hashalite / sbutils-public

A utility mod for Skyblock.net.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This mod was originally created for personal use, but I have recently decided to release it to the public. It contains all the features of the original Skyblock mod, with some tweaks, plus some features of my own creation.

While the feature set may be similar, this mod shares no code with the original Skyblock mod. Every feature is written from scratch. This means that some features may behave differently than you are used to.

I am always looking for ways to improve the mod. If you have any feature requests or would like to report a bug, please make a GitHub issue.


Feature Description Settings
Auto Advert Automatically sends messages from a specified file. Skyblock Advert File - The txt file containing your /skyblock advertisements.
Economy Advert File - The txt file containing your /economy advertisements.
Classic Advert File - The txt file containing your /classic advertisements.
Advert Delay - The delay between messages. (Seconds)
Advert Initial Delay - The delay between joining and sending an advert. (Seconds)
Use Advert Whitelist - Only sends adverts from the accounts specified in the whitelist.
Advert Whitelist - A list of accounts that may send adverts if 'Use Advert Whitelist' is enabled.
Join Commands Automatically sends commands when you join the server.

If you would like to set a join command for all accounts, add it to global.txt in .minecraft/sbutils/joincommands.

If you would like to set a join command for one account, create a txt file with either the name or UUID of the account, and add the command.
Initial Delay - The delay between joining the server and sending the commands. (Seconds)
Delay - The delay between each command. (Seconds)
Mentions Notifies you with a sound when something is mentioned in chat. Exclude Server Messages - Doesn't notify you about server messages.
Exclude Self Messages - Doesn't notify you about your own messages.
Mention Sound - The sound played when something is mentioned in chat.
Mention Highlighting - Whether to change the color of mentions in chat.
Highlight Color - The color to highlight mentions with.
Current Account Mentions - Notifies you when your username is mentioned in chat.
Aliases - A list of strings you would like to be notified for.
Enchant All Enchants either your held item, or all items in your inventory. Can also be used to unenchant. Enchant Mode - Whether to use the built in /enchantall command, or send enchants individually.
Enchant Delay - The delay between sending enchant commands. (Seconds)
Cooldown Frequency - The number of commands to be executed before a cooldown is initiated. (To avoid spam kick)
Cooldown Time - The length of the cooldown. (Seconds)
Exclude Frost - Excludes Frost Walker from /enchantall.
Chat Append Adds a prefix and/or suffix to the messages you send. Add Prefix - Adds the specified prefix to all the messages you send.
Chat Prefix - The prefix to add to your messages.
Add Suffix - Adds the specified suffix to all the messages you send.
Chat Suffix - The suffix to add to your messages.
Chat Filters Filters certain messages from chat. Filter Tips - Whether tip messages should be filtered from chat.
Filter Advancements - Whether advancement messages should be filtered from chat.
Filter Welcome Messages - Whether player welcome messages should be filtered from chat.
Filter Friend Joins - Whether friend join messages should be filtered from chat.
Filter Island MOTDs - Whether island MOTD messages should be filtered from chat.
Filter Votes - Whether player vote messages should be filtered from chat.
Filter Vote Rewards - Whether player vote reward messages should be filtered from chat.
Filter Raffle Messages - Whether raffle messages should be filtered from chat.
Filter Crate Messages - Whether crate opening messages should be filtered from chat.
Filter ClearLag Messages - Whether ClearLag messages should be filtered from chat.
Filter Perished In Void Messages - Whether 'perished in void' messages should be filtered from chat.
Filter SkyChats - Whether SkyChat messages should be filtered from chat."
Chat Logger Logs transactions, private messages, and visits to .minecraft/sbutils/chatlogger. Log Incoming Transactions - Whether to log transaction messages from your shops.
Log Outgoing Transactions - Whether to log transaction messages from other players' shops.
Log Incoming Messages - Whether to log incoming private messages.
Log Outgoing Messages - Whether to log outgoing private messages.
Log Visits - Whether to log players visiting your island.
Log Drop Party Messages - Whether to log messages from drop party events.
Event Notifier Notifies you of server events. Show VP Llama Title - Shows a title when a vote party llama appears at spawn.
Play VP Llama Sound - Plays a sound when a vote party llama appears at spawn.
VP Llama Sound - The sound played when a vote party llama appears at spawn.
Show Trader Title - Shows a title when a wandering trader appears at spawn.
Play Trader Sound - Plays a sound when a wandering trader appears at spawn.
Trader Sound - The sound played when a wandering trader appears at spawn.
Auto Mine Automatically mines for you. Auto Switch - Automatically switches to a new pickaxe when the current durability gets too low.
Switch Durability - The durability to switch to a new pickaxe at.
Auto Fix Automatically fixes the most damaged items in your inventory over time. Fix Mode - Which fix command to use (Hand or All)
Max Fix Percent - The maximum durability percentage an item can have and be fixed.
Fix Delay - The delay between fixes. (Seconds)
Fix Retry Delay - How long to wait for a response before sending the fix command again. (Seconds)
Max Fix Retries - The maximum amount of times to retry the fix command if the server isn't responding.
Tool Saver Prevents usage of tools after a certain durability. Tool Durability - The durability to stop at.
Anti Place Prevents accidental placement of heads/grass. Prevent Head Placement - Prevents the placement of heads that have custom names.
Prevent Grass Placement - Prevents the placement of grass blocks.
Auto Command Repeatedly executes a command with a set delay. Command - The command to execute.
Command Delay - The delay between each command.
Auto Reply Automatically replies to private messages. Auto Response - The response to send to private messages.
Reply Delay - The delay between responses if multiple people message you at once. (Seconds)
Auto Raffle Automatically buys raffle tickets when you log in and when the raffle ends. Skyblock Raffle Tickets - The amount of raffle tickets to purchase on /skyblock. (Max. 2)
Economy Raffle Tickets - The amount of raffle tickets to purchase on /economy. (Max. 5)
Grass Check Delay - If you don't have enough grass in your inventory, how often it should check for more. (Seconds)
Auto Private Automatically writes private signs. Auto Private Names - Up to two names to put on private signs. Yours is included automatically.
Auto Crate Opens crate keys automatically.

To use:
1. Ensure your inventory contains the appropriate crate key
2. Enable Auto Crate when within range of the crate
Crate Mode - The type of crate to target (Voter or Common)
Crate Delay - After the current crate finishes, how long to wait before opening the next.
Crate Distance - The maximum distance from the crate.
Auto Silk Automatically enchants books and tools with Silk Touch.

To use:
1. Ensure your inventory contains the configured tool, books, and at least 3 lapis
2. Enable Auto Silk
3. Open an enchanting table
Target Tool - The tool that Auto Silk will target.
Auto Silk Delay - The delay between each enchanting action.
Staff Detector Detects when staff join/leave. Detect Staff Join - Whether you should receive notifications when staff members join.
Detect Staff Leave - Whether you should receive notifications when staff members leave.
Play Staff Sound - Whether to play sounds when staff members join/leave.
Staff Sound - The sound played when staff join/leave.
Convert Command Converts a quantity into double chests, stacks, and remainder. Supports units like 's' for stacks, 'sc' for single chests, and 'dc' for double chests. Also supports almost all mathematical operations. N/A
Centered Command Tells you if the current island is suitable for map art creation, the expansion required, and how many extra blocks you will have in each direction. N/A
Death Coords Command Tells you the dimension and coordinates of your last death. N/A


Keybind Description Default
Open Config GUI Opens the config GUI. Backslash
/is Executes /is. Unbound
/ehome Executes /ehome. Unbound
/jump Executes /jump. Unbound
/back Executes /back. Unbound
/wb Executes /wb. Unbound
/ec Executes /ec. Unbound
/trash Executes /trash. Unbound


Command Aliases Usage
/autoadvert /advert /advert - Toggles Auto Advert.
/advert info - If Auto Advert is enabled, tells you how long until the next ad is sent, and the ad index.
/advert <sbFile/ecoFile/classicFile> - Tells you the current advert file for the specified server.
/advert <sbFile/ecoFile/classicFile> <filename> - Sets the advert file for the specified server.
/advert ads list - Lists the ads in the current advert file, with their indexes.
/advert ads add <advert> - Adds the specified advert to the current advert file.
/advert ads del <index> - Removes the advert at the specified index from the current advert file.
/advert ads insert <index> <advert> - Inserts the advert at the specified index in the advert file.
/advert ads toggle <index> - Enables or disables the advert at the specified index.
/advert delay - Tells you what the current advert delay is.
/advert delay <seconds> - Sets the advert delay.
/advert initialDelay - Tells you what the current initial delay is.
/advert initialDelay <seconds> - Sets the initial delay.
/advert whitelist - Tells you if whitelist is enabled and lists the current whitelist.
/advert whitelist <true/false> - Enables or disables advert whitelist.
/advert whitelist <add/del> <name> - Adds or removes an account from the advert whitelist.
/advert reset - Resets remaining delay to 0 and returns to the first ad index.
/joincmds /jc /jc - Toggles Join Commands.
/jc <global/account> - Lists your global or account join commands.
/jc <global/account> add <command> - Adds the specified command to global commands or the current account's commands.
/jc <global/account> del <index> - Removes the command at the specified index from global commands or the current account's commands.
/jc <global/account> insert <index> <command> - Inserts the command at the specified index in global commands or the current accounts commands.
/jc delay - Tells you the current command delay.
/jc delay <seconds> - Sets join command delay.
/jc initialDelay - Tells you the current initial delay.
/jc initialDelay <seconds> - Sets initial delay.
/mentions /ment /ment - Toggles Mentions.
/ment excludeServer - Tells you if server messages are being ignored by Mentions.
/ment excludeServer <true/false> - Enables or disables server message exclusion.
/ment excludeSelf - Tells you if your own messages are being ignored by Mentions.
/ment excludeSelf <true/false> - Enables or disables self message exclusion.
/ment currentAccount - Tells you if current account mentions are enabled.
/ment currentAccount <true/false> - Enables or disables current account mentions.
/ment aliases - Lists the current mention aliases.
/ment aliases <add/del> <alias> - Adds or removes a mention alias.
/ment sound - Tells you what the current notification sound is.
/ment sound <sound> - Sets the notification sound.
/ment highlight - Tells you if mention highlighting is enabled.
/ment highlight <true/false> - Enables or disables mention highlighting.
/ment highlight color - Tells you the current highlight color.
/ment highlight color <color> - Sets the highlight color.
/enchantall /eall /eall - Enchants your held item with all possible enchants.
/eall inv - Enchants all items in your inventory with all possible enchants.
/eall mode - Tells you the current enchant mode.
/eall mode <mode> - Sets the enchant mode.
/eall delay - Tells you the current delay between enchantments.
/eall delay <seconds> - Sets the delay between enchantments.
/eall cooldownFrequency - Tells you the current cooldown frequency.
/eall cooldownFrequency <frequency> - Sets the cooldown frequency.
/eall cooldownTime - Tells you the current cooldown time.
/eall cooldownTime <seconds> - Sets the cooldown time.
/eall excludeFrost - Tells you whether exlude frost walker is enabled.
/eall excludeFrost <true/false> - Enables or disables exclude frost walker.
/unenchantall /ueall /ueall - Unenchants your held item.
/ueall inv - Unenchants all items in your inventory.
/ueall delay - Tells you the current delay between enchantments.
/ueall delay <seconds> - Sets the delay between enchantments.
/ueall cooldownFrequency - Tells you the current cooldown frequency.
/ueall cooldownFrequency <frequency> - Sets the cooldown frequency.
/ueall cooldownTime - Tells you the current cooldown time.
/ueall cooldownTime <seconds> - Sets the cooldown time.
/chatappend /append /append prefix - Tells you whether add prefix is enabled.
/append prefix <true/false> - Enables or disables add prefix.
/append prefix set <prefix> - Sets your chat prefix.
/append suffix - Tells you whether add suffix is enabled.
/append suffix <true/false> - Enables or disables add suffix.
/append suffix set <suffix> - Sets your chat suffix.
/chatfilter /filter /filter - Lists all enabled and disabled filters.
/filter <filter> - Tells you if the specified filter is enabled.
/filter <filter> <true/false> - Enables or disables a filter.
/chatlogger /logger /logger - Lists all enabled and disabled loggers.
/logger <logger> - Tells you if the specified logger is enabled.
/logger <logger> <true/false> - Enables or disables a logger.
/eventnotifier /enotify /enotify vpLlama title - Tells you if the VP llama title notification is enabled.
/enotify vpLlama title <true/false> - Enables or disables the VP llama title notification.
/enotify vpLlama playSound - Tells you if the VP llama sound notification is enabled.
/enotify vpLlama playSound <true/false> - Enables or disables the VP llama sound notification.
/enotify vpLlama sound - Tells you the current VP llama notification sound.
/enotify vpLlama sound <sound> - Sets the VP llama notification sound.
/enotify trader title - Tells you if the wandering trader title notification is enabled.
/enotify trader title <true/false> - Enables or disables the wandering trader title notification.
/enotify trader playSound - Tells you if the wandering trader sound notification is enabled.
/enotify trader playSound <true/false> - Enables or disables the wandering trader sound notification.
/enotify trader sound - Tells you the current wandering trader notification sound.
/enotify trader sound <sound> - Sets the wandering trader notification sound.
/automine /mine /mine - Toggles Auto Mine.
/mine switch - Tells you if auto switch is enabled.
/mine switch <true/false> - Enables or disables auto switch.
/mine durability - Tells you the current switch durability.
/mine durability <durability> - Sets the switch durability.
/autofix /af /af - Toggles Auto Fix.
/af info - If Auto Fix is enabled, tells you how long until the next fix.
/af reset - Resets Auto Fix.
/af mode - Tells you the current fix mode.
/af mode <hand/all> - Sets the fix mode.
/af percent - Tells you the current max fix percent.
/af percent <percent> - Sets the max fix percent.
/af delay - Tells you the current delay setting.
/af delay <seconds> - Sets the delay setting.
/af retryDelay - Tells you the current retry delay setting.
/af retryDelay <seconds> - Sets the retry delay setting.
/toolsaver /saver /saver - Toggles Tool Saver.
/saver durability - Tells you the current durability setting.
/saver durability <durability> - Sets the durability setting.
/antiplace /noplace /noplace <grass/heads> - Tells you if the specified Anti Place mode is enabled.
/noplace <grass/heads> <true/false> - Enables or disables an Anti Place mode.
/autocmd /acmd /acmd - Toggles Auto Command.
/acmd info - Tells you how much time is left before the next command is executed.
/acmd command - Tells you the current command.
/acmd command <command> - Sets the command to be executed.
/acmd delay - Tells you the current command delay.
/acmd delay <seconds> - Sets the command delay.
/autoreply /areply /areply - Toggles Auto Reply.
/areply response - Tells you the current auto response.
/areply response <response> - Sets your auto reponse.
/areply delay - Tells you the current reply delay.
/areply delay <seconds> - Sets the reply delay.
/autoraffle /autoraf /autoraf - Toggles Auto Raffle.
/autoraf sbTickets - Tells you the current skyblock tickets setting.
/autoraf sbTickets <amount> - Sets the skyblock tickets setting.
/autoraf ecoTickets - Tells you the current economy tickets setting.
/autoraf ecoTickets <amount> - Sets the economy tickets setting.
/autoraf checkDelay - Tells you the current grass check delay.
/autoraf checkDelay <seconds> - Sets the grass check delay.
/autoprivate /ap /ap - Toggles Auto Private.
/ap names - Lists the current Auto Private names.
/ap names <add/del> <name> - Adds or removes an Auto Private name.
/autosilk /silk /silk - Toggles Auto Silk.
/silk target - Tells you the current target tool setting.
/silk target <tool> - Sets the target tool setting.
/silk delay - Tells you the current enchanting delay.
/silk delay <seconds> - Sets the enchanting delay.
/staffdetect /sd /sd detectJoin - Tells you whether detect join is enabled.
/sd detectJoin <true/false> - Enables or disables detect join.
/sd detectLeave - Tells you whether detect leave is enabled.
/sd detectLeave <true/false> - Enables or disables detect leave.
/sd sound - Tells you what the current notification sound is.
/sd sound <sound> - Sets the notification sound.
/convert /cv /cv <value> - Converts a quantity into double chests, stacks, and remainder.

Example usage:
/cv 1.7dc or /cv 54s or /cv 1728 or /cv 1.7dc + (54s - 1728) or /cv 5 * (256 / 2) or /cv sqrt(256)

For a full list of supported functions, see here.
/centered /ctr /ctr - Tells you if the current island is suitable for map art creation, the expansion required, and how many extra blocks you will have in each direction.
/deathcoords /dcoords /dcoords - Tells you the dimension and coordinates of your last death.


A utility mod for Skyblock.net.

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Java 100.0%