harshal239 / Blockchain_SSO

A Single Sign On implemented on the Ethereum blockchain to provide security to data and make the process decentralized.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Blockchain SSO

This project demonstrate the Single Sign On using the blockchain. it workes as a decentralized auth which autheticate the user without storing their data in a decentralized server.

This project is entirely made on hardhat. has one smart contract called sso which has all the nessesary functions that are required for authentication. has 4-5 scripts including a deployment script. hardhat-gas-reporter is already implemented. will reqire to add the specific packages to run the application at other end.

To Use the project at your end:

  1. intialize a folder and an empty local git repository
  2. fork the project to your local repository
  3. run yarn/npx hardhat node to get all the account
  4. make a .env file and specify the rpc_url and your accounts private id's there
  5. to run on goerli testnet add your own private key and node end-point (from alkemy)
  6. to compile the smart contract you can use
yarn hardhat compile
  1. to deploy the script on local node
yarn hardhat run scripts/deploy.js

Open for all kind of contributions

Try running some of the following tasks: (can use yarn/npx)

i used YARN in project

npx hardhat help
npx hardhat test
npx hardhat node
npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js
npx hardhat run scripts/store.js
npx hardhat run scripts/validate.js
npx hardhat run scripts/getcount.js


  1. Shubham Gangurde
  2. Harshal Walunj


A Single Sign On implemented on the Ethereum blockchain to provide security to data and make the process decentralized.


Language:JavaScript 72.2%Language:Solidity 20.9%Language:HTML 6.9%