hark130 / two_point_science

An attempt at applying analytical science to the game Two Point Hospital.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


An attempt at applying analytical science to the game Two Point Hospital.


Two Point Hospital is a humurous business simulation game focused on hospital management. With all the DLC, there are 33 hospitals to manage each with its own unique layout, environmental considerations, and (most importantly) a unique list of ailments to diagnose and treat.


The goal of this project is to programmatically aid the planning of each unique hospital based on room density and patient "pathing", if "pathing" is defined as "the a->b->c->d room path each patient takes as they are diagnosed and treated".


two_point_science is written in Python 3.8.10 and relies heavily on the graphviz Python library. It was developed in Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS.


The tps package currently implements the following hospitals:

  • Blighton
  • Clockwise-above-Thyme
  • Croquembouche
  • Grockle Bay
  • Mitton University
  • Pelican Wharf
  • Rotting Hill
  • Smogley
  • Sweaty Palms


See: Usage wiki page

Future Feature Table

Feature Number Status Branch Name Description
1 wheel Programmatically build a wheel that can be installed
2 ✔️ menu Create a user interface (e.g., CLI menu, config file)
3 color Color code things (e.g., nodes, edges) based on what's happening (e.g., diag, treat)
4 graph_polish Is there a better way to align the node labels? Reduce noisy parallel edges?
5 names Refactor tph_constants to use MACROS for proper names
6 weight Define key illneses per hospital (e.g., Grockle Bay + Cubism) and add graph callout (e.g., bold?)
7 suggest_rooms Suggest number of rooms based on hospital illness list
8 suggest_staff Suggest staff list based on suggested room list
9 ✔️ room_path Plot all edges for a given room
10 ✔️ ill_path Plot all paths for a given illness
11 change_default Add a "change defaults" entry to the main menu
12 ✔️ cli Add support for CLI arguments (e.g., --distinct-rooms)
13 ✔️ edges CLI menu option to display sorted and/or filtered list of rooms/purpose/number of edges
14 shell CLI argument to change the default graph type (e.g., shell could be of use?)
15 dyn_menu Dynamic menu items (e.g., "Choose a hospital" becomes "Change hospitals (Currently: blahblahblah)")
16 default Add a "default choice" optional kwarg to the menu module functions
17 menu_banner Add a fancy banner about menu headers
18 table_banner Add a fancy banner about table headers
19 sep_suffix There's a dangerous amount of hard-coded suffix strings. SPOT it!
20 ✔️ graph_dir CLI argument to specify a directory to save graph filenames
21 ✔️ danger Add menu functionality to rank the treat rooms by (avg. and worst) danger (e.g., illness difficulty * rate of decline)

Table Legend

Icon Meaning
Not yet started
🚧 In progress
✔️ Finished




  • Consider adding edges between the first diagnostic room and treatement room (to represent skilled staff with upgraded equipment (new feature? Hospital Age: new (full path), skilled (GP->diag1->treat)) EDIT: Maybe this is a CLI argument (e.g., --age={amateur,skilled})
  • Add file comment blocks
  • Run Pylint
  • Run Pycodestyle
  • Define wiki (e.g., Usage, Release Steps, Code Review)
  • Find a way to deconflict "public record" and observations when it comes to the illness list for a given hospital
    • Grockle Bay
    • Mitton University
  • Is exception.args[0] deprecated? Yes or no, should I be using exception.msg instead? (see: misc.print_exception()
  • Investigate mypy: replace isinstance() calls?, verify safe variable usage?
  • Extricate *_menu() functions into a separate tps.menus.py (or the menu.py) module
  • Extricate print_*_table() functions into a separate tps.tables.py module (or make a class?)


  • Blighton was listed with Premature Mummification. Loading Blighton resulted in a NotImplementedError: Blighton has an illness, Premature Mummification, missing a treatment room.. Theory: The treatment room for Premature Mummification wasn't part of the room list, it wasn't validated, so it didn't load into the Illness class. Reason: Treatment room was incorrectly configured for the given illness.
  • Add quit feature to menu functionality. Take care to avoid a dict.keys() collision.
  • distinct-rooms CLI argument does nothing for printing room edge list. It has to do with room edges are detected in the graph_obj.body.
  • CLI menu vertical whitespacing could use some polish
  • Ward (treat) appears in the "room connection" table for Blighton (-d) but is not listed as a treatment on the graph (because there is no illness treated in a Ward at this hospital)
  • Ward connection counts are being shared by both (treat) and (diag) in the "room connection" table for Pelican Wharf (-d) even though the main graph doesn't support those numbers visually
  • Consider shortening dgraph.create_graph() protoptype with a Class or NameTuple (then remove the pylint disable)


An attempt at applying analytical science to the game Two Point Hospital.

License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%