hariprasad12994 / rosetree

A generic rosetree data structure written in C++

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Rosetree is the C++ implementation for the data structure of the same name. Rosetrees are generic trees with unbounded number of branches at each node

Link to references about Rosetree:

RoseTree aims to be a header only library, compatible with the STL algorithms like std::transform, std::find etc.

The data structure is unsorted, unbalanced tree. Users are allowed to insert data from top to bottom and left to right

Users are free to use the single header rosetree.hpp in the project The container works best with C++14 and above

Basic API documentation


  class T
> class Tree;

Member types

iterator                 PreOrder iterator for the tree container

Member functions

(constructor)            Constructs the rosetree
(destructor)             Destructs the rosetree
operator=                Assigns values to the container

begin                    Returns an iterator to the beginning
end                      Returns an iterator to the end

append_child             Inserts elements with respect to a pre-order iterator

append_child_by_emplace  Constructs an element in-place at a position with respect to a preorder iterator

cut                      Evict a subtree out of the container as a new container
erase                    Delete a subtree pointed by iterator
clear                    Clears the contents

empty                    Checks if container is empty
size                     Returns the number of nodes in the tree
depth                    Returns the depth of the tree

Tree construction

Like every other STL container RoseTree can be templated with the data item to be held

// 1
template <typename ... Args>
Tree(Args ... args);

// 2
Tree(const Tree& other);
Tree& operator=(const Tree& other);

// 3
Tree(Tree&& other);
Tree& operator=(Tree&& other);

Detailed illustration

// Construct tree with root element containing data "/"
Tree<std::string> path_tree(std::string("/"));

// Its ensured that the tree always contains a root. 
// Below line causes compilation error stating usage of deleted function
Tree<std::string> tree_without_root;

// Copy constructor. 
// Creates a deep copy of path tree into another_path_tree
Tree<std::string> another_path_tree(path_tree);

// Move constructor.
// Moves path_tree into yet_another_tree and leave path_tree in a valid but undefined state
Tree<std::string> yet_another_tree = std::move(path_tree);
// Below line is classic use after move
// Causes undefined behavior
path_tree.insert(path_tree.begin(), "/");

Tree insertion operations

Users can insert a new node in any of the three positions relative to the iterator passed as an argument.

  • Below the iterator, as the first child of the node pointed by the iterator

    auto insert_below(iterator node, const T& data) -> iterator;
    auto insert_below(iterator node, T&& data) -> iterator;
    template <typename ... Args>
    auto emplace_below(iterator node, Args ... args) -> iterator;

    Detailed illustration

    Tree<std::string> tree("root");
    auto it = tree.begin();
    // Insert by value semantics
    tree.insert_below(it, std::string("hello"));
    // Insert by move semantics
    std::string some_string = "world";
    tree.insert_below(it, std::move(some_string));
    struct S {
      int int_mem;
      float flt_mem;
      std::string str_mem;
    Tree<S> s_tree(2, 10.0f, std::string("root"));
    // In place construction of node below root
    s_tree.emplace_below(s_tree.begin(), 1, 5.0f, "42");
  • Below the iterator, as the last child of the node pointed by the iterator

    auto append_child(iterator node, const T& data) -> iterator;
    auto append_child(iterator node, T&& data) -> iterator;
    template <typename ... Args>
    auto append_child_by_emplace(iterator node, Args ... args) -> iterator;

    Detailed illustration

    Tree<std::string> tree("root");
    auto it = tree.begin();
    // Insert by value semantics
    tree.append_child(it, std::string("hello"));
    // Insert by move semantics
    std::string some_string = "world";
    tree.append_child(it, std::move(some_string));
    struct S {
      int int_mem;
      float flt_mem;
      std::string str_mem;
    Tree<S> s_tree(2, 10.0f, std::string("root"));
    // In place construction of node below root
    s_tree.append_child_by_emplace(s_tree.begin(), 1, 5.0f, "42");
  • After the iterator, as the sibling of the node pointed by the iterator

    auto insert_after(iterator node, const T& data) -> iterator;
    auto insert_after(iterator node, T&& data) -> iterator;
    template <typename ... Args>
    auto emplace_after(iterator node, Args ... args) -> iterator;

    Detailed illustration

    Tree<std::string> tree("root");
    auto it = tree.begin();
    // Insert by value semantics
    tree.insert_after(it, std::string("hello"));
    // Insert by move semantics
    std::string some_string = "world";
    tree.insert_after(it, std::move(some_string));
    struct S {
      int int_mem;
      float flt_mem;
      std::string str_mem;
    Tree<S> s_tree(2, 10.0f, std::string("root"));
    // In place construction of node below root
    s_tree.emplace_after(s_tree.begin(), 1, 5.0f, "42");


  • Only a PreOrder Depth-First iterator can be used for referencing the positions in the insertion APIs. Refer chapter "Tree iteration" for more details about iterators
  • Inserting into an empty tree, for example after clearing the container, is an undefined behavior. The rationale is that the operation is done on a tree without a root and such an operation makes no sense.
    Tree<int> integer_tree(1);
    // Undefined behavior
    integer_tree.insert_below(integer_tree.begin(), 42);
    // Alternative
    Tree<int> integer_tree(1);
    Tree<int> new_integer_tree(42);
    // Copy the new tree into the original tree. Also it is fine to move the tree
    // by marking it with std::move
    integer_tree = new_integer_tree;
  • All insertion operations returns an iterator to the newly inserted node which can be discarded if not required.
    // Stores the returned iterator for further operations
    auto boot = path_tree.insert_below(path_tree.begin(), std::string("boot/"));
    auto bin = path_tree.append_child(path_tree.begin(), std::string("bin/"));
    auto var = path_tree.append_child(path_tree.begin(), std::string("var/"));
    auto usr = path_tree.append_child(path_tree.begin(), std::string("usr/"));
    // It is also ok to discard the returned iterator
    path_tree.insert_below(usr, std::string("hari/"));

todo: Document known bugs

Tree deletion operations


The container like every other STL container is cleaned up automatically when it goes out of scope

There are 3 APIs to support deletion operations

  • cut
    This enables cutting a subtree out of the container and create a new tree container with the node evicted as the root

    auto cut(iterator node) -> Tree<T>;


    auto spliced_tree = tree.cut(it);
  • erase
    Deletes a node and all the children below it from the tree container. Requires cautious usage

    auto erase(iterator node) -> void;


    auto it = std::find_if(tree.begin(), tree.end(), [](auto elem){ return elem == std::string("etc/"); });
  • clear
    Clears the complete container

    auto clear() -> void;


    // Undefined behavior. Insertion into a tree without root
    tree.insert_below(tree.begin(), std::string("42"));

Tree iteration

Currently supported iterators:

  • Breadth-First Iterator
  • PreOrder Depth-First Iterator
  • PostOrder Depth-First Iterator

The default iterator on constructing a tree will be PreOrder iterator. Proxy classes are available to convert the default iterator to other types

template <typename Tree>
class tree_as_level_order;

template<typename Tree>
class tree_as_pre_order;

template <typename Tree>
class tree_as_post_order;

Tree querying

  • empty
    Checks if the container is empty. ie if the tree has no nodes in it

    auto empty() -> bool;


    auto is_empty = tree.empty();
      return true;
  • size
    Returns the current number of nodes in the tree

    auto size() -> std::size_t;


    auto size = tree.size();
  • depth
    Returns the current depth of the tree

    auto depth() -> std::size_t;


    auto height = tree.depth();


Tentative feature road map for the Rosetree Data Structure. Please do note that there might few features which might not be implemented and few might not be on the list but would be implemented on the fly. List entry with "?" is some feature which is not concretely planned

  • Iterators - PreOrder, PostOrder, LevelOrder
  • Insertion APIs - Value Semantics
  • Insertion APIs - Move Semantics
  • Insertion APIs - Emplacing / In place construction of nodes
  • Deletion - Erase node
  • Deletion - Erase subtree
  • Deletion - Subtree eviction by cutting
  • Deletion - Clear container
  • Iterators - InOrder, LeafOrder
  • Automatic memory cleanup on destruction
  • Tree copy - Deep
  • Tree move
  • Tree query APIs - size, depth, empty
  • Code cleanups for readability
  • Code cleanups for better exposed public and private API
  • Optimization - const and const& as much as possible
  • Traverals with callbacks
  • API to check if container is empty
  • Iterators - const versions
  • Allocator concept for tree nodes?
  • Container adapter? - Hint. For example std::priority_queue lets users to decide what can be the underlying container type
  • Optimization - Cache friendliness
  • Algorithms
    • Tree Merge
    • Tree Diff
    • Serialization and Deserialization
    • Path Manipulation
    • Tree Rotate
    • Mirror


A generic rosetree data structure written in C++


Language:C++ 99.2%Language:CMake 0.8%