hanzmyco / Variational-Recurrent-Autoencoder-Tensorflow

A tensorflow implementation of "Generating Sentences from a Continuous Space"

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Gerating Sentences from a Continuous Space

Tensorflow implementation of Generating Sentences from a Continuous Space.


  1. Python packages:

    • Python 3.4 or higher
    • Tensorflow r0.12
    • Numpy
  2. Clone this repository:

git clone https://github.com/Chung-I/Variational-Recurrent-Autoencoder-Tensorflow.git



python vrae.py  --model_dir models --do train --new True


python vrae.py --model_dir models --do reconstruct --new False --input input.txt --output output.txt


python vrae.py --model_dir models --do sample --new False --input input.txt --output output.txt


python vrae.py --model_dir models --do interpolate --new False --input input.txt --output output.txt

model_dir: The location of the config file config.json and the checkpoint file.

do: Accept 4 values: train, encode_decode, sample, or interpolate.

new: create models with fresh parameters if set to True; else read model parameters from checkpoints in model_dir.


Hyperparameters are not passed from command prompt like that in tensorflow/models/rnn/translate/translate.py. Instead, vrae.py reads hyperparameters from config.json in model_dir.

Below are hyperparameters in config.json:

  • model:

    • size: embedding size, and encoder/decoder state size.
    • latent_dim: latent space size.
    • in_vocab_size: source vocabulary size.
    • out_vocab_size: target vocabulary size.
    • data_dir: path to the corpus.
    • num_layers: number of layers for encoder and decoder.
    • use_lstm: use lstm for encoder and decoder or not. Use BasicLSTMCell if set to True; else GRUCell is used.
    • buckets: A list of pairs of [input size, output size] for each bucket.
    • bidirectional: bidirectional_rnn is used if set to True.
    • probablistic: variance is set to zero if set to False.
    • orthogonal_initializer: orthogonal_initializer is used if set to True; else uniform_unit_scaling_initializer is used.
    • iaf: inverse autoregressive flow is used if set to True.
    • activation: activation for encoder-to-latent layer and latent-to-decoder layer.
      • elu: exponential linear unit.
      • prelu: parametric linear unit. (default)
      • None: linear.
  • train:

    • batch_size
    • beam_size: beam size for decoding. Warning: beam search is still under implementation. NotImplementedError would be raised if beam_size is set to be greater than 1.
    • learning_rate: learning rate parameter passed into AdamOptimizer.
    • steps_per_checkpoint: save checkpoint every steps_per_checkpoint steps.
    • anneal: do KL cost annealing if set to True.
    • kl_rate_rise_factor: KL term weight is increasd by this much every steps_per_checkpoint steps.
    • max_train_data_size: Limit on the size of training data (0: no limit).
    • feed_previous: If True, only the first of decoder_inputs will be used (the "GO" symbol), and all other decoder inputs will be generated by: next = embedding_lookup(embedding, argmax(previous_output)). In effect, this implements a greedy decoder. It can also be used during training to emulate http://arxiv.org/abs/1506.03099. If False, decoder_inputs are used as given (the standard decoder case).
    • kl_min: the minimum information constraint. Should be a non-negative float (where 0 is no constraint).
    • max_gradient_norm: gradients will be clipped to maximally this norm.
    • word_dropout_keep_prob: probability of randomly replacing some fraction of the conditioned-on word tokens with the generic unknown word token UNK. when equal to 0, the decoder sees no input.
  • reconstruct:

    • feed_previous
    • word_dropout_keep_prob
  • sample:

    • feed_previous
    • word_dropout_keep_prob
    • num_pts: sample num_pts points.
  • interpolate:

    • feed_previous
    • word_dropout_keep_prob
    • num_pts: sample num_pts points.


Penn TreeBank corpus is included in the repo. We also provide a Chinese poem corpus, which can be download here. A model trained on the above Chinese peom corpus can be download here. The corresponding vocabulary file is here.


A tensorflow implementation of "Generating Sentences from a Continuous Space"


Language:Python 100.0%