happyminded / qwraps

Wrapper functions for producing base R plots using ggplot2. Included functions are qacf(), qroc(), qsurvplot(), with more to come. There are several other wrapper functions in this package which have been useful for me when working on data analysis reports.

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Wrapper functions for producing base R plots using ggplot2 https://github.com/hadley/ggplot2 . Included functions are qacf(), qroc(), qsurvplot(), with more to come.

Other wrapper functions include params which gives point estimators, confidence intervals, and p-values from different types of regression models and allows for (back)transforms of the coefficients.

The function tableone is being developed to allow for quick summary tables for a dataset overall, and by a grouping variable.

I'm hoping to get a more and more people to start to use this package, find errors, and suggest enhancements.

May of the functions are particularly useful for writing data analysis reports via knitr http://yihui.name/knitr/ and LaTeX.

How to get qwraps in R

To install the development version of qwraps, it's easiest to use the devtools, https://github.com/hadley/devtools, package:

# install.packages("devtools")
install_github("qwraps", username = "dewittpe")

If you are working on a Windows machine you will need to download and install Rtools http://cran.r-project.org/bin/windows/Rtools/ before devtools will work for you.


Wrapper functions for producing base R plots using ggplot2. Included functions are qacf(), qroc(), qsurvplot(), with more to come. There are several other wrapper functions in this package which have been useful for me when working on data analysis reports.