hariprasath-v / Machinehack-analytics-olympiad-2022

Create a machine learning model to help an insurance company understand which claims are worth rejecting and the claims which should be accepted for reimbursement.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Competition hosted on Machinehack


Create a machine learning model to help an insurance company understand which claims are worth rejecting and the claims that should be accepted for reimbursement.

The Final Competition score is 0.68081

Leaderboard Rank is 24

The Evaluation Metric is Logloss.

File information

  • machinehack-analytics-olympiad-2022-eda.ipynb Open in Kaggle

    Basic Exploratory Data Analysis

    Packages Used,

     * seaborn
     * Pandas
     * Numpy
     * Matplotlib
  • machinehack-analytics-olympiad-2022-model.ipynb Open in Kaggle

    Data Pre-processing and model.

    Packages Used,

      * Sklearn
      * Pandas
      * Numpy
      * Matplotlib
      * catboost
      * optuna
      * shap

    Created catboost classifier model and tuned the hyperparameters by using optuna framework. Model evaluated with Logloss.

Catboost model Optimization History - Explains the best score at each trials.

Alt text

Catboost – SHAP feature importance

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Catboost – SHAP top feature impact

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Top feature influences for class 1

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Top feature influences for class 0

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Overall Train and Validation Logloss

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Create a machine learning model to help an insurance company understand which claims are worth rejecting and the claims which should be accepted for reimbursement.

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:HTML 54.1%Language:Jupyter Notebook 45.9%