hartator / SerpScan

Serpscan is a powerfull php script designed to allow you to leverage the power of dorking straight from the comfort of your command line.

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



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Serpscan is a powerfull php script designed to allow you to leverage the power of dorking straight from the comfort of your command line.

Table of Contents

About Serpscan

Serpscan is a powerfull php script designed to allow you to leverage the power of dorking straight from the comfort of your command line.

Serpscan offers powerfull use of (Google,Bing,Yahoo,Yandex,Badiu) search directives, by analyzing results from searches using multiple external tools.

You can run the tool in your PC or [VPS].


  • Scan multiple domains
  • Subdomain Enumeration
  • Checks alive subdomain
  • Finds URLs from all search engines
  • Finds js files
  • Search endpoints in js files
  • Finds parameters
  • Finds directories
  • Export results in html,json
  • You can customize you dorks in config file


Name Repository
subfinder https://github.com/projectdiscovery/subfinder
httpx https://github.com/projectdiscovery/httpx
hakrawler https://github.com/hakluke/hakrawler


  1. git clone https://github.com/Alaa-abdulridha/SerpScan.git
  2. cd SerpScan
  3. chmod 777 install.sh
  4. ./install.sh
  • You should add your SerpApi Key to the conf.php file
  • You can grab your key from serpapi
  • Also you can add your dorks to the config file without any problems

require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
require __DIR__ . '/SAPI.class.php';

ini_set('max_execution_time', 0);

// Replace with your API key.

$outputPath = 'result';
$usePackage = true;

$domainsFile = 'domains.txt';

// query need to search , {{DOMAIN}} not change ever
$engine = [
	['google', 'q', [
		'subDomain' 	=> 'site:.{{DOMAIN}}', // not change key
		'SQLErrors'		=> 'site:{{DOMAIN}} intext:"sql syntax near" | intext:"syntax error has occurred" | intext:"incorrect syntax near" | intext:"unexpected end of SQL command" | intext:"Warning: mysql_connect()" | intext:"Warning: mysql_query()" | intext:"Warning: pg_connect()"',
		'PubDocum'		=> 'site:{{DOMAIN}} ext:doc | ext:docx | ext:odt | ext:rtf | ext:sxw | ext:psw | ext:ppt | ext:pptx | ext:pps | ext:csv',
		'PHP_Err_Warn'	=> 'site:{{DOMAIN}} "PHP Parse error" | "PHP Warning" | "PHP Error"',
		'PHP_INFO'		=> 'site:{{DOMAIN}} ext:php intitle:phpinfo "published by the PHP Group"',
		'DirLIstVuln'	=> 'site:{{DOMAIN}} intitle:index.of',
		'ConfigsFiles'	=> 'site:{{DOMAIN}} ext:xml | ext:conf | ext:cnf | ext:reg | ext:inf | ext:rdp | ext:cfg | ext:txt | ext:ora | ext:ini | ext:env',
		'PastingSites'	=> 'site:pastebin.com | site:paste2.org | site:pastehtml.com | site:slexy.org | site:snipplr.com | site:snipt.net | site:textsnip.com | site:bitpaste.app | site:justpaste.it | site:heypasteit.com | site:hastebin.com | site:dpaste.org | site:dpaste.com | site:codepad.org | site:jsitor.com | site:codepen.io | site:jsfiddle.net | site:dotnetfiddle.net | site:phpfiddle.org | site:ide.geeksforgeeks.org | site:repl.it | site:ideone.com | site:paste.debian.net | site:paste.org | site:paste.org.ru | site:codebeautify.org  | site:codeshare.io | site:trello.com "{{DOMAIN}}"',
		'DBFiles'		=> 'site:{{DOMAIN}} ext:sql | ext:dbf | ext:mdb',
		'SearchGit'		=> 'site:github.com | site:gitlab.com "{{DOMAIN}}"',
		'SearchStack'	=> 'site:stackoverflow.com "{{DOMAIN}}"',
		'LogsFiles'		=> 'site:{{DOMAIN}} ext:log',
		'BackupFiles'	=> 'site:{{DOMAIN}} ext:bkf | ext:bkp | ext:bak | ext:old | ext:backup',
		'LoginPages'	=> 'site:{{DOMAIN}} inurl:login | inurl:signin | intitle:Login | intitle:"sign in" | inurl:auth',
		'SignupPages'	=> 'site:{{DOMAIN}} inurl:signup | inurl:register | intitle:Signup',

	['baidu', 'q', [
		'subDomain' => 'site:.{{DOMAIN}}', // not change key

	['bing', 'q', [
		'subDomain' => 'site:.{{DOMAIN}}', // not change key

	['yahoo', 'p', [
		'subDomain' => 'site:.{{DOMAIN}}', // not change key

	['yandex', 'text', [
		'subDomain' => 'site:{{DOMAIN}}', // not change key


php serpscan.php -d target .com -t html

Flag Description Example
-d Domain to scan subdomains for php start.php -d target.com -t html
-t The template of result (html,json) php start.php -d target.com -t html
-w File containing list of domains to enumerate php start.php -w domains.txt -t html

Environment tested

CentOS & Ubuntu By using the Install.sh

Windows 10, by manually installation.




SerpScan has been possible thank you to the following projects.


  • SerpScan was written for education purposes only.


Feel free to contribute:

  • Improve the tree view withing the results report.
  • Improving the report by marking the dead subdomains from the alive ones.
  • Making the install.sh file to support the other linux distributions.
  • Creating install.bat to make an easy installation for windows.


Serpscan is a powerfull php script designed to allow you to leverage the power of dorking straight from the comfort of your command line.

License:MIT License


Language:Go 84.0%Language:PHP 15.1%Language:Shell 0.8%Language:Dockerfile 0.1%