haoybl / ProbabilisticGraphicalModels

Coding projects from my PGM class

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Coding projects from my PGM class @ UMass Amherst. Most projects are vectorized as much as possible and rely heavily on numpy for this vectorization.


####Assignment 1 (BayesNets)

  • Build a Bayesian network for heart disease prediction according to the random variables and dependencies in the given illustration
  • Calculate the conditional probability tables for each variable given training data
  • Perform marginal and MAP queries on the calculated conditional probability distribution of single variables given a configuration of the other random variables in the graph which possibly contain unobserved variables other than the query variable
  • Find the mean and standard deviation of MAP query accuracy on the heart disease variable for five pairs of training and testing data sets.

####Assignment 2 (CRFOCR)

  • Build a linear-chain conditional random field (CRF) for optical character recognition (OCR) with binary pixel values as features and the ten most commonly used letters of the alphabet as labels
  • Implement the message-passing dynamic-programming algorithm for MAP inference on markov networks
  • Condition the random variables associated with letters on the random variables associated with pixel values by reducing the markov network
  • Implement the objective and gradient functions for learning in a CRF
  • Implement learning by optimizing the parameters for OCR on the given data set using an optimizer from SciPy (I used fmin_l_bfgs_b)
  • Record training time, accuracy and optimized average conditional log likelihood for trainin sets of different sizes

####Assignment 3 (GibbsCRFDenoise)

  • Build a grid-structured conditional random field (CRF) for image denoising with noisy pixel values as features and correct pixel values as labels
  • Condition the random variables associated with correct pixel values on the random variables associated with the original, noisy pixel values
  • Implement a by-pixel Gibbs sampler for the grid-structured CRF; random numbers are sampled from uniform distribution for binary-valued pixels and from normal distribution for real-valued, grayscale pixels
  • For the real-valued pixels, run the Gibbs sampler with both a single pair-wise weight and specific pair-wise weights that penalizes large deviations from original difference between neighboring pixels
  • Run the Gibbs sampler on binary-valued pixels both for a fixed number of iterations and until convergence, where convergence is defined as a difference between the Mean Absolute Error of time step t and t-1 being less than a constant for three consecutive iterations

####Assignment 4 (RBMOCR)

  • Build a restricted Boltzmann machine (RBM) to infer hidden variable values from observed pixel values for MNIST hand-written digit images
  • Implement inference for an RBM by conditioning on the observed pixel values of an MNIST instance and using weights from training to calculate the hidden variable values
  • Implement training for the RBM's parameters using mini-batch stochastic gradient ascent where each batch consists of multiple MNIST training images
  • Use a multi-chain Gibbs sampler that alternates conditioning on the observed pixel values and the hidden variables values to calculate negative gradient terms


Coding projects from my PGM class


Language:Python 100.0%