harrystaley / automated-centos7-kickstart

DVD embedded Kickstart for CentOS 7

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

CentOS 7 Automated Install ISO Creator



Modifies a CentOS 7 (tested with CentOS-7-x86_64-DVD-1810.iso) x86_64 iso with a kickstart that will automate Manpack Atom installations.



Download the CentOS 7 ISO to be customized:

Project Structure

├── vagrantfile
├── create_custom_iso.sh
└── config/
    ├── EFI/
    │   └── BOOT/
    │       └── grub.cfg
    ├── isolinux/
    │   └── isolinux.cfg
    └── ks/
        └── ks.cfg

NOTE: The/config/ directory and contents are copied over to the newly created iso thus the directory structure needs to match that of your original ISO.

file purpose
grub.cfg Menu Configuration for UEFI boot
isolinux.cfg Menu Configuration for BIOS boot
ks.cfg Kickstart Configuration that provides the config to the installer
create_custom_iso.sh Main shell script that creates the custom ISO
vagrantfile contains parameters to automate the generation of a VM


# As root execute the below command replacing <CentOS 7 ISO> with the path to your CentOS 7 ISO file.
$ ./create_custom_iso.sh <CentOS 7 ISO> 


$ sudo su
# ./create_custom_iso.sh CentOS-7-x86_64-DVD-1601-01.iso 

Sample Output

# ./create_custom_iso.sh CentOS-7-x86_64-DVD-1601-01.iso 
Mounting CentOS DVD Image...
mount: /dev/loop1 is write-protected, mounting read-only
Copying CentOS DVD Image... Done.
Modifying CentOS DVD Image... Done.
Remastering CentOS DVD Image...
  0.23% done, estimate finish Wed Feb 10 07:34:24 2016
  0.46% done, estimate finish Wed Feb 10 07:37:59 2016
  0.70% done, estimate finish Wed Feb 10 07:36:47 2016
  0.93% done, estimate finish Wed Feb 10 07:36:11 2016


 99.87% done, estimate finish Wed Feb 10 07:34:35 2016
Total translation table size: 2048
Total rockridge attributes bytes: 417876
Total directory bytes: 712704
Path table size(bytes): 158
Max brk space used 3af000
2157808 extents written (4214 MB)
Signing CentOS iso Image...
Inserting md5sum into iso image...
md5 = e526291fc5ff0c83a7de64c183f27b78
Inserting fragment md5sums into iso image...
fragmd5 = 631648db156318da3cf5aef0db4d65efa7a774fcceabc45e9ecd7476f22b
frags = 20
Setting supported flag to 0
iso Created. [centos7-x86_64-my-custom.iso]


Custom Boot Menu does not show up over a serial connection

  1. Hit the 'e' to edit the install options.

  2. Delete the quiet option at the end of the first line

  3. Replace quiet with the velow text.

    inst.ks=hd:LABEL=CentOS\x207\x20x86_64:/ks/ks.cfg console=ttyS0,115200n8` while editing install.
  4. Hit ctrl+x to start the boot process.



DVD embedded Kickstart for CentOS 7


Language:Shell 100.0%