harababurel / socotitor

optional homework for computational logic - operations and conversions in arbitrary bases

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

              ____                  _   _ _                           
             / ___|  ___   ___ ___ | |_(_) |_ ___  _ __               
             \___ \ / _ \ / __/ _ \| __| | __/ _ \| '__|              
              ___) | (_) | (_| (_) | |_| | || (_) | |                 
             |____/ \___/ \___\___/ \__|_|\__\___/|_|                 
                         operations and conversions in arbitrary bases

| Command |                    Description                           |
|    +    | Perform an addition.                                     |
|    -    | Perform a subtraction.                                   |
|    *    | Perform a multiplication.                                |
|    /    | Perform an integer division.                             |
|    ^    | Perform an exponentiation.                               |
|    c    | Perform a conversion using the suggested method.         |
|    h    | Display this prompt.                                     |
|    x    | Exit the application.                                    |


optional homework for computational logic - operations and conversions in arbitrary bases


Language:Python 100.0%