hariprasath-v / AV_wns-triange-hackquest

Develope a robust and high-performance model utilizing computer vision techniques to classify images as either fraudulent or non-fraudulent within the context of insurance claims

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Competition hosted on Analyticsvidhya


Develope a robust and high-performance model utilizing computer vision techniques to classify images as either fraudulent or non-fraudulent within the context of insurance claims. By precisely identifying fraudulent images, insurance companies can evaluate the authenticity of a claim and make well-informed decisions regarding payout.

The Final Competition score is 0.7834901167

Final Leaderboard Rank is 68/253.

The Evaluation Metric is macro f1-score.

File information

  • EDA Open in Kaggle

    Basic image information analysis

    Images RGB color analysis

    Image similarity analysis

    Packages Used,

     * seaborn 
     * Pandas
     * Numpy
     * Matplotlib
     * imagehash
     * distance
     * Image
     * cv2
  • Model

    Trained efficientvit_b3_r224 model on five-fold training data with various augmentations. Ten epochs were used to train the five-fold dataset, and early stopping was implemented to control overfitting by monitoring the validation log loss. The test data was predicted using the five-fold model, and test-time augmentation was applied to ensure confident predictions. The model's performance was tracked using WANDB.


Develope a robust and high-performance model utilizing computer vision techniques to classify images as either fraudulent or non-fraudulent within the context of insurance claims

License:Apache License 2.0