hazem0101's repositories


In this project, I used (Python, MS SQL server, SSIS) Python for cleaning data from NULLs, duplicates, standardize Date format, merging 2 excel sheets. MS SQL server for designing data warehouse with star schema. SSIS for loading data in each Dimension and Fact Table

Language:Jupyter NotebookStargazers:0Issues:0Issues:0


Screenshots from my SQL Queries



project in #powerbi from PwC Switzerland power BI in Data Analytics virtual case experience it's about CUSTOMER RETENTION, I used the DAX function to utilize the data to make useful charts



In this project, I created charts that answered important questions such as the - total cost of shipping for all orders from port to port, - which carrier had the lowest cost for shipping, -which service level had the lowest and highest shipping cost.



This Data is divided to 5 CSVs I Combining them using merge quires in POWER query editor with common column and make transformation on data to prepare it for analysis



this dataset published by ian k. He is data analyst and leader encourage people to be a data analyst in linkedin . it's about aliens I analyzed using POWER BI , I cleaned and change some data type to be robust dataset , I used new measure and added conditional column, modeling the data to connect all tables to be related to each other



I import this data from web page to power BI and choose tables i need to work with it, I cleaned the data and make it ready to answer the question I import this data from web page to power BI and choose tables i need to work with it, I cleaned the data and make it ready to answer the question



this is a dirty dataset i make ETL process on this data to make it clean and concise to my QA i need to answer by Power Query Editor (changing datatype, remove duplicate rows, extracting hour from Time, remove Blanks&Nulls, remove unused columns) i use DAX language to add a new measure and using in the report



For this project, you will be working to understand the results of an A/B test run by an e-commerce website. My goal is to help the company understand if they should implement the new page, keep the old page, or perhaps run the experiment longer to make their decision.



This dataset is about hotels and i make it's analysis using python and excel
