hariesramdhani / pemilu2024-api

Minimal Python script to scrape data from different source of Pemilu live count websites (kawalpemilu.org, pemilu2024.kpu.go.id) and serve the api using Flask

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Pemilu Vote Count API

Minimal Python script to scrape data from different source of Pemilu live count websites (kawalpemilu.org, pemilu2024.kpu.go.id) and serve the api using Flask (Initially will be used to feed data to my visualisation)

Access it from{source}. Data updates every 10 minutes.

Available sources:

  • kawalpemilu.org (kawalpemilu)
  • pemilu2024.kpu.go.id (kpu)

E.g., fetching from will return json of counts from KPU

Sample (data/provinces_data.json)

{"data": {"ACEH": {"paslon_1_ratio": 80.23, "paslon_1_count": 4962, "paslon_2_ratio": 18.17, "paslon_2_count": 1124, "paslon_3_ratio": 1.6, "paslon_3_count": 99, "cakupan_ratio": 0.22, "cakupan_count": "36/16,046", "cakupan_jaga_ratio": 13.86, "cakupan_jaga_count": "2,224/16,046"}, "BALI": {"paslon_1_ratio": 6.65, "paslon_1_count": 5086, "paslon_2_ratio": 55.44, "paslon_2_count": 42372, "paslon_3_ratio": 37.91, "paslon_3_count": 28975, "cakupan_ratio": 2.8, "cakupan_count": "359/12,809", "cakupan_jaga_ratio": 6.59, "cakupan_jaga_count": "844/12,809"}, "BANTEN": {"paslon_1_ratio": 37.88, "paslon_1_count": 35676, "paslon_2_ratio": 47.17, "paslon_2_count": 44424, "paslon_3_ratio": 14.94, "paslon_3_count": 14074, "cakupan_ratio": 1.25...


  • Make the API public
  • Scrape city/regency level data
  • Save and load data directly to/from Postgre instead of saving it to JSON
  • Add more sources
  • Add feature to access older vote counts

All credit for the data belongs to the KawalPemilu team!


Minimal Python script to scrape data from different source of Pemilu live count websites (kawalpemilu.org, pemilu2024.kpu.go.id) and serve the api using Flask


Language:Python 100.0%