Slim Element
A tiny base class for building web components.
It enables some super light abstractions over vanilla web component authoring, catered to my personal preferences.
npm install slim-element
import { SlimElement } from 'slim-element';
class SimpleGreeting extends SlimElement {
// Component styles can be *optionally* defined as a static property
// If constructable style sheets are supported they will be used, otherwise
// the styles will be placed in a <style> tag inside the shadow DOM
static styles = `
h1 { color: teal; }
// A constructor method can be *optionally* defined
// Calling super() will create and attach a shadow DOM
constructor() {
// ... your custom component code ...
// A connectedCallback method can be *optionally* defined
// Calling super.connectedCallback() will handle rendering the component
connectedCallback() {
// ... your custom component code ...
// A render method is required for defining component markup
render() {
return `<h1>Hey there!</h1>`;
customElements.define('simple-greeting', SimpleGreeting);
See an example of SlimElement in action in simple-greeting.js or counter-button.js.
This is licensed under MIT. Feel free to use, remix, and adapt the code found this repo in your own projects.