hardikpthv / vscode-ng-material-snippets

Angular Material v10 Snippets for VS Code

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Angular Material v10 Snippets for VS Code

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This extension for Visual Studio Code adds snippets of HTML and TypeScript for Angular Material.

Have a look at CHANGELOG for the latest changes


  1. Install Visual Studio Code 1.10.0 or higher
  2. Launch VS Code
  3. Hit Cmd-Shift-P (macOS) or Ctrl-Shift-P (Windows, Linux)
  4. Select Install Extension
  5. Choose the extension Angular Material v10 snippets
  6. Reload Visual Studio Code


Start typing a-md-* and hit enter, the snippet spreads out.

Use Extension

HTML Snippets

Snippet Purpose
a-md-auto-complete <mat-autocomplete> control with *ngFor
a-md-badge matBadge with all configutration
a-md-badge-button matBadge on button mat-button
a-md-button mat-button basic button
a-md-button-link mat-button basic button with routerLink
a-md-raised-button mat-raised-button button
a-md-button-toggles <mat-button-toggle-group> control
a-md-icon-button mat-icon-button button
a-md-card <mat-card> control basic card
a-md-card-simple <mat-card> control simple card
a-md-checkbox <mat-checkbox> control with ngModel
a-md-checkbox-fc <mat-checkbox> control with formControlName
a-md-chips <mat-chip-list> control with <mat-chip>
a-md-chip <mat-chip> control for <mat-chip-list>
a-md-data-table <mat-table> control
a-md-datepicker <mat-datepicker> control
a-md-divider <mat-divider> control
a-md-inset-divider <mat-divider> control configured inset
a-md-ex-panel <mat-expansion-panel> control for expandable summary view
a-md-fab mat-fab Floating action button
a-md-fab-mini mat-mini-fab Floating action mini button
a-md-grid <mat-grid-list> control for grid-based layout
a-md-grid-tile <mat-grid-tile> Grid tile for <mat-grid-list> control
a-md-input matInput directive
a-md-input-fc matInput with formControlName enclosed <mat-form-field>
a-md-input-ngModel matInput with ngModel enclosed <mat-form-field>
a-md-input-error mat-error control for matInput
a-md-input-icon matInput wtih icon suffixed
a-md-list <mat-list> control with default <mat-list-item>
a-md-list-item <mat-list-item> single item
a-md-selection-list <mat-selection-list> control with default <mat-list-option>
a-md-list-option <mat-list-option> single item
a-md-icon-list <mat-list> with default <mat-icon matListIcon>
a-md-menu <mat-menu> control with default items
a-md-menu-nested Nested <md-menu> with default items
a-md-menu-with-icon <mat-menu> control with default items and icon
a-md-paginator <mat-paginator> control for pagination
a-md-progress-bar <mat-progress-bar> control with indeterminate mode
a-md-progress-spinner <mat-progress-spinner> control with indeterminate mode
a-md-radio <mat-radio-group> control with default <mat-radio-button>
a-md-radio-btn <mat-radio-button> button
a-md-ripple matRipple and matRippleColor directives
a-md-ripple-container Ripple container
a-md-select <mat-select> control
a-md-select-fc <mat-select> control with formControlName
a-md-select-ngModel <mat-select> control with ngModel
a-md-select-option <mat-option> for <mat-select>
a-md-slider <mat-slider> control default horizontal
a-md-slider-vertical <mat-slider> control vertical
a-md-sidenav <mat-sidenav> control with *ngFor to iterate through nav items
a-md-stepper <mat-horizontal-stepper> control with <mat-step>
a-md-step <mat-step> control with <form>
a-md-switch <mat-slide-toggle> switch control
a-md-tab <mat-tab> control with set of two tabs
a-md-toolbar <mat-toolbar> control with primary color as default
a-md-tooltip matTooltip directive to display tooltip
a-md-tooltip-position matTooltipPosition directive to set position
a-md-tree <mat-tree> control
a-md-tree-node <mat-tree-node> control
a-md-tree-nested-node <mat-nested-tree-node> control
a-md-icon <mat-icon> control
a-md-sort matSort directive with matSortChange event
a-md-tree <cdk-tree> control

TypeScript Snippets

Snippet Purpose
a-md-snackbar MatSnackBar configuration

Using NgRx or WebComponents 🤔

Inspiration from Angular Typescript Snippets by John Papa