hasinhayder / BanglaTwitterStatus

Post twitter status in Bangla

Home Page:http://bangla.twitterstat.us

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Live: http://bangla.twitterstat.us
Author Name: Hasin Hayder
Author Homepage: http://hasin.wordpress.com
Author Email: hasin at leevio dot com

License: New BSD

BanglaTwitterStatus is an open source application published under New BSD License. This application shows how effective anyone can post i18n status to twitter. 

I've used Abraham's oath client for collecting session tokens which you can find at https://github.com/abraham/twitteroauth

To run this app in your domain successfully, create a twitter application from http://twitter.com/apps/new, then copy the consumer key and consumer secret into config.php

Create a MySQL database with the schema provided in schema/db.sql - add username and password in common.php

Mainly thats it. Enjoy!


Post twitter status in Bangla

