haridas / hadoop-env

Hadoop cluster setup and related helper files for learning purpose.

Repository from Github https://github.comharidas/hadoop-envRepository from Github https://github.comharidas/hadoop-env

Hadoop cluster for experiments

Easy way to setup the hadoop in cluster mode and playwith the different tools over the hadoop ecosystem.

Currently docker based cluster setup is added.

Start hadoop cluster

Launch 3 node hadoop cluster with two datanode and one namenode. The Resource manager will be running on nodemanager docker container itself. And the node manager will be running on all the datanode containers.

Bellow shell script make use of the docker commands to start and manage the configurations of hadoop cluster.


Once the command finishes its setup, you should see output like below,

=> Started Hadoop cluster !!
Using default tag: latest
latest: Pulling from haridasn/hadoop-cli
Digest: sha256:690e0f17af0aa7b98202ad22c4f79faedc9dae3c7a83b4e066924115e06cdeb0
Status: Image is up to date for haridasn/hadoop-cli:latest
=> Started a hadoop-cli docker container and configured it with hadoop cluster

953ddc8b6aa6        haridasn/hadoop-cli                                   "/bin/bash"              3 seconds ago       Up Less than a second                                                                                            hadoop-cli
512fec8628c6        haridasn/hadoop-2.8.5                                 "bash /start-hadoop.…"   9 seconds ago       Up 5 seconds  >8042/tcp,>8047/tcp,>8048/tcp                   datanode2
a88a6c7912e9        haridasn/hadoop-2.8.5                                 "bash /start-hadoop.…"   11 seconds ago      Up 8 seconds  >8042/tcp,>8047-8048/tcp                                 datanode1
c1a4fee04c87        haridasn/hadoop-2.8.5                                 "bash /start-hadoop.…"   13 seconds ago      Up 10 seconds >8088/tcp,>50070/tcp                                         namenode
=> All cluster services are started !.

Hadoop cluster started with one namenode, and two datanodes. Also added a
hadoop client container to interact with the cluster.

=> Try these commands to ensure cluster is up

$ docker exec hadoop-cli yarn node -list
$ docker exec hadoop-cli hdfs dfsadmin -report

Start spark with Yarn


Cleanup entire cluster.

Once you are done with the testing on the cluster, just destroy it by running this command.

bash ./bin/clean-all.sh

This command will clean all the containers started along with the hadoop cluster and also other hadoop related servicse like spark, drill etc.


Hadoop cluster setup and related helper files for learning purpose.


Language:Shell 91.5%Language:Dockerfile 8.5%