hazelAutumn / Zoom-VQA

[CVPRW 2023] Zoom-VQA: Patches, Frames and Clips Integration for Video Quality Assessment

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Zoom-VQA: Patches, Frames and Clips Integration for Video Quality Assessment

Kai Zhao, Kun Yuan, Ming Sun and Xing Wen

🚀 Updates History:

  • somthing more…
  • April. 17, 2023: We release the Zoom-VQA source code and the final checkpoints for the NTIRE2023 final test phase.

This repository is the official PyTorch implementation of 'Zoom-VQA: Patches, Frames and Clips Integration for Video Quality Assessment'. We won the runner-up prize in the NTIRE2023 Quality Assessment of Video Enhancement Challenge.

Network Architecture

As given in the figure, the overall framework of Zoom-VQA consists of two branchs, IQA branch and VQA branch. By combining the independent prediction scores of the two branches, the final prediction score is attained in a late fusion fashion.




Download and extract VDPVE videos with annotations from URL. To reproduce our results, we expect the whole directory struture should be organized as follows:


Preparation: extract frames

As the the IQA branch is trained and inferred on frames, the first step is to extract frames from videos. Thus, we provide a script for extracting frames from videos in Python, while it still relys on FFmpeg. As follows:

# 1) extract train subset, 839 videos
python extract.py -d data/train/ -o data/train_extract_imgs_2fps -n 2
# 2) extract validation subset, 119 videos
python extract.py -d data/validation/ -o data/val_extract_imgs_2fps -n 2
# 3) extract test subset, 253 videos
python extract.py -d data/test/ -o data/test_extract_imgs_2fps -n 2


1) IQA Branch

Evaluate on VDPVE test-subset

Please verify the current path is ’project/IQA’, download the checkpoint and save it in ‘project/IQA/checkpoints/’. After that, run the following command and the inferred results will be saved in ‘project/results/iqa_pred.txt' file.

# infer on the test - FINAL TEST subset(253 videos), val - online val subset(119 videos)
python infer.py --dataset [test/val]

Train & Reproduce

python train_DDP_single.py --arch cpnet_multi --dataset vdpve_2fps --batch_size 32 --epochs 30 --lr 4e-4 --optimizer ADAMW --weight_decay 1e-2 --drop_path 0.1 --loss_type smooth_l1 --pretrain --rsize 512 --csize 320 --cutmix 0. --backbone_lr_decay 0.2 --pretrain --dropout 0.5 --suffix lr4e-4_b32_dp05_dpath01_wd1e-2_blrdecay02_reproduce

2) VQA Branch

VQA pipeline are almostly borrowed from FAST-VQA, which is trained/inferred on videos directly. Before executing following commands, please make sure your current path is ‘project/VQA/‘

Evaluate on VDPVE test-subset

Download the checkpoint and save it in ‘project/VQA/checkpoints/’. After that, run the following command and the inferred results will be saved in ‘project/results/vqa_pred.txt' file.

# test: FINAL TEST subset(253 videos), ol_val: online val subset(119 videos), off_val: my split validation, 111 videos
python vqa_mine.py --rsize 480 --backbone swin_tiny_grpb --patch_size 6 --dataset [test/ol_val/off_val]

Train & Reproduce

Specifically, VideoSwinTransformer consumes pretty much GPU memory. So you should assure your GPU memory is larger than 24GB (V100 32GB is better).

python split_train.py --epochs 30 --lr 1e-3 --b_lr_decay 0.1 --backbone swin_tiny_grpb --batch_size 16 --rsize 480 --patch_size 6 --suffix lr1e-3_fragments_r480c336_blr01_reproduce

3) Late Fusion of Two Branches

After obtaining 'iqa_preds.txt' and 'vqa_preds.txt', you can average these preditions and fetch the final preds.

# Jump to the root level of this project 
cd ./project

#run the ensemble script, the results will be saved in ‘project/results/output.txt’ file
python ensemble.py


Our codes partially borrowed from FAST-VQA and timm. Thanks for the SwinIR and MANIQA Readme.md. We re-edit our file based on them.

Related Works & Citations

The following papers are to be cited, if relevant papers are propsed.

  1. [CVPRW 2023] Zoom-VQA: Patches, Frames and Clips Integration for Video Quality Assessment
      title={Zoom-VQA: Patches, Frames and Clips Integration for Video Quality Assessment}, 
      author={Zhao, Kai and Yuan, Kun and Sun, Ming and Wen, Xing},
      journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2304.06440},
  1. [CVPR 2023] Quality-aware Pre-trained Models for Blind Image Quality Assessment
  title={Quality-aware Pre-trained Models for Blind Image Quality Assessment},
  author={Zhao, Kai and Yuan, Kun and Sun, Ming and Li, Mading and Wen, Xing},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.00521},


[CVPRW 2023] Zoom-VQA: Patches, Frames and Clips Integration for Video Quality Assessment

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Python 100.0%