hbuckle / xSQLServer

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The xSQLServer module contains DSC resources for deployment and configuration of SQL Server in a way that is fully compliant with the requirements of System Center.

This project has adopted the Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct. For more information see the Code of Conduct FAQ or contact opencode@microsoft.com with any additional questions or comments.


Please check out common DSC Resources contributing guidelines.


  • xSQLServerSetup installs a standalone SQL Server instance
  • xSQLServerFirewall configures firewall settings to allow remote access to a SQL Server instance.
  • xSQLServerRSSecureConnectionLevel sets the secure connection level for SQL Server Reporting Services.
  • xSQLServerFailoverClusterSetup installs SQL Server failover cluster instances.
  • xSQLServerRSConfig configures SQL Server Reporting Services to use a database engine in another instance.
  • xSQLServerLogin resource to manage SQL logins
  • xSQLServerRole resource to manage SQL server roles
  • xSQLServerDatabaseRole resource to manage SQL database roles
  • xSQLServerDatabasePermissions resource to manage SQL database permissions
  • xSQLServerDatabaseOwner resource to manage SQL database owners
  • xSQLDatabaseRecoveryModel resource to manage database recovery model
  • xSQLServerMaxDop resource to manage MaxDegree of Parallelism for SQL Server
  • xSQLServerMemory resource to manage Memory for SQL Server
  • xSQLServerPowerPlan resource to manage windows powerplan on SQL Server
  • xSQLServerNetwork resource to manage SQL Server Network Protocols
  • xSQLServerDatabase resource to manage ensure database is present or absent
  • xSQLAOGroupEnsure resource to ensure availability group is present or absent
  • xSQLAOGroupJoin resource to join a replica to an existing availability group
  • xSQLServerAlwaysOnService resource to enable always on on a SQL Server
  • xSQLServerEndpoint resource to ensure database endpoint is present or absent
  • xWaitForAvailabilityGroup resource to wait till availability group is created on primary server
  • xSQLServerConfiguration resource to manage SQL Server Configuration Options
  • xSQLServerPermission Grant or revoke permission on the SQL Server.
  • xSQLServerEndpointState Change state of the endpoint.
  • xSQLServerEndpointPermission Grant or revoke permission on the endpoint.
  • xSQLServerAvailabilityGroupListener Create or remove an availability group listener.
  • xSQLServerReplication resource to manage SQL Replication distribution and publishing.
  • xSQLServerScript resource to extend DSCs Get/Set/Test functionality to T-SQL
  • xSQLAlias resource to manage SQL Server client Aliases


  • SourcePath: (Required) UNC path to the root of the source files for installation.
  • SourceFolder: Folder within the source path containing the source files for installation.
  • SetupCredential: (Required) Credential to be used to perform the installation.
  • SourceCredential: Credential used to access SourcePath
  • SuppressReboot: Suppresses reboot
  • ForceReboot: Forces Reboot
  • Features: (Key) SQL features to be installed.
  • InstanceName: (Key) SQL instance to be installed.
  • InstanceID: SQL instance ID, if different from InstanceName.
  • PID: Product key for licensed installations.
  • UpdateEnabled: Enabled updates during installation.
  • UpdateSource: Source of updates to be applied during installation.
  • SQMReporting: Enable customer experience reporting.
  • ErrorReporting: Enable error reporting.
  • InstallSharedDir: Installation path for shared SQL files.
  • InstallSharedWOWDir: Installation path for x86 shared SQL files.
  • InstanceDir: Installation path for SQL instance files.
  • SQLSvcAccount: Service account for the SQL service.
  • SQLSvcAccountUsername: Output user name for the SQL service.
  • AgtSvcAccount: Service account for the SQL Agent service.
  • AgtSvcAccountUsername: Output user name for the SQL Agent service.
  • SQLCollation: Collation for SQL.
  • SQLSysAdminAccounts: Array of accounts to be made SQL administrators.
  • SecurityMode: SQL security mode.
  • SAPwd: SA password, if SecurityMode=SQL.
  • InstallSQLDataDir: Root path for SQL database files.
  • SQLUserDBDir: Path for SQL database files.
  • SQLUserDBLogDir: Path for SQL log files.
  • SQLTempDBDir: Path for SQL TempDB files.
  • SQLTempDBLogDir: Path for SQL TempDB log files.
  • SQLBackupDir: Path for SQL backup files.
  • FTSvcAccount: Service account for the Full Text service.
  • FTSvcAccountUsername: Output username for the Full Text service.
  • RSSvcAccount: Service account for Reporting Services service.
  • RSSvcAccountUsername: Output username for the Reporting Services service.
  • ASSvcAccount: Service account for Analysis Services service.
  • ASSvcAccountUsername: Output username for the Analysis Services service.
  • ASCollation: Collation for Analysis Services.
  • ASSysAdminAccounts: Array of accounts to be made Analysis Services admins.
  • ASDataDir: Path for Analysis Services data files.
  • ASLogDir: Path for Analysis Services log files.
  • ASBackupDir: Path for Analysis Services backup files.
  • ASTempDir: Path for Analysis Services temp files.
  • ASConfigDir: Path for Analysis Services config.
  • ISSvcAccount: Service account for Integration Services service.
  • ISSvcAccountUsername: Output user name for the Integration Services service.


  • Ensure: (Key) Ensures that SQL firewall rules are Present or Absent on the machine.
  • SourcePath: (Required) UNC path to the root of the source files for installation.
  • SourceFolder: Folder within the source path containing the source files for installation.
  • Features: (Key) SQL features to enable firewall rules for.
  • InstanceName: (Key) SQL instance to enable firewall rules for.
  • DatabaseEngineFirewall: Is the firewall rule for the Database Engine enabled?
  • BrowserFirewall: Is the firewall rule for the Browser enabled?
  • ReportingServicesFirewall: Is the firewall rule for Reporting Services enabled?
  • AnalysisServicesFirewall: Is the firewall rule for Analysis Services enabled?
  • IntegrationServicesFirewall: Is the firewall rule for the Integration Services enabled?


  • InstanceName: (Key) SQL instance to set secure connection level for.
  • SecureConnectionLevel: (Key) SQL Server Reporting Service secure connection level.
  • Credential: (Required) Credential with administrative permissions to the SQL instance.


  • Action: (Key) { Prepare | Complete }
  • SourcePath: (Required) UNC path to the root of the source files for installation.
  • SourceFolder: Folder within the source path containing the source files for installation.
  • SetupCredential: (Required) Credential to be used to perform the installation.
  • SourceCredential: Credential to be used to access SourcePath
  • SuppressReboot: Suppresses reboot
  • ForceReboot: Forces Reboot
  • Features: (Required) SQL features to be installed.
  • InstanceName: (Key) SQL instance to be installed.
  • InstanceID: SQL instance ID, if different from InstanceName.
  • PID: Product key for licensed installations.
  • UpdateEnabled: Enabled updates during installation.
  • UpdateSource: Source of updates to be applied during installation.
  • SQMReporting: Enable customer experience reporting.
  • ErrorReporting: Enable error reporting.
  • FailoverClusterGroup: Name of the resource group to be used for the SQL Server failover cluster.
  • FailoverClusterNetworkName: (Required) Network name for the SQL Server failover cluster.
  • FailoverClusterIPAddress: IPv4 address for the SQL Server failover cluster.
  • InstallSharedDir: Installation path for shared SQL files.
  • InstallSharedWOWDir: Installation path for x86 shared SQL files.
  • InstanceDir: Installation path for SQL instance files.
  • SQLSvcAccount: Service account for the SQL service.
  • SQLSvcAccountUsername: Output user name for the SQL service.
  • AgtSvcAccount: Service account for the SQL Agent service.
  • AgtSvcAccountUsername: Output user name for the SQL Agent service.
  • SQLCollation: Collation for SQL.
  • SQLSysAdminAccounts: Array of accounts to be made SQL administrators.
  • SecurityMode: SQL security mode.
  • SAPwd: SA password, if SecurityMode=SQL.
  • InstallSQLDataDir: Root path for SQL database files.
  • SQLUserDBDir: Path for SQL database files.
  • SQLUserDBLogDir: Path for SQL log files.
  • SQLTempDBDir: Path for SQL TempDB files.
  • SQLTempDBLogDir: Path for SQL TempDB log files.
  • SQLBackupDir: Path for SQL backup files.
  • ASSvcAccount: Service account for Analysis Services service.
  • ASSvcAccountUsername: Output user name for the Analysis Services service.
  • ASCollation: Collation for Analysis Services.
  • ASSysAdminAccounts: Array of accounts to be made Analysis Services admins.
  • ASDataDir: Path for Analysis Services data files.
  • ASLogDir: Path for Analysis Services log files.
  • ASBackupDir: Path for Analysis Services backup files.
  • ASTempDir: Path for Analysis Services temp files.
  • ASConfigDir: Path for Analysis Services config.
  • ISSvcAccount: Service account for Integration Services service.
  • ISSvcAccountUsername: Output user name for the Integration Services service.
  • ISFileSystemFolder: File system folder for Integration Services.


  • InstanceName: (Key) Name of the SQL Server Reporting Services instance to be configured.
  • RSSQLServer: (Required) Name of the SQL Server to host the Reporting Service database.
  • RSSQLInstanceName: (Required) Name of the SQL Server instance to host the Reporting Service database.
  • SQLAdminCredential: (Required) Credential to be used to perform the configuration.
  • IsInitialized: Output is the Reporting Services instance initialized.


  • Ensure: If the values should be present or absent. Valid values are 'Present' or 'Absent'.
  • Name: (Key) The name of the SQL login. If LoginType is 'WindowsUser' or 'WindowsGroup' then provide the name in the format DOMAIN\name.
  • LoginCredential: If LoginType is 'SqlLogin' then a PSCredential is needed for the password to the login.
  • LoginType: The SQL login type. Valid values are 'SqlLogin', 'WindowsUser' or 'WindowsGroup'.
  • SQLServer: (Key) The SQL Server for the login.
  • SQLInstanceName: (Key) The SQL instance for the login.


  • Name: (Key) Name of the SQL Login to create
  • ServerRole: Type of SQL role to add.(bulkadmin, dbcreator, diskadmin, processadmin , public, securityadmin, serveradmin , setupadmin, sysadmin)
  • SQLServer: SQL Server where login should be created
  • SQLInstance: SQL Instance for the login


  • Name: (Key) Name of the SQL Login or the role on the database
  • SQLServer: The SQL Server for the database
  • SQLInstanceName: The SQL Instance for the database
  • Database: The SQL Database for the role
  • Role: The SQL role for the database


  • Database: (Key) The SQL Database
  • Name: (Required) The name of permissions for the SQL database
  • Permissions: (Required) The set of Permissions for the SQL database
  • SQLServer: The SQL Server for the database
  • SQLInstanceName: The SQL instance for the database


  • Database: (Key) The SQL Database
  • Name: (Required) The name of the SQL login for the owner
  • SQLServer: The SQL Server for the database
  • SQLInstance: The SQL instance for the database


  • DatabaseName: (key) The SQL database name
  • SQLServerInstance: (Required) The SQL server and instance
  • RecoveryModel: (Required) Recovery Model (Full, Simple, BulkLogged)


  • Ensure: An enumerated value that describes if Min and Max memory is configured
  • DyamicAlloc: Flag to indicate if MaxDop is dynamically configured
  • MaxDop: Numeric value to configure MaxDop to
  • SQLServer: The SQL Server where to set MaxDop
  • SQLInstance (Key): The SQL instance where to set MaxDop


  • Ensure: An enumerated value that describes if Min and Max memory is configured
  • DyamicAlloc: (key) Flag to indicate if Memory is dynamically configured
  • MinMemory: Minimum memory value to set SQL Server memory to
  • MaxMemory: Maximum memory value to set SQL Server memory to
  • SQLServer: The SQL Server for the database
  • SQLInstance: (key) The SQL instance for the database


  • Ensure: (key) An enumerated value that describes if Min and Max memory is configured


  • InstanceName: (Key) name of SQL Server instance for which network will be configured.
  • ProtocolName: (Required) Name of network protocol to be configured. Only tcp is currently supported.
  • IsEnabled: Enables/Disables network protocol.
  • TCPDynamicPorts: 0 if Dynamic ports should be used otherwise empty.
  • TCPPort: Custom TCP port.
  • RestartService: If true will restart SQL Service instance service after update. Default false.


  • Database: (key) Database to be created or dropped
  • Ensure: (Default = 'Present') An enumerated value that describes if Database is to be present or absent.
  • SQLServer: (key) The SQL Server for the database
  • SQLInstance: (key) The SQL instance for the database


  • Ensure: (Key) Determines whether the availability group should be added or removed.
  • AvailabilityGroupName (Key) Name for availability group.
  • AvailabilityGroupNameListener Listener name for availability group.
  • AvailabilityGroupNameIP List of IP addresses associated with listener.
  • AvailabilityGroupSubMask Network subnetmask for listener.
  • AvailabilityGroupPort Port availability group should listen on.
  • ReadableSecondary Mode secondaries should operate under (None, ReadOnly, ReadIntent).
  • AutoBackupPreference Where backups should be backed up from (Primary, Secondary).
  • BackupPriority The percentage weight for backup prority (default 50).
  • EndPointPort The TCP port for the SQL AG Endpoint (default 5022).
  • SQLServer: The SQL Server for the database.
  • SQLInstance: The SQL instance for the database.
  • SetupCredential: (Required) Credential to be used to Grant Permissions on SQL Server, set this to $null to use Windows Authentication.


  • Ensure: (key) An enumerated value that describes if Replica is to be present or absent from availability group
  • AvailabilityGroupName (key) Name for availability group
  • SQLServer: The SQL Server for the database
  • SQLInstance: The SQL instance for the database
  • SetupCredential: (Required) Credential to be used to Grant Permissions on SQL Server


  • Ensure: (key) An enumerated value that describes if SQL server should have AlwaysOn property present or absent.
  • SQLServer: The SQL Server for the database
  • SQLInstance: The SQL instance for the database


  • EndPointName: Name for endpoint to be created on SQL Server
  • Ensure: (key) An enumerated value that describes if endpoint is to be present or absent on SQL Server
  • Port: Port Endpoint should listen on
  • AuthorizedUser: User who should have connect ability to endpoint
  • SQLServer: The SQL Server for the database
  • SQLInstance: The SQL instance for the database


  • Name: (key) Name for availability group
  • RetryIntervalSec: Interval to check for availability group
  • RetryCount: Maximum number of retries to check availability group creation


  • InstanceName: (Key) name of SQL Server instance for which configuration options will be configured.
  • OptionName: (Key) SQL Server option name. For all possible values reference MSDN or run sp_configure.
  • OptionValue: (Required) SQL Server option value to be set.
  • RestartService: Default false. If true will restart SQL Service instance service after update.


  • InstanceName The SQL Server instance name.
  • NodeName The host name or FQDN.
  • Ensure If the permission should be present or absent.
  • Principal The login to which permission will be set.
  • Permission The permission to set for the login. Valid values are AlterAnyAvailabilityGroup, ViewServerState or AlterAnyEndPoint.


  • InstanceName The SQL Server instance name.
  • NodeName The host name or FQDN.
  • Name The name of the endpoint.
  • State The state of the endpoint. Valid states are Started, Stopped or Disabled.


  • InstanceName The SQL Server instance name.
  • NodeName The host name or FQDN.
  • Ensure If the permission should be present or absent.
  • Name The name of the endpoint.
  • Principal The login to which permission will be set.
  • Permission The permission to set for the login. Valid value for permission are only CONNECT.


This resource requires that the CNO has been delegated the right Create computer object on the organizational unit (OU) in which the CNO resides.

  • InstanceName The SQL Server instance name of the primary replica.
  • NodeName The host name or FQDN of the primary replica.
  • Ensure If the availability group listener should be present or absent.
  • Name The name of the availability group listener, max 15 characters. This name will be used as the Virtual Computer Object (VCO).
  • AvailabilityGroup The name of the availability group to which the availability group listener is or will be connected.
  • IpAddress The IP address used for the availability group listener, in the format If using DCHP, set to the first IP-address of the DHCP subnet, in the format Must be valid in the cluster-allowed IP range.
  • Port The port used for the availability group listener.
  • DHCP If DHCP should be used for the availability group listener instead of static IP address.


  • InstanceName: (Key) SQL Server instance name where replication distribution will be configured.
  • Ensure: (Default = 'Present') 'Present' will configure replication, 'Absent' will disable replication.
  • DistributorMode: (Required), 'Local' - Instance will be configured as it's own distributor, 'Remote' - Instace will be configure with remote distributor (remote distributor needs to be already configured for distribution).
  • AdminLinkCredentials: (Required) - AdminLink password to be used when setting up publisher distributor relationship.
  • DistributionDBName: (Default = 'distribution') distribution database name. If DistributionMode='Local' this will be created, if 'Remote' needs to match distribution database on remote distributor.
  • RemoteDistributor: (Required if DistributionMode='Remote') SQL Server network name that will be used as distributor for local instance.
  • WorkingDirectory: (Required) Publisher working directory.
  • UseTrustedConnection: (Default = $true) Publisher security mode.
  • UninstallWithForce: (Default = $true) Force flag for uninstall procedure


  • ServerInstance: (Required) The name of an instance of the Database Engine. For default instances, only specify the computer name. For named instances, use the format ComputerName\InstanceName.
  • SetFilePath: (Key) Path to SQL file that will perform Set action.
  • GetFilePath: (Key) Path to SQL file that will perform Get action. SQL Queries returned by this function are returned by the Get-DscConfiguration cmdlet with the GetResult parameter.
  • TestFilePath: (Key) Path to SQL file that will perform Test action. Any Script that does not throw an error and returns null is evaluated to true. Invoke-SqlCmd treats SQL Print statements as verbose text, this will not cause a Test to return false.
  • Credential: Specifies the credentials for making a SQL Server Authentication connection to an instance of the Database Engine.
  • Variable: Creates a sqlcmd scripting variable for use in the sqlcmd script, and sets a value for the variable.


  • Ensure: Determines whether the alias should be added or removed. Default value is 'Present'
  • Name: (Key) The name of Alias (e.g. svr01\inst01).
  • ServerName: (Key) The SQL Server you are aliasing (the netbios name or FQDN).
  • Protocol: Protocol to use when connecting. Valid values are 'TCP' or 'NP' (Named Pipes). Default value is 'TCP'.
  • TCPPort: The TCP port SQL is listening on. Only used when protocol is set to 'TCP'. Default value is port 1433.
  • PipeName: (Read) Named Pipes path from the Get-TargetResource method.



  • Added resources
    • xSQLServerReplication
    • xSQLServerScript
    • xSQLAlias
    • xSQLServerRole
  • Added tests for resources
    • xSQLServerPermission
    • xSQLServerEndpointState
    • xSQLServerEndpointPermission
    • xSQLServerAvailabilityGroupListener
    • xSQLServerLogin
    • xSQLAOGroupEnsure
    • xSQLAlias
    • xSQLServerRole
  • Fixes in xSQLServerAvailabilityGroupListener
    • In one case the Get-method did not report that DHCP was configured.
    • Now the resource will throw 'Not supported' when IP is changed between Static and DHCP.
    • Fixed an issue where sometimes the listener wasn't removed.
    • Fixed the issue when trying to add a static IP to a listener was ignored.
  • Fix in xSQLServerDatabase
    • Fixed so dropping a database no longer throws an error
    • BREAKING CHANGE: Fixed an issue where it was not possible to add the same database to two instances on the same server.
    • BREAKING CHANGE: The name of the parameter Database has changed. It is now called Name.
  • Fixes in xSQLAOGroupEnsure
    • Added parameters to New-ListenerADObject to allow usage of a named instance.
    • pass setup credential correctly
  • Changes to xSQLServerLogin
    • Fixed an issue when dropping logins.
    • BREAKING CHANGE: Fixed an issue where it was not possible to add the same login to two instances on the same server.
  • Changes to xSQLServerMaxDop
    • BREAKING CHANGE: Made SQLInstance parameter a key so that multiple instances on the same server can be configured

  • Converted appveyor.yml to install Pester from PSGallery instead of from Chocolatey.
  • Added Support for SQL Server 2016
  • xSQLAOGroupEnsure
    • Fixed spelling mistake in AutoBackupPreference property
    • Added BackupPriority property
  • Added resources
    • xSQLServerPermission
    • xSQLServerEndpointState
    • xSQLServerEndpointPermission
    • xSQLServerAvailabilityGroupListener
  • xSQLServerHelper
    • added functions
      • Import-SQLPSModule
      • Get-SQLPSInstanceName
      • Get-SQLPSInstance
      • Get-SQLAlwaysOnEndpoint
    • modified functions
      • New-TerminatingError - added optional parameter InnerException to be able to give the user more information in the returned message

  • Resources Added
    • xSQLServerConfiguration

  • Resources Added
    • xSQLAOGroupEnsure
    • xSQLAOGroupJoin
    • xWaitForAvailabilityGroup
    • xSQLServerEndPoint
    • xSQLServerAlwaysOnService
  • xSQLServerHelper
    • added functions
      • Connect-SQL
      • New-VerboseMessage
      • Grant-ServerPerms
      • Grant-CNOPerms
      • New-ListenerADObject
  • xSQLDatabaseRecoveryModel
    • Updated Verbose statements to use new function New-VerboseMessage
  • xSQLServerDatabase
    • Updated Verbose statements to use new function New-VerboseMessage
    • Removed ConnectSQL function and replaced with new Connect-SQL function
  • xSQLServerDatabaseOwner
    • Removed ConnectSQL function and replaced with new Connect-SQL function
  • xSQLServerDatabasePermissions
    • Removed ConnectSQL function and replaced with new Connect-SQL function
  • xSQLServerDatabaseRole
    • Removed ConnectSQL function and replaced with new Connect-SQL function
  • xSQLServerLogin
    • Removed ConnectSQL function and replaced with new Connect-SQL function
  • xSQLServerMaxDop
    • Updated Verbose statements to use new function New-VerboseMessage
    • Removed ConnectSQL function and replaced with new Connect-SQL function
  • xSQLServerMemory
    • Updated Verbose statements to use new function New-VerboseMessage
    • Removed ConnectSQL function and replaced with new Connect-SQL function
  • xSQLServerPowerPlan
    • Updated Verbose statements to use new function New-VerboseMessage
  • Examples
    • Added xSQLServerConfiguration resource example

  • Added new resource xSQLServerDatabase that allows adding an empty database to a server

  • Resources Added
    • xSQLDatabaseRecoveryModeAdded
    • xSQLServerDatabaseOwner
    • xSQLServerDatabasePermissions
    • xSQLServerDatabaseRole
    • xSQLServerLogin
    • xSQLServerMaxDop
    • xSQLServerMemory
    • xSQLServerPowerPlan
    • xSQLServerDatabase
  • xSQLServerSetup:
    • Corrected bug in GetFirstItemPropertyValue to correctly handle registry keys with only one value.
    • Added support for SQL Server
    • 2008 R2 installation
    • Removed default values for parameters, to avoid compatibility issues and setup errors
    • Added Replication sub feature detection
    • Added setup parameter BrowserSvcStartupType
    • Change SourceFolder to Source to allow for multiversion Support
    • Add Source Credential for accessing source files
    • Add Parameters for SQL Server configuration
    • Add Parameters to SuppressReboot or ForceReboot
  • xSQLServerFirewall
    • Removed default values for parameters, to avoid compatibility issues
    • Updated firewall rule name to not use 2012 version, since package supports 2008, 2012 and 2014 versions
    • Additional of SQLHelper Function and error handling
    • Change SourceFolder to Source to allow for multiversion Support
  • xSQLServerNetwork
    • Added new resource that configures network settings.
    • Currently supports only tcp network protocol
    • Allows to enable and disable network protocol for specified instance service
    • Allows to set custom or dynamic port values
  • xSQLServerRSSecureConnectionLevel
    • Additional of SQLHelper Function and error handling
  • xSqlServerRSConfig
  • xSQLServerFailoverClusterSetup
    • Additional of SQLHelper Function and error handling
    • Change SourceFolder to Source to allow for multiversion Support
    • Add Parameters to SuppressReboot or ForceReboot
  • Examples
    • Updated example files to use correct DebugMode parameter value ForceModuleImport, this is not boolean in WMF 5.0 RTM
    • Added xSQLServerNetwork example

  • xSqlServerSetup:
    • Make Features case-insensitive.

  • Increased timeout for setup process to start to 60 seconds.

  • Updated release with the following new resources
    • xSQLServerFailoverClusterSetup
    • xSQLServerRSConfig

  • Initial release with the following resources
    • xSQLServerSetup
    • xSQLServerFirewall
    • xSQLServerRSSecureConnectionLevel


Examples for use of this resource can be found with the System Center resources, such as xSCVMM, xSCSMA, and xSCOM.


License:MIT License


Language:PowerShell 98.6%Language:C# 1.4%