harshima-pt / SQL-Growth--Khan-Academy-Coursework-Challenges

Khan Academy is an American non-profit educational organization. This is a directory of links to coursework includes: SQL Basic, More Advanced SQL Queries, Relational Queries in SQL, Modifying Databases with SQL.

Home Page:https://www.khanacademy.org/profile/kaid_3325580422543373007082304/projects

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Coursework includes: SQL Basic, More Advanced SQL Queries, Relational Queries in SQL, Modifying Databases with SQL


The following serves as a directory of links to projects and coursework that show my growth in SQL.

Click here to see all challenges done

Repository Link Description Skills learned
challenge14_clothing_alterations.sql Altering tables after creation UPDATE, ALTER, DELETE tables
challenge13_dynamic_documents.sql use UPDATE to change the author and DELETE to remove rows Changing rows with UPDATE and DELETE
challenge12_friendbook.sql Create a database for a friend networking site, with a table storing data on each person, a table on each person's hobbies, and a table of friend connections between the people. Combining multiple joins
challenge11_sequels_in_sql.sql Issue a SELECT that will show the title of each movie next to its sequel's title (or NULL if it doesn't have a sequel Joining tables to themselves with self-joins
challenge10_customer_order Come up with a query that lists the name and email of every customer followed by the item and price of orders they've made. Joining related tables with left outer joins
challenge9_bobby's_hobbies.sql Join table to get additional query that shows only the name and hobbies of 'Bobby McBobbyFace', using JOIN combined with WHERE. JOINing related tables
challenge8_gradebook.sql Creating a database to track student grades, with their name, number grade, and what percent of activities they've completed CASE, COUNT(), GROUP BY
challenge7_wordiest_author.sql select all the authors who have written more than 1 million words, using GROUP BY and HAVING. Restricting grouped results with HAVING
challenge6_playlist_maker.sql creating the 'Pop' playlist, add another query that will select the title of all the songs from the 'Pop' artists. Filter with IN in subqueries
challenge5_karaoke_song_selector.sql Use SELECT that uses AND to show the titles of songs that are 'epic', and released after 1990, and less than 4 minutes long. Filter with multiple conditions
challenge4_design_a_store.sql Creating data table Creating tables, Using PRIMARY KEY
challenge3_todo_list_stats.sql Calculate the SUM of minutes it will take to do all of the items on your TODO list Aggregate functions IN SQL
challenge2_box_office.sql Querying tables to get the results back out of the database in different ways Using primary keys, filter with conditins
challenge1_book_list.sql Create a table to store a list of books. Creating tables, INSERT INTO Statement


Khan Academy is an American non-profit educational organization. This is a directory of links to coursework includes: SQL Basic, More Advanced SQL Queries, Relational Queries in SQL, Modifying Databases with SQL.
