hataloo / DQN

Implementation of DQN, Double DQN and Dueling DQN using PyTorch.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


In this project, I have implemented the Deep Q Network presented by DeepMind researchers in the original paper and follow-up Nature paper. I have also implemented architectures that improve upon the original DQN: Double DQN and Dueling DQN.

Evaluation samples from Dueling Double DQN with Prioritized Replay Buffer:

Episode 50 Episode 150 Episode 750

Reward and Q-value plots

The first two figures show that all models learn to solve Pong with D3QN with Prio and DQN being the faster learners. The third figure shows that DQN initially learns that the average Q-value is negative while playing randomly. After some time, the average Q-values increase along with the rewards received. The fourth figure shows that the maximum Q-value calculated per episode increases steadily at the start for D3Qn and DQN. In general, the max Q-value is significantly larger than the average Q-value which shows that DQN can distinguish between states of different values.

Keep in mind that the learning speed of DQN can be sensitive to the random seed assigned and that the models were only trained once. Additionally, the proposed improvements to DQN (Double, Dueling and PER) were assessed on the scores across on all Atari games and not on Pong in particular.

Resources used

This project would not have been possible without all the brilliant resources available on the Internet. Among many, the following resources have helped me the most:

  • DQN tutorial for PyTorch
    • Introductory tutorial to DQN that got me off the ground.
  • OpenAI Baselines
    • Provides implementations of most Deep Reinforcement Learning algorithms written in Tensorflow. However, I used Baselines ReplayBuffer to create ReplayBufferTorch and the wrappers available here.
  • Pre-processing of frames
    • Goes through the pre-processing Deepmind used in their DQN paper in great detail.
  • Guide to speeding up DQN
    • Excellent guide to speeding up the convergence of DQN, provides hyperparameters that converges faster.


Trained for ~800 episodes and performed an evaluation every 50 episodes that consisted of playing 5 episodes.

  • Update frequency = 4 (number of steps in the environment before performing an optimization step),
  • Batch size = 32*4 = 128,
  • Gamma = 0.99,
  • Epsilon linearly decreasing from 1 to 0.02 over 100 000 steps with an evaluation epsilon of 0.002,
  • Target network updated every 1 000 steps,
  • Replay buffer initialized with 10 000 random steps and maximum capacity of 100 000,
  • Learning rate for ADAM optimizer = 0.0001,
  • Prioritized Experience Replay:
    • Alpha = 0.6,
    • Beta linearly increasing from 0.4 to 1 over 20 000 000 steps.


Implementation of DQN, Double DQN and Dueling DQN using PyTorch.


Language:Python 100.0%