harshach / dropwizard-jdbi-unitofwork

Provides Unit of Work Support for a JDBI based Dropwizard backend

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Dropwizard Jdbi - Unit of Work Support

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Provides a Unit of Work annotation for a Jdbi backed Dropwizard service for wrapping resource methods in a transaction context

  • Dropwizard provides a very slick @UnitOfWork annotation that wraps a transaction context around resource methods annotated with this annotation. This is very useful for wrapping multiple calls in a single database transaction all of which will succeed or roll back atomically.

  • However, this support is only available for Hibernate. For all the goodness Jdbi brings, we had to bring the transactionality on our own. This module provides support for JdbiUnitOfWork with a Jdbi backend

Maven Artifacts

This project is available on Maven Central. To add it to your project you can add the following dependency to your pom.xml:



  • transactionality across multiple datasources when called from a request thread
  • transactionality across multiple datasources across multiple threads
  • excluding selectively, certain set of URI's from transaction contexts, such as ELB, Health Checks etc
  • Http GET methods are excluded from transaction by default.
  • Http POST methods are wrapped around in a transaction only when annotated with @JdbiUnitOfWork


  • Add the dependency to your pom.xml

  • Construct a JdbiUnitOfWorkProvider from the DBI instance.

    JdbiUnitOfWorkProvider provider = JdbiUnitOfWorkProvider.withDefault(dbi); // most common
    JdbiUnitOfWorkProvider provider = JdbiUnitOfWorkProvider.withLinked(dbi); // most common

    If you are using Guice, you can bind the instance


  • Provide the list of package where the SQL Objects / DAO (to be attached) are located. Classes with Jdbi annotations @SqlQuery or @SqlUpdate or @SqlBatch or @SqlCall will be picked automatically.

    Use JdbiUnitOfWorkProvider to generate the proxies. You can also register the classes one by one.

    // class level
    SampleDao dao = (SampleDao) provider.getWrappedInstanceForDaoClass(SampleDao.class);
    // use the proxies and pass it as they were normal instances
    resource = new SampleResource(dao);
    // package level
    List<String> daoPackages = Lists.newArrayList("<fq-package-name>", "fq-package-name-2", ...);
    Map<? extends Class, Object> proxies = unitOfWorkProvider.getWrappedInstanceForDaoPackage(daoPackages);
    // use the proxies and pass it as they were normal instances
    resource = ...new SampleResource((SampleDao)proxies.get(SampleDao.class))

  • Finally, we need to register the event listener with the Jersey Environment using the constructed provider
    environment.jersey().register(new JdbiUnitOfWorkApplicationEventListener(provider, new HashSet<>()));;
    In case you'd like to exclude certain URI paths from being monitored, you can pass them into exclude paths;
    Set<String> excludePaths = new HashSet<>();
    environment.jersey().register(new JdbiUnitOfWorkApplicationEventListener(handleManager, excludePaths));

  • Start annotating resource methods with @JdbiUnitOfWork and you're good to go.
    public RequestResponse createRequest() {
          ..do stateful work (across multiple Dao's)
          return response 


  • This library relies on Jersey Monitoring Events to bind request lifecycle with a transaction aspect
  • At the backend, all Jdbi objects such as Dao or SqlObjects are proxied behind a JdbiHandleManager
  • JdbiHandleManager contract specifies the get and clear of the actual handles to the calling thread.



Please file bug reports and feature requests in GitHub issues.


Copyright (c) 2020-2022 Aman Garg

This library is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.

See http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html or the LICENSE file in this repository for the full license text.


Provides Unit of Work Support for a JDBI based Dropwizard backend

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Java 100.0%