3. The vales in this column is in the foramt of 'N:M'. N is the read count of alternative allele. M is the read count of the total reads covering this loci. They are simulated by taking purity and CNVs into account.
  • rfreq: The frequency of the alternative allele in sectors or the whole tumor sample. It's calculated by N/M.
CNV files (-V/--cnv)

This option specifies the directory to store the CNV files across all sectors. It contains the information of all simulated CNVs. In addition to the CNV file for each sector, there is also a CNV file for the whole tumor sample named 'tumor.cnv' under this folder. There are five columns in the CNV files.

  • chr: The chromosome on which the CNV locates.
  • start: The start position of the CNV (0-based, inclusive).
  • end: The end position of the CNV (0-based, exclusive).
  • parental: The parental copy on which the CNV locates.
  • copy: The copy changes of the CNV (e.g. -1 stands for deletion, +N stands for an amplification with N new copies).
  • carrier: The number of tumor cells within the sample carrying the CNV
SNV genotype file (--snv_genotype) (optional)

The output file specified by --snv_genotype contains the genotype information of each tumor cell. Each SNV has one record in this file. The first three columns are the coordinates of the SNV. The fourth column is the form of the SNV event (transition or transversion, see section 2.2.3). Subsequently, there is one column (genotype) per tumor cell. The SNV genotype is in the form of 'M:N', in which M denotes the number of alternative alleles and N denotes the number of reference alleles. The columns are:

  • chr: The chromosome of the SNV.
  • start: The start position of the SNV (0-based, inclusive).
  • end: The end position of the SNV (0-based, exclusive).
  • form: The mutational type of the SNV (0 is transition, 1 and 2 are two types of transversions, see section 2.2.3).
  • cell1: The genotype of cell 1.
  • cell2: The genotype of cell 2.
  • etc ...

Users should be careful whether to toggle this option since the output of this option can be very large.

CNV genotype file (--ind_cnvs) (optional)

The output file specified by --ind_cnvs contains the CNVs on each parental copy of each cell in the sample.

#cell parental chr start     end       copy
1       0      1   7912422   7930111   +2
1       1      1   43110140  43341629  +1
2       0      1   2255734   2299608   -1
2       0      2   22660687  22788472  -1
2       1      2   59756841  61142076  +3

There are six columns in this file:

  • cell: The id of the cell in the sample.
  • parental: The parental copy in which the variant locates (0 means one of the parental copy, and 1 means the other copy).
  • chr: The chromosome on which the CNV locates.
  • start: The start position of the CNV (0-based, inclusive).
  • end: The end position of the CNV (0-based, exclusive).
  • copy: The copy number of the CNV. -1: deletion; +N amplification. Users should be careful whether to toggle this option since the output of this option can be very large.
Total CNV profile file (--cnv_profile) (optional)

This option specifies the directory to store the files of CNV profile in each sector. The directory also contains an output file for the whole tumor sample named 'tumor.cnv_prof'. In each file, there is a step function of copy numbers of normal and tumor cells across the genome. There are six columns in the files:

  • chr: The chromosome of the segment
  • start: The start position of the region (0-based, inclusive).
  • end: The end position of the region (0-based, exclusive).
  • parental0_cn: The copy number of the parental 0 haplotypes (normal+tumor).
  • parental1_cn: The copy number of the parental 1 haplotypes (normal+tumor).
  • total_cn: The total copy number of the local region. It equals the sum of 'parental0_cn' and 'parental1_cn'.

For example, if there are 1000 cells (normal+tumor) in the sector, the local copy number for autosome regions is 2000 as cells are diploid. For a genome region (e.g. 1:3000000-3400000) whose parental 0 haplotype is lost in 200 tumor cells, and parental 1 haplotype is copy number neutral. There will be a record like below in this sector's cnv profile.

#chr    start      end        parental0_cn    parental1_cn    total_cn
1       3000000    3400000    800             1000            1800
Total CNV read count files (--cnv_rc) (optional)

This option specifies the directory to store the files of CNV read count in each sector. In each file, there is a step function of simulated read count of normal and tumor cells across the genome. There are six columns in the files:

  • chr: The chromosome of the segment
  • start: The start position of the region (0-based, inclusive).
  • end: The end position of the region (0-based, exclusive).
  • parental0_rc: The simulated read count of the parental 0 haplotypes (normal+tumor).
  • parental1_rc: The simulated read count of the parental 1 haplotypes (normal+tumor).
  • total_rc: The total read count of the local region. It equals the sum of 'parental0_rc' and 'parental1_rc'.
Variant tree file (--nhx/--NHX) (optional)

The variant tree file (in NHX format) outputs locations of the somatic variants on the phylogenetic tree. The NHX format contains IDs of all the nodes in the phylogenetic tree and somatic variants along all the branches. This allows users to reconstruct the entire history of somatic events in tumor evolution. If users specify the option with --nhx, phylovar will output the pruned version of the tree (see --prune option under 2.2.3 for details) together with all somatic variants. If users specify the option with --NHX, the output contains the original tree (before pruning) together with all the somatic variants. In the file, the somatic variants are represented in the format of 'chr#start#end#var'. Here, entry 'var' has the same format as column 'var' in the trunk variant file (see section 2.2.1).

Node variant file (--nodes_vars) (optional)

The node variant file, specified by --nodes_vars, contains the somatic variants (SNVs/CNVs) occurring on the branch leading to each node in the phylogenetic tree. This is the collapsed version of the variant tree file where the phylogenetic information is simply replaced with the node information. There are six columns in this file:

  • node: The ID of the focal node. Each node has the format 'nodeX', in which X is an integer starting from 1.
  • chr: The chromosome on which the variant locates.
  • hap: The haplotype copy of the chromosome on which the somatic variant locates. (see --trunk_vars option under section 2.2.1)
  • start: The start position of the variant (0-based, inclusive).
  • end: The end position of the variant (0-based, exclusive).
  • var: The type of the variant. 0/1/2: SNV, -1: deletion, +int: amplification (see --trunk_vars option under section 2.2.1).
Node CCF file (--nodes_ccf) (optional)

The node CCF file, specified by --nodes_ccf, contains the Cancer Cell Fraction (CCF) information of each node (all the nodes after pruning) in each sector. For example, for a sector containing 1 million cells, if its purity is 0.6, the tumor cells in the whole sector is 600,000. Then, if an inner node, nodeX, in the tree has 150,000 descendants (leaf nodes) belonging to this sector. The CCF of nodeX in this sector is 0.25.

There are number_of_sectors+2 columns in this file:

  • node: The ID of the focal node. Each node has the format 'nodeX', in which X is an integer starting from 1.
  • sector1: The CCF of the focal node in sector 1.
  • sector2: The CCF of the focal node in sector 2.
  • ...
  • sectorX: The CCF of the focal node in sector X.
  • tumor: The CCF of the focal node in the whole tumor sample.
Chain file (--chain) (optional)

The chain files store somatic events of the focal clone. If specified with the --chain option, phylovar will output the chain files to a folder. The chain files are required by module chain2fa to convert the normal genome into tumor genomes. The chain file contains mutational events from the root of the tree to each individual tip node (corresponding to tumor clones or single cells). There is one chain file per tip node. Below is an example of the chain file:

>1_Hap0 parental:0
1       0       33      REF
1       55      99      AMP     +2/2
1       33      35      REF
1       35      55      DEL     -1
1       55      99      AMP     +1/2
1       55      99      REF
1       55      100000  REF
>1_Hap1 parental:0
1       0       33      REF
1       33      34      SNV     1
1       34      100000  REF

In the chain file, there is one block for each haplotype of a chromosome. Within each block, there is a header line and a body section. Lines which start with '>' are header lines. All other lines are components of the body section.

There are two fields in a header line. The first is the haplotype name and the second is the parental copy of that haplotype. Each haplotype is in the format of '{chrName}_Hap{index}'. For example, if a user simulates three copies of sequence 1 with parental 001, there will be another block with header '>1_Hap2 parental:1' in addition to the two blocks in this example.

There are five columns in the body section:

  • chr: The chromosome on which the segment locates.
  • start: The start position of the segment (0-based, inclusive).
  • end: The end position of the segment (0-based, exclusive).
  • type: The type of the segment (SNV: single nucleotide variation, AMP: amplification, DEL: deletion, REF: reference). The amplified regions are represented by multiple overlapping records. For example, line 3,6 and 7 in the example chain file indicate that there is an amplification in region 1:55-99.
  • var: The type of the variant. 0/1/2: SNV, -1: deletion. For amplifications, this column is in the format of +N/M. N is the copy index and M is the total number of new copies of the amplification events. In the example chain file, the first copy of the amplification (1:55-99) is inserted before 1:55, and the second one is inserted before 1:33.
Tipnode map file (--map) (optional)

The tipnode map file is stored in the folder specified by --map. It contains the descendant information of each tip node (corresponding to a tumor clone). These files will be used later by module fa2wgs/fa2wes to compute the sequencing coverage for each tumor genome. If multi-sector samples are simulated, there will be one tipnode map file for each sector. They will be named as '{sectorname}.tipnode.map'. By default (single sector), there will be only one map file in the folder, named 'tumor.tipnode.map'.

There are three columns in a node map file:

  • tip_node: The id of the tip node in the phylogenetic tree. If pruning option is turned on, the tip node refers to the leaves after the pruning step.
  • cell_count: The number of cells (i.e. number of leaves) descending from this node.
  • cells: Names of the cells (i.e. names of leaves) descending from this node.
Log file (-g/--log)

The log file, specified by -g/--log, contains the log information including commands to call phylovar and the random seed. Users can use the information in this file to repeat the simulation.

2.2.3 Options


This option specifies the name of the simulated sequence (e.g. chromosome name).


This option specifies the length of the simulated sequence.

--snv_rate and --cnv_rate

These two options set two most important parameters in the simulation: the mutation rates of SNVs (specified by --snv_rate) and CNVs (specified by --cnv_rate) along the history of tumor evolution. Note that these rates represent the total mutation rate of the target segment. The mutational events are then simulated according to a Poisson process with user-specified rates (see Notes for extra discussions).

--trunk_snv_rate and --trunk_cnv_rate

These two options can be used to set the mutation rate of SNVs/CNVs along the truncal branch of the tree. If they are not specified, the value of --snv_rate and --cnv_rate will be used.


This option allows users to specify the rate of transitions to transversions.   phylovar only simulates somatic events (before referring to the reference genome). It uses 0/1/2 to represent different types of substitutions. 0 stands for transition. 1 and 2 stand for two types of transversions. After linking somatic changes to the reference genome, these SNVs will later be translated to actual nucleotides in the module chain2fa. The rules of translating 0/1/2 to nucleotide changes are summarized in the following table.

reference 0 1 2

This option specifies the probability of being tandem repeat for an amplification mutation. Users can pick a float number between 0 and 1 for this option. The default value is 1.0, which means all amplifications are tandem repleat events. If users assign 0 to this parameter, all amplifications are not tandem repeat events and each new copy of an amplification will be inserted to different position of the focal chromomosome randomly (we can not simulate inter-chromosome insertions yet).


This option specifies the mean length (parameter beta or mean of the exponential distribution) of the simulated CNV events. Note that phylovar assumes the length of CNVs follows an exponential distribution.


This option sets the upper limit of CNVs' length. Setting an upper bound will effectively truncate the exponential distribution at this limit. The probability distribution will be renormalized taking into account the truncated probability.


A CNV event can be either a deletion or an amplification. Through this option, users can specify the probability that a CNV event is a deletion.


This option sets the upper bound of the copy number of an amplification event.


When an amplification event happens, phylovar randomly picks a copy number according to a geometric-like distribution with Pr(n+1)=p*Pr(n). The parameter p is specified by '-c/--copy_parameter'. The overall distribution will be normalized so that the total probability is 1.


Since aneuploidy at the chromosomal level is widespread in tumor cells, phylovar  allows users to specify the local ploidy of a cancer genome via --parental. The default value of this option is '01', with which phylovar simulates two copies of the chromosome (one copy from each of the normal haploid genomes). '001' specifies two copies from the first haploid genome ('0') and one copy from the second haploid genome ('1'). Note that aneuploidies are simulated as truncal events shared among all tumor cells.

All of the above parameters of phylovar can be specified in the configuration file (--config). This is quite convenient if you want to simulate somatic variants in a genome, which contains multiple chromosomes. The format of the config file is described in section 2.2.1 Input files (Configuration file).


The phylogenetic tree only describes the polymorphic part of the sample. Users can also simulate the truncal part of tumor evolution (tumorigenesis) through two different approaches: a) specifying the trunk length using --trunk_length.  b) specify the events on the trunk in a file through --trunk_vars (see section 2.2.2). Option --trunk_length accepts a single float number that represents the length of the branch from the root of the phylogenetic tree to the most common ancestor of the sample.


When the number of simulated cells is very large, computational load can be very heavy. Given the fact that mutational events on terminal branches are extremely rare, a pruning algorithm is implemented to trim the tree. The parameters of the algorithm are specified via --prune. Given a tree for a population of 1,000,000 cells, all subtrees with <10,000 tips will be trimmed away after setting --prune 0.01. This means that there will be no polymorphic variants on subtrees with <10,000 tips. Namely, terminal cells belonging to the same subtree with <10,000 tips will have the same genome.


By this option, users can prune the input tree without simulating variants on the tree. --map and --nhx must be specified when using this option.


This is the same option as option --sex_chr in module vcf2fa. Setting this parameter will affect the ploidy of the sex chromosomes.


This option specifies the proportion of tumor cells in the whole sample. With this option, phylovar can output true frequencies of each variant in the whole sample by taking into account tumor purity (section 2.2.2 output file: SNVs file).


This option specifies the depth of the whole tumor sample for read count simulation. With this option, phylovar can output read count of each variant in the whole sample by taking into account tumor purity and CNVs effect (section 2.2.2 output file: SNVs file).


This option sets the seed for the random number generator. This random seed should be an integer between 0 and 2**31-1.

--loglevel [DEBUG, INFO]

This option specified the verbosity level of the log file. If the level is DEBUG, the steps in the simulation will be written to the log file with higher verbosity.


By default, the branch length of trees generated from the ms program is measured in 4N generations. If we set -r to 100 in phylovar (PSiTE), this is equivalent to setting the population rescaled parameter -t to 100 in ms (see ms manual for details).

2.3 chain2fa (module 3)

After generating genomes of normal cells with vcf2fa and chain files of tumor cells with phylovar, chain2fa then builds the genome sequences for each tumor cell (or clone).

2.3.1 Input files

Normal fasta (-n/--normal)

The genomes of an individual (with two parental haplotypes) are specified via -n/--normal. These genomes are generated by module vcf2fa using the germline variants. In other words, they serve as the genetic background of the individual. Two haploid genomes of the normal cell should be specified as a list separated by comma, such as, --normal normal.parental_0.fa,normal.parental_1.fa.
Here, the order of the fasta files is important. The first fasta will always be treated as parental 0, and the second one will be treated as parental 1. In the example given above, normal.parental_0.fa will be used to build the tumor haplotype corresponding to parental haplotype 0 and normal.parental_1.fa will be used to build the tumor haplotype from parental haplotype 1.

Chain file (-c/--chain)

The directory which contains all the chain files is specified by option -c/--chain. All the chain files named as 'node*.chain' within this folder will be used to build genomes of tumor clones or single cells.

2.3.2 Output files

Output (-o/--output)

The folder storing simulated tumor genomes is specified via option -o/--output. By default, there are two FASTA files (corresponding to parental 0 and parental 1 respectively) per chain file. They are named as 'node*.parental*.fa'.

2.3.3 Options


This option specifies the per line width of the genome sequence. Setting this to be 100 will output the genome sequences in chunks of 100 bp.


This option specifies the number of cores used to run this module.

2.4 fa2wgs (module 4)

After running the first three modules (vcf2fa, phylovar and chain2fa), PSiTE have generated the genomes of normal/tumor clones (cells). Module fa2wgs then calls ART to simulate whole-genome sequencing data from these genomes. fa2wgs first computes the sequencing coverage of each genome according to its proportion in the tumor sample and then calls ART to simulate short reads from each genome.

2.4.1 Input files

Normal fasta (-n/--normal) and tumor fasta (-t/--tumor)

The folder containing the FASTA files of normal genomes is specified by -n/--normal. The corresponding tumor folder is specified by -t/--tumor. fa2wgs expects two fasta files (normal.parental_0.fa/normal.parental_1.fa) under the normal fasta folder and two fasta files (node*.parental_0.fa/node*.parental_1.fa) for each tip node under the tumor fasta folder.

Tipnode map files (-m/--map)

The folder containing the tip node map files is specified via -m/--map. Each file contains the compositional information of a tip node, including the number of cells in the sample that have the same tumor genome represented by the node. Please see the 'Tipnode map files' under 2.2.2 for more details.

Sector file (--sectors)

The sector file is specified by --sectors. In this file, users can set different purity and sequencing depth for different tumor sectors. WGS data will be simulated only for sectors listed in this file. An example of the sectors file is shown below:

#sector purity depth
sector1 0.6 100
sector2 0.6 110

There are three columns in a sectors file:

  • sector: The ID of the focal sector.
  • purity: The purity of sectors (the cancer cell proportion in a sector).
  • depth: The depth of WGS data for sectors to simulate.

When the sector file is supplied, fa2wgs will ignore options -d/--tumor_depth and -p/--purity. Without this option, fa2wgs will simulate WGS data for all the sectors which has a map file in the folder specified by -m/--map. In this case, the purity and sequencing depth for each sector are taken from -p/--purity and -d/--tumor_depth. In addition to the sectors specified in the affiliation file, users can also specify 'tumor' in the sectors file to make fa2wgs to simulate the WGS data for the whole tumor sample.

2.4.2 Output files

Output folder (-o/--output)

The folder containing the short reads generated by ART is specified by -o/--output. The FASTQ files of tumor sample are stored in a subfolder called 'tumor'. The FASTQ files of normal sample are stored in a subfolder called 'normal'.

Log file (-g/--log)

For each simulation, fa2wgs calls ART multiple times to simulate NGS reads from individual tumor clone (i.e. cancer genome). This file, specified by -g/--log, stores command settings of each command and can be used to replicate the simulation process.

2.4.3 Options


This option specifies the mean depth of the tumor sample.


For most of the cancer genomic analysis, paired normal sample is also needed. This option specifies the mean depth of normal sample.


This option specifies the purity of tumor samples. Purity refers to the percentage of cells that are tumor cells.


This option specifies the length of the simulated short reads.


This option specifies the command to call ART. fa2wgs provides a very flexible way to call ART. Users can pass all parameters to ART by --art except parameters handled by fa2wgs itself (rlen, fcov, in, out, id, and rndSeed). For example, users can use --art '/path/to/ART/art_illumina --noALN --quiet --paired --mflen 500 --sdev 20' if ART is not installed system-wide. Users can also use --art 'echo art_illumina --noALN --quiet --paired--mflen 500 --sdev 20' to just print out the command to call ART.


This option specifies the number of cores used to run fa2wgs. With this option, users can use multiple CPUs to reduce simulation time.


By default, fa2wgs merges the simulated NGS data of all tumor genomes into one file. This option allows fa2wgs to store the individual fastq files separately.


The option indicates NGS simulation will be in single cell mode. After specifying this option, the value of --tumor_depth is the depth of each tumor cell (not the total depth of tumor sample anymore).


This option sets the seed for random number generator. This number is passed to ART (i.e. --rndSeed option in ART) to initiate the simulation of short reads.

2.5 fa2wes (module 5)

In addition to simulating WGS data, PSiTE can also simulate WES data (Illumina) by running module fa2wes. Similar to module fa2wgs, fa2wes first computes sequencing coverage (or read number) for each genome in the tumor/normal sample and then calls a WES simulator to simulate short reads.

To avoid reinventing the wheel, we integrate two popular WES simulators: WesSim and CapSim. Both of them simulate shorts reads by combining all the three stages of capture sequencing: fragmentation, fragment capture and in silico sequencing. WesSim uses an existing NGS simulator GemSim to generate short reads. CapSim simulates reads by copying from captured fragments with random errors introduced and fixed quality scores. The coverage distribution of reads generated by CapSim has been found to resemble real exome capture data. To get realistic quality values for the short reads, we created a hybrid simulator CapGem by combining the first two steps of CapSim (fragmentation and fragment capture) with the last step of WesSim (sequencing by GemSim). Specifically, the probe-based version of WesSim (WesSim2) and CapGem are supported in fa2wes.

Most options for module fa2wes are similar to those for the module fa2wgs.

2.5.0 Requirements

Due to the complexity of simulating exome data, this module requires the installation of the following software.


Unlike WGS simulation, there are often several steps for simulating WES data. To create a smooth workflow, we use snakemake (version >= 3.8), a scalable workflow management system.

There are several ways to install snakemake. Please follow the instructions here.


For ease of use, we revised the source code of WesSim2 (probe-based version) and include it in our PSiTE package.

Several additional packages are required to run WesSim:


CapGem requires a Java Runtime Environment (Java Runtime Environment >=1.8). Several additional packages are required to use CapGem for simulation:

To install CapGem, one can navigate to the folder containing the source code of CapGem (PSiTE/wes/capgem) and then run make.

A sample command is make install INSTALL_DIR=./ MXMEM=8000m SERVER=true. If INSTALL_DIR is specified to be a directory other than './', this directory should be added to environment variable PATH. After installation, user can also adjust the maximum memory used by Java by adding export _JAVA_OPTIONS="-Xmx12g" to the file .bashrc under home directory.

Due to the dependence on samtools to build index for tumor genomes, CapGem can only be used for genomes with longest chromosome being less than 512 M.

Computing resources

The module fa2wes is computationally intensive, since it includes several steps: building index, mapping probes, and simulating reads. The process can be accelerated by using multiple cores in a single computer or using multiple cluster nodes.

The computational resources used by different simulators are quite different. Given a haploid genome and a computer with 8 GB memory, WesSim (with default parameters in the configure file) takes about 10 minutes (1 GB memory, 700 MB disk space) to build an index and about 40 minutes (4 GB memory, 70 MB disk space) to map probe sequences onto the genome, whereas CapGem (with default parameters in the configure file) takes about 5 hours (7.8 GB memory, 4 GB disk space) to build an index and about 30 minutes (7 GB memory, 900 MB disk space) to map probe sequences. The time used for simulating reads will dependent on the number of reads to simulate. In our experiences, WesSim is often much faster than CapGem in generating short reads.

In principle, one can specify the read depth/number for tumor and normal samples in a single command. To save time, one can simulate tumor and normal samples in parallel by running two fa2wes commands at the same time, with one command specifying the read number of tumor (normal) sample to be zero while simulating normal (tumor) sample.

2.5.1 Input files

Similar to module fa2wgs, this module requires the FASTA files of normal and tumor genomes as well as tumor chain files. Additionally, a probe file and a target file are required.

FASTA files of normal genomes (-n/--normal)

These fasta files for the normal genomes are specified via -n/--normal. There should be two FASTA files (normal.parental_0.fa/normal.parental_1.fa) under this folder.

FASTA files of tumor genomes (-t/--tumor)

These fasta files for the tumor genomes are specified via -t/--tumor. There should be two FASTA files (node*.parental_0.fa/node*.parental_1.fa) for each tumor genome under this folder.

Tipnode map files (-m/--map)

These files are specified via -m/--map. Each file contains the compositional information of a tumor genome (i.e. which cell belongs to this tumor clone/genome). Please see the 'Tipnode map file' under 2.2.3 for more details of this file.

Probe file (--probe)

The probe file (FASTA format) is specified via --probe. This file contains the probe sequences for target capture. Probe files for different sequencing platforms can be obtained from the respective vendor's website. For example, the probe sequences for Agilent's SureSelect platforms can be downloaded from here (One has to register and log in the website for downloading). The download option can be found in the menu by first clicking 'Find Designs' and then 'SureSelect DNA', followed by clicking 'Agilent Catalog Designs'. To obtain a FASTA file from the downloaded TXT file, user can use the script probe2fa.py provided in our PSiTE package (under directory wes/util/). We provide an example probe file wes/example/S03723314_Probes.fa.gz for users (need extration before using). Check the wes/example/README.md file for details.

Target file (--target)

The target file (BED format) is specified via --target. This file contains the positions of target regions along the genome. Similar to the probe file, Target files for different sequencing platforms can also be obtained from vendor's website. Users can find an example target file file wes/example folder of PSiTE package (wes/example/S03723314_Covered_c3.bed). Check the wes/example/README.md file for details.

Error model file (--error_model)

This option specifies the file containing the empirical error model for NGS sequencing generated by GemErr.py (please see wes/util/README.md for details). GemErr.py was adapted from the GemSim package and it can tabulate an error model from real sequencing data. With the error model learned from the real data, users can simulate more realistic short reads. Users can use a default error model provided under wes/example folder of PSiTE package (wes/example/RMNISTHS_30xdownsample_chr22_p.gzip). Check the wes/example/README.md file for details.

Sector file (--sectors)

The sector file is specified via --sectors. This file contains purity and depth of WES data for different tumor sectors. Please see the 'Sector file (--sectors)' under 2.4.1 for more details of this file.

2.5.2 Output files

Output of WES simulator (-o/--output)

A WES simulator typically generates many files corresponding to different tumor genomes. These files are under the folder specified via -o/--output. There can be multiple subfolders generated under this folder. If the simulation is only done for the tumor or normal sample, there will be an additional folder 'tumor' or 'normal' which contains similar hierarchies of subfolders.

In each subfolder, there are several subfolders that contain the intermediate and final (underlined) results in simulation:

  • config: This folder contains the configuration files of snakemake for running different simulators. Users can change the parameters of tools used in simulation directly in the respective configuration file for specific needs.
  • genome_index: This folder contains the index of reference genomes.
  • mapping: This folder contains the results of mapping the probe sequence to the reference genomes.
  • wessim_reads/capgem_reads: This folder contains simulated short reads for different genomes in the sample.
  • frags: This folder contains the sequencing fragments captured by CapGem.
  • merged: This folder contains the simulated short reads for the tumor/normal sample. For the tumor sample, multiple tumor genomes (i.e. clones) are merged to represent the tumor sample.
  • separate: This folder contains simulated short reads for each genome (i.e. tumor clone) in the sample. It is generated when using option --separate or --single (see section 2.5.3). When multi-sector data are simulated, there will be a subfolder for each sector under this folder.

All the other subfolders contain intermediate results and can be deleted, including 'log' which store files indicating the completeness of snakemake tasks, 'stdout' which stores the standard output and standard errors of snakemake commands, and '.snakemake' which stores the files generated by snakemake.

To simulate short reads with different parameters without changing the underlying genomes, one can delete all the subfolders except 'config', 'genome_index' and 'mapping', before rerunning fa2wes.

Log file (-g/--log)

The log file is specified via -g/--log. It stores the commands for calling the WES simulator, which can be used to replicate the simulation process.

2.5.3 Options


This option specifies the purity of the tumor sample.


This option specifies the percentage of simulated reads that are expected to be from the target regions. Because of off-target effect in exome capture sequencing, this option is used to adjust the read number such that the we can obtain the desired number of on-target reads. This option is specific to each capture probe/target region. Users need to be careful changing this option.


This option specifies the length of simulated short reads.


This option allows users to simulate single-end reads (instead of paired-end reads).


This option specifies the mean depth of the tumor sample. The number of generated short reads is computed by the following formula: (target_size*rdepth)/(rlen*ontarget_ratio). Here, 'target_size' is the size of target regions specified in the target file; 'rlen' is the simulated read length for the short reads (single-end or pair-end sequencing); 'target_ratio' is the percentage of on-target reads and specified by --target_ratio.


Instead of specifying the coverage of the target region, fa2wes also allows user to directly specify the number of simulated reads. This option specifies the number of short reads to simulate for tumor sample.


This option specifies the mean depth of the normal sample. In principle, one can specify the mean depth for tumor and normal samples in a single command. To save time, one can simulate tumor and normal samples in parallel by running two fa2wes commands at the same time, with one command specifying the depth of tumor (normal) sample to be 0 when simulating normal (tumor) sample.


This option allows users to specify the number of short reads to simulate for the normal sample.


This option specifies the WES simulator to use. Available choices of the WES simulators include: wessim (default) and capgem.


This option specifies the snakemake command used to call an external WES simulator. Users can pass all parameters to a selected simulator by revising the Snakefile of the corresponding simulator (under directory wes/config/), except the option specifying read length. To accelerate the simulation process, users can submit each job to a cluster. For example, one can use the following option to submit the jobs to a Univa Grid Engine queuing system: --snakemake 'snakemake --rerun-incomplete -k --latency-wait 120 --cluster-config config/cluster.yaml --cluster "qsub -V -l mem_free={cluster.mem},h_rt={cluster.time} -pe OpenMP {cluster.n} -o stdout/ -e stdout/"'.


This option specifies the number of cores used to run the program (including snakemake). If --cores or --jobs or -j is specified in the options of snakemake command, the value specified by --cores here will be ignored when snakemake is called. Because WES simulation involves multiple steps, it is recommended to use a larger number of cores to save time.


With this option, WES simulation will be in single cell mode, which simulates single cell exome sequencing. Specifically, the value of --tumor_depth (--tumor_rnum) refers to the depth (read number) of each tumor cell.


With this option, fa2wes will keep the short reads of each genome separately (instead of mixing them together to create the tumor sample).

--out_level [0,1,2]

This option specifies the level used to indicate how many intermediate output files are kept.

  • Level 0: keep all the files.
  • Level 1: keep files that are necessary for rerunning simulation ('config', 'genome_index', 'mapping', 'merged', and 'separate').
  • Level 2: keep only final results ('merged' and 'separate' folders).

2.6 allinone (module 6)

allinone is a convenient wrapper for simulating NGS reads for the normal and tumor sample in one command. It first calls module vcf2fa to construct the germline genome. Subsequently, it calls module phylovar and chain2fa to build the genomes of tumor cells. At the end, it calls module fa2wgs or fa2wes to simulate short reads for the normal and tumor sample.

2.6.1 Input files

Reference file (-r/--reference) and VCF file (-v/--vcf)

These two files will be passed to module vcf2fa to construct the germline genome of an individual. Check section 2.1 for details.

Tree file (-t/--tree), configuration file (-c/--config) and affiliation file (--affiliation)

These three files will be passed to module phylovar to simulate somatic variants along the evolutionary history of the sample. Check section 2.2 for details.

Sectors file (--sectors)

This file will be passed to module fa2wgs and fa2wes. Check section 2.4 for details.


These files will be passed to module fa2wes. Check section 2.5 for details.

2.6.2 Output files

Output (--output)

The output folder is specified via --output. All files generated in the simulation will be placed in this folder. allinone will create four or five subfolders under this folder: normal_fa, tumor_chain, tumor_fa, wgs_reads and/or wes_reads. They contain normal FASTA files, tumor chain files, tumor FASTA files and short reads for normal/tumor samples respectively.

Log file (-g/--log)

The log file is specified via -g/--log, which records random seeds and all the sub-commands, along with their parameters.

2.6.3 Options


These two options will be passed to module vcf2fa. Check section 2.1 for details.


These four options will be passed to module phylovar. Check section 2.2 for details.


This option will be passed to module chain2fa, fa2wgs and fa2wes. Check section 2.3, 2.4 and 2.5 for details.


These options will be passed to module fa2wgs or fa2wes. Check section 2.4 and 2.5 for details.


These options will be passed to module fa2wgs. Check section 2.4 for details.


These options will be passed to module fa2wes. Check section 2.5 for details.


This option specifies the seed used for random number generation. The generated random number will be used as a random seed by module phylovar, fa2wgs and fa2wes.


The option --start step_ID allows users to skip some of the steps which have been finished already. The program will carry out the simulation from the step_ID th step. The step_ID (inclusive) can be an integer number from 1 to 4.

  • 1: vcf2fa
  • 2: phylovar
  • 3: chain2fa
  • 4: fa2wgs/fa2wes

3. Tutorial

In this section, we will demonstrate how to use PSiTE.

  1. At first, several input files have to be prepared with the following steps.

    • Simulate a coalescent tree of 1000 tumor cells, which are sampled from an exponentially growing tumor. (Please check the manual of ms for more information)

      ms 1000 1 -T -G 1 |tail -n1 > ms_tree.txt
    • Download the fasta file of human reference genome from the website of 1000 genomes.

      wget http://ftp.1000genomes.ebi.ac.uk/vol1/ftp/technical/reference/human_g1k_v37.fasta.gz
      gunzip human_g1k_v37.fasta.gz
    • Download variants data of NA12878 (Genome in a bottle consortium) from NCBI.

      wget -O NA12878.raw.vcf.gz ftp://ftp-trace.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/giab/ftp/release/NA12878_HG001/latest/GRCh37/HG001_GRCh37_GIAB_highconf_CG-IllFB-IllGATKHC-Ion-10X-SOLID_CHROM1-X_v.3.3.2_highconf_PGandRTGphasetransfer.vcf.gz
    • Filter the raw variants to get the phased SNPs as the germline variants of the sample to simulate.

      zcat NA12878.raw.vcf.gz \
          |awk '/^#/ || ($NF~/^[01]\|[01]/ && length($4)==1 && length($5)==1)' \
          |gzip -c > NA12878.phased_snp.vcf.gz
  2. Next, vcf2fa simulates the (normal) germline genomes of a female individual, by integrating germline SNPs into the human reference genome.

    psite.py vcf2fa -r human_g1k_v37.fasta -v NA12878.phased_snp.vcf.gz \
        --autosomes 1..22 --sex_chr X,X -o normal_fa
  3. Subsequently, phylovar simulates somatic variants of the sample. There are multiple options in phylovar that allow a flexible simulation, as shown below.

    • Simulate variants based on a configuration file. Check cfg_template_female.yaml in PSiTE package (under folder example) for detailed settings.

      psite.py phylovar -t ms_tree.txt --config cfg_template_female.yaml \
          --purity 0.8 --sex_chr X,X
    • With the option --trunk_length, we can simulate truncal mutations of the tumor sample.

      psite.py phylovar -t ms_tree.txt --config cfg_template_female.yaml \
          --purity 0.8 --sex_chr X,X --trunk_length 2.0
    • The above two phylovar commands will simulate somatic variants of 1000 tumor genomes. The fasta files of these genomes can consume a lot of space, because we need to store the genomes of every individual cell. Since most low frequency variants are not informative, users can employ --prune to trim the infrequent lineages.

      psite.py phylovar -t ms_tree.txt --config cfg_template_female.yaml \
          --purity 0.8 --sex_chr X,X --trunk_length 2.0 --prune 0.05
    • When running phylovar, users can choose to generate chain files and map files with option --chain and --map respectively. The command will generate the chain files for each tip node under the folder tumor_chain. These two files can then be used for generating genomes of tumor cells and the sequencing data from those cells.

      psite.py phylovar -t ms_tree.txt --config cfg_template_female.yaml \
          --purity 0.8 --sex_chr X,X --trunk_length 2.0 --prune 0.05 \
          --chain tumor_chain --map map
  4. With the chain files generated by phylovar, chain2fa can then build the genomes of tumor cells in the sample.

    psite.py chain2fa -c tumor_chain \
        -n normal_fa/normal.parental_0.fa,normal_fa/normal.parental_1.fa \
        -o tumor_fa --cores 16
  5. After generating the tumor genomes, NGS reads can be simulated by calling fa2wgs or fa2wes. Below are several examples showing how to generate different types of NGS reads.

    • Simulate the NGS reads of a tumor sample with the purity of 0.8 and the coverage of 50X. At the same time, generate the paired normal sample at coverage 30X. Use 16 CPUs to run the simulation.

      psite.py fa2wgs -n normal_fa -t tumor_fa -m map --purity 0.8 \
          --tumor_depth 50 --normal_depth 30  -o wgs_reads --cores 16
    • Simulate the WES reads of a tumor sample with the purity of 0.8 and the coverage of 100X as well as the paired normal sample with 100X coverage. Use wessim and 16 CPUs to run the simulation. The probe file, target file and error model file used in this command can be found under directory wes/example of PSiTE package (Note: The probe file PSiTE/wes/example/S03723314_Probes.fa is compressed in '.gz' format when distributing. Users should extract it before using).

      psite.py fa2wes -n normal_fa -t tumor_fa -m map \
          --probe PSiTE/wes/example/S03723314_Probes.fa \
          --target PSiTE/wes/example/S03723314_Covered_c3.bed \
          --error_model PSiTE/wes/example/RMNISTHS_30xdownsample_chr22_p.gzip \
          --purity 0.8 --tumor_rdepth 100 --normal_rdepth 100 \
          --simulator wessim -o wes_reads --cores 16
    • Simulate the WES reads of a tumor sample with the purity of 0.8 and the coverage of 100X. Use capgem and clusters to run the simulation. Please ensure that there are enough memory and disk space to run capgem (see section 2.5.0 for the requirements).

      psite.py fa2wes -n normal_fa -t tumor_fa -m map \
          --probe PSiTE/wes/example/S03723314_Probes.fa \
          --target PSiTE/wes/example/S03723314_Covered_c3.bed \
          --error_model PSiTE/wes/example/RMNISTHS_30xdownsample_chr22_p.gzip \
          --purity 0.8 --tumor_rdepth 100 --normal_rdepth 0 \
          --simulator capgem -o wes_reads \
          --snakemake 'snakemake -j 200 --rerun-incomplete --latency-wait 120 \
          -k --cluster "qsub -V -l mem_free={cluster.mem},h_rt={cluster.time} \
          -pe OpenMP {cluster.n} -o wes_reads/stdout/ -e wes_reads/stdout/"' 
  6. Finally, users can just use a single allinone command to run the whole pipeline to generate the WGS or WES data.

    • Run the whole pipeline to generate the WGS data.

      psite.py allinone \
          -r human_g1k_v37.fasta -v NA12878.phased_snp.vcf.gz \
          -t ms_tree.txt -c cfg_template_female.yaml -o output \
          --autosomes 1..22 --sex_chr X,X --trunk_length 2.0 \
          -d 50 -D 30 -p 0.8 -x 0.05 --cores 16
    • Run the whole pipeline to generate the WES data.

      psite.py allinone --type WES \
          -r human_g1k_v37.fasta -v NA12878.phased_snp.vcf.gz \
          -t ms_tree.txt -c cfg_template_female.yaml -o output \
          --autosomes 1..22 --sex_chr X,X --trunk_length 2.0 \
          -p 0.8 -x 0.05 \
          --probe PSiTE/wes/example/S03723314_Probes.fa \
          --target PSiTE/wes/example/S03723314_Covered_c3.bed \
          --error_model PSiTE/wes/example/RMNISTHS_30xdownsample_chr22_p.gzip \
          --rlen 150 --tumor_rdepth 100 --normal_rdepth 100 \
          --simulator wessim --cores 16
    • Run the whole pipeline to generate both WGS and WES data.

      psite.py allinone --type BOTH \
          -r human_g1k_v37.fasta -v NA12878.phased_snp.vcf.gz \
          -t ms_tree.txt -c cfg_template_female.yaml -o output \
          --autosomes 1..22 --sex_chr X,X --trunk_length 2.0 \
          -d 50 -D 30 -p 0.8 -x 0.05 \
          --probe PSiTE/wes/example/S03723314_Probes.fa \
          --target PSiTE/wes/example/S03723314_Covered_c3.bed \
          --error_model PSiTE/wes/example/RMNISTHS_30xdownsample_chr22_p.gzip \
          --rlen 150 --tumor_rdepth 100 --normal_rdepth 100 \
          --simulator wessim --cores 16



This project is licensed under the GNU GPLv3 License - see the LICENSE file for details.


Simulate next-generation sequencing reads for tumor samples

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Python 54.2%Language:Java 38.4%Language:R 3.3%Language:Shell 3.1%Language:Makefile 1.0%