hariprasath-v / AV_ripikai-hackfest-unleashing-ai-potential

Develop a robust and high-performance model for classifying an image of a car into different types of damages.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Competition hosted on Analyticsvidhya


Develop a robust and high-performance model for classifying an image of a car into different types of damages automatically with the help of computer vision techniques. By accurately identifying the damages, the insurance company can assess the legitimacy of the claim and make informed decisions regarding payouts.

The Final Competition score is 0.7861701844

Final Leaderboard Rank is 36/204.

The Evaluation Metric is macro f1 score.

File information

  • EDA Open in Kaggle

    Basic image information analysis

    Images RGB color analysis

    Image similarity analysis

    Packages Used,

     * seaborn 
     * Pandas
     * Numpy
     * Matplotlib
     * imagehash
     * distance
     * Image
     * cv2
  • Model

    Trained the convnext_xlarge_384 model using the Fastai Vision Learner on stratified split training data with various augmentations. Two epochs were used for training, and an early stopping callback was used to control overfitting by monitoring the validation log loss. The test data was predicted, and test-time augmentation was applied to ensure confident predictions.


Develop a robust and high-performance model for classifying an image of a car into different types of damages.

License:Apache License 2.0