hariprasath-v / AV-Dataverse-Hack---Insurance-Claim-Prediction

Create a machine learning model to predict if the policyholder will file a claim in the next 6 months or not based on the set of car and policy features.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Competition hosted on Analyticsvidhya


Create a machine learning model to predict if the policyholder will file a claim in the next 6 months or not based on the set of car and policy features.

Final Competition score is 0.1749408983

Leaderboard Rank is 38

Evaluation Metric is F1-score.

File information

  • av-dataverse-hack-insurance-claim-prediction-eda.ipynb Open in Kaggle

    Basic Exploratory Data Analysis

    Packages Used,

     * seaborn
     * Pandas
     * Numpy
     * Matplotlib
  • av-dataverse-hack-insurance-claim-prediction-model.ipynb Open in Kaggle

    Data Pre-processing and model.

    Packages Used,

      * Sklearn
      * Pandas
      * Numpy
      * Matplotlib
      * shap

    Created Random forest classifier model and evaluated with f1-score.

Random Forest Model Feature Importances

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Random Forest Model - SHAP Feature Importances

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SHAP Top feature influences the class 0

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SHAP Top feature influences the class 1

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Threshold Tuning Results - Optimal threshold: 0.0745, F1-score: 0.16929

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Create a machine learning model to predict if the policyholder will file a claim in the next 6 months or not based on the set of car and policy features.

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Jupyter Notebook 88.5%Language:HTML 11.5%