hanyunx / wysteria

Clone of Wysteria

Home Page:https://bitbucket.org/aseemr/wysteria

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


To install Wysteria, cd into the src directory and run following command:


This script builds the GMW library (to execute boolean circuits), Z3
SMT solver (to do refinement type checking for Wysteria programs), and
the Wysteria interpreter and type checker.


The examples directory contains 3 sample programs, the main function
of which is generic in the number of parties.

1. mill.wy : Millionaire application.
2. gps.wy  : Nearest neighbor application.
3. spa.wy  : Second-price auction

To run each of these, for let's say three parties, one needs to start
three instances of the interpreter: one for each party. An instance of
the interpreter consists of a GMW server and the Wysteria interpreter

All the following commands should be run from the src directory in the

To start GMW servers, run following commands (in different terminals,
if possible):

./mpc.exe 9000 3 addresses.txt 0 10000

./mpc.exe 9001 3 addresses.txt 1 10000

./mpc.exe 9002 3 addresses.txt 2 10000

Once the servers are successfully started, you should see a "Server
Ready" message on each terminal.

Once this is done, run following 3 commands, again in 3 different
terminals if possible:

./bin/wysteria --i-am \!Alice --gmw-port 9000 examples/mill.wy

./bin/wysteria --i-am \!Bob --gmw-port 9001 examples/mill.wy

./bin/wysteria --i-am \!Charlie --gmw-port 9002 examples/mill.wy

After the third command is run, you should see the secure computation
output for each party.

(To run a different example, follow all the steps above, just change
the filename to the example).


Q. Which datatypes are supported in Wysteria ?
A. Wysteria supports natural numbers, booleans, arrays, records, sum
types, and function types. In addition, Wysteria also has support for
Wire bundle types and Share types (see our paper for more details on
these: http://www.cs.umd.edu/~aseem/wysteria.pdf). Supported types are
listed in file ast.ml under OCaml datatype "typ".

Q. Which binary operators are supported in Wysteria ?
A. Wysteria supports following operators for natural numbers: addition
(+), subtraction (-), greater than (>), and equals (=). Supported
operators are listed in file ast.ml under OCaml datatype "natop".

Q. Is it possible to select random numbers in Wysteria ?
A. Wysteria supports random number selection via following expression:

sysop rand <n>

where n is a natural number constant. At run time, Wysteria
interpreter evaluates this by calling Random.int <n> in OCaml
(http://caml.inria.fr/pub/docs/manual-ocaml/libref/Random.html). Expression
sysop rand <n> has type nat in Wysteria.

Q. What is the bit width of Wysteria nat types when generating boolean
circtuis ?
A. Nat width for boolean circtuis in Wysteria taken from
cktlib.ml (variable natsize). Currently it is set to 12 bits, but can
be changed to a different value (4, 8, ...).

For any queries or suggestions, please contact:

Aseem Rastogi - aseem@cs.umd.edu
Matthew Hammer - hammer@cs.umd.edu
Michael Hicks - mwh@cs.umd.edu


Clone of Wysteria



Language:C++ 80.9%Language:C 7.4%Language:OCaml 5.6%Language:C# 2.9%Language:Python 2.2%Language:Racket 0.5%Language:SMT 0.2%Language:Batchfile 0.1%Language:Makefile 0.1%Language:Shell 0.0%Language:sed 0.0%Language:M4 0.0%