harrisiirak / ratebeer-scraper

scrapes ratebeer

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Tools for scraping ratebeer data.


npm install --save ratebeer
require('ratebeer').search('7 Fjell Ulriken', function(err, result) {


ratebeer.search(query, callback)

Search for a single beer. callback sends an err and result argument. If there are no matches, result will be undefined. Returns only one result: if ratebeer gave more than one result, the one with the closest levenshtein distance is returned.

Returns an object like this:

{ name: 'Nøgne Ø Imperial Stout (Whisky barrel edition)',
    url: '/beer/nogne-o-imperial-stout-whisky-barrel-edition/333945/' }

ratebeer.searchAll(query, callback)

Like ratebeer.search, but it returns all of the matching beers, rather than just one. If err is undefined, result will always be an array.

ratebeer.getBeer(query, callback)

Get all the information for a particular beer that ratebeer has available. This will search the name of the beer first, so you may be unspecific.

Note: ratebeer's page formatting is really oldschool and uses almost no CSS selectors or element IDs, so a ton of this scraping is very dependent on their layout staying exactly the same. It is not very resistant to change. It should give you a good error if things don't look right, but that's not certain. Use this function defensively.

Example result:

{ name: 'Bells Hopslam',
  ratingsCount: 2763,
  ratingsWeightedAverage: 4.2,
  ratingOverall: 100,
  ratingStyle: 100,
  brewery: 'Bells Brewery',
  style: 'Imperial IPA',
  ibu: 70,
  abv: 10,
  desc: 'Starting with six different hop varietals added to the brew kettle &  culminating with a massive dry-hop addition of Simcoe hops, Bell�s Hopslam Ale  possesses the most complex hopping schedule in the Bell�s repetoire. Selected specifically because of their aromatic qualities, these Pacific Northwest varieties contribute a pungent blend of grapefruit, stone fruit, and floral notes. A generous malt bill and a solid dollop of honey provide just enough body to keep the balance in check, resulting in a remarkably drinkable rendition of the Double India Pale Ale style.',
  image: 'http://res.cloudinary.com/ratebeer/image/upload/w_250,c_limit,q_85,d_beer_def.gif/beer_35488.jpg' }

ratebeer.getBeerByUrl(url, callback)

Fetches the same data as getBeer, but with a path relative to ratebeer.com, such as those returned by the search and searchAll functions.


scrapes ratebeer


Language:JavaScript 100.0%