harsh-apcr / MTL782-Data-Mining

Analyze various classification models on codon-usage dataset, Implementing Apriori and FP-growth algorithms from scratch in python 3 along with some modifications to improve performance

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Assignment 1

What the data is all about ?

In this study, we investigate how an organism’s codon usage bias levels can serve as a predictor and classifier of various genomic and evolutionary features across the three kingdoms of life (archaea, bacteria, eukarya).

We build several machine learning models trained over an existing dataset containing about 13,000 organisms that show it is possible to accurately predict an organism’s DNA type (nuclear, mitochondrial, chloroplast) and taxonomic identity simply using its genetic code (64 codon usage frequencies).

What benefits you might hope to get from data mining ?

By leveraging machine learning methods to accurately identify evolutionary origins and genetic composition from codon usage patterns, our study suggests that the genetic code can be utilized to train accurate machine learning classifiers of taxonomic and phylogenetic features.

Discussion the data quality issue

  • Problems with the data set

    1. Data set contains missing values
    2. Some genomic entries do not have suffient number of codon to make a reliable prediction
      1. Class distributions for Kingdom and DNAtype class are highly skewed.

        import pandas as pd
        df = pd.read_csv('../../codon-usage-data-set/codon_usage.csv')
        DNAtype Frequency Kingdom Frequency
        0 9267 arc 126
        1 2899 bct 2920
        2 816 inv 1345
        3 2 mam 572
        4 31 phg 220
        5 2 plm 18
        6 1 pln 2523
        7 1 pri 180
        9 2 rod 215
        11 2 vrl 2832
        12 5 vrt 2077

        As we can clearly observe DNAtypes 3-12 are infrequent and may not produce reliable predictions

        Some of the kingdom classes for ex 'arc'(archea), 'plm'(bacterial plasmid) are relatively infrequent

  • Appropriate responses to above data quality problems

    1. Discard all the missing value observations (only two observations had missing values)

    2. Discard the genome entries with Ncodons less than 1000

    3. To deal with the highly imbalanced class distribution

      1. Re-classify and harmonize genome entries from the 'Kingdom' column with values 'xxx' (where ‘xxx’ is one of ‘pln’, ‘inv’, ‘vrt’, ‘mam’, ‘rod’, or ‘pri’) as ‘euk’ (eukaryotes) because these Kingdoms are part of 'euk' family

      2. Identify the DNA type of the eukaryotic genomes as either 0 (nuclear), 1 (mitochondrion), 2 (chloroplast), 3 (cyanelle), 4 (plastid), 5 (nucleomorph), 6 (secondary endosymbiont), 7 (chromoplast), 8 (leukoplast), 9 (NA), 10 (proplastid), 11 (apicoplast), 12 (kinetoplast). Remove any rows that are not 0, 1, or 2 (in other words, avoid any DNA types specified by the integers greater than 2).

      3. Exclude the genome entries classified as ‘plm’ (mostly to avoid imbalanced classes in our machine learning models, since there are only 18 plasmids).

Assignment 2

Apriori Algorithm Implementation (Python 3)

1. Apriori Algorithm

Apriori is given by R. Agrawal and R. Srikant in 1994 for frequent item set mining and association rule learning. It proceeds by identifying the frequent individual items in the database and extending them to larger and larger item sets as long as those item sets appear sufficiently often.

This implementation of Apriori Algorithm is based on Hash-Tree Data Structure to efficiently do support-counting of candidate itemsets

2. Improvement over the usual Apriori-Algorithm (for Frequent Itemset Generation)

We use AprioriTID algorithm as an improvement over usual apriori algorithm

In this algorithm database D is not used for counting support after the first pass. Rather a set C̅k is used for this purpose.

Each member of the set C̅k is of the form < TID, {Xk} >, where each Xk is a potentially large k-itemset present in the transaction with identifier TID. For k = 1, C̅1 corresponds to the database D, although conceptually each item i is replaced by the itemset {i}

k is generated as follows if (C_t != { }) then C̅_k += <t.TID, C_t>, where C_t is set of candidate k-itemsets belonging to transaction t

In addition, for large values of k, each entry may be smaller than the corresponding transaction because very few candidates may be contained in the transaction, hence a significant perfomance gain is expected.

3. How to use this library ?

Source code is contained in src\rule-mining\apriori\ where apriori directory is a python package and you can import the following functions:

For Frequent Itemset Generation



(see the implementation docstrings for more information about the parameters)

For Rule Mining

gen_rules(freq_itemsets, min_conf=0.6)

(see the implementation docstrings for more information about the parameters)

FP-Growth Algorithm Implementation (Python 3)

1. FP-Growth Algorithm

FP stands for frequent pattern. Frequent pattern discovery (or FP discovery, FP mining, or Frequent itemset mining) is part of knowledge discovery in databases, Massive Online Analysis, and data mining; it describes the task of finding the most frequent and relevant patterns in large datasets.

It is a divide-and-conquer algorithm and uses FP-Tree Data Structure to compress the database in a more compact tree-representation and using it to generate frequent itemsets in just two passes over the database. This algorithm in general runs much faster than Apriori algorithm

2. Improvement over the usual FP-Growth

We use Projected Databases method to improve upon the usual FP-growth algorithm

FP-growth described previously is a main memory-based frequent pattern mining algorithm. However, when the database is large, or when the min_sup threshold is quite low, it is unrealistic to assume that FP-tree of a database can fit into main memory. The Projected Database algorithm that we describe here scales very well with large databases

Definition (Projected Database). Let ai be a frequent item in a transaction database, DB. The ai-projected database for ai is derived from DB by collecting all the transactions containing ai and removing from them (1) infrequent items, (2) all frequent items after ai in the list of frequent items, and (3) ai itself.

Alogrithm : Partition the DB into a set of projected DBs and then for each p-projected database, where p is a frequent item from DB, construct p-conditional FP-tree and mine frequent patterns from it.

3. How to use this library

Source code is contained in src\rule-mining\fpgrowth\ where fpgrowth directory is a python package and you can import the following functions:

For Frequent Itemset Generation

gen_freq_itemsets(transactions, null_label=None, min_sup=0.5)

(see the implementation docstrings for more information about the parameters)

For Frequent Itemset Generation with Projected DBs

gen_freq_itemsets_projected_DB(transactions, null_label=None, min_sup=0.5)

(see the implementation docstrings for more information about the parameters)

About the dataset used

The following dataset was donated by Tom Brijs and contains the (anonymized) retail market basket data from an anonymous Belgian retail store. The data are provided ’as is’.

More details can be found here.


Except for standard Python 3 libraries, no other libraries have been used for above implementations.


  1. Introduction to Data Mining, by P.-N. Tan, M. Steinbach, V. Kumar, Addison-Wesley.
  2. Fast Algorithms for Mining Association Rules, by Rakesh Agrawal, Ramakrishnan Srikant, IBM Almaden Research Center
  3. Mining Frequent Patterns without Candidate Generation: A Frequent-Pattern Tree Approach, by Jiawei Han, Jian Pei, Yiwen Yin, Runying Mao


Analyze various classification models on codon-usage dataset, Implementing Apriori and FP-growth algorithms from scratch in python 3 along with some modifications to improve performance


Language:Jupyter Notebook 96.6%Language:Python 3.4%