hariprasath-v / Hackerearth_get-a-room-ml-hackathon

Build a Machine Learning model to identify the habitability score of the property based on the property's basic information and location-based information.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Competition hosted on hackerearth.com


Build a Machine Learning model to identify the habitability score of the property based on the property's basic information and location-based information.

Competition LB Rank: 121/2803

Final Score 83.13212

Evaluation Metric 100*R2 score.

File information

  • get_a_room_ml_hackathon_EDA.ipynb

    Packages Used,

     * seaborn
     * Pandas
     * Numpy
     * Matplotlib

    Basic Exploratory Data Analysis

  • get-a-room-ml-hackathon-model.ipynb

    Packages Used,

      * Sklearn
      * Pandas
      * Numpy
      * Matplotlib
      * pycaret

    Data Pre-processing

    Compared multiple regression models using pycaret’s compare_models function. Then took the top 3 models based on the r2 score then blend the model by using pycaret blend_models function.

Random Forest Regressor Residual Plot

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Random Forest Regressor Prediction Error Plot

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Top 3 Models

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Random Forest Model Feature Importance Plot

Alt text


Build a Machine Learning model to identify the habitability score of the property based on the property's basic information and location-based information.

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Jupyter Notebook 51.3%Language:HTML 48.7%