hanse / react-native-fagkveld

Intern fagkveld Itera

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Make a difference making a different application

Get started

  • Be on node > version 8 and have yarn installed
  • Follow the Getting Started guide in the React Native documentation
    • Click on "Building Projects with Native Code"
    • Choose the correct "Development OS" and "Target OS"
    • Follow the steps you need to follow until you get to "Creating a new application"

Get the code and run the app

  • Clone this repository
  • Run yarn from your command line and then run yarn start
    • yarn start will start the Metro bundler that bundles the JavaScript
  • Run yarn ios for iOS or run yarn android for Android in a new shell

You can change iOS Simulator by adding the flag --simulator "iPhone X".

If you want to run the application on your own phone, follow the directions here

To debug your application do the Shake Gesture (^⌘Z on iOS Simulator) and press Debug JS Remotely. This will open the Chrome DevTools.

Make a difference making a different MAD application

We have a simple skeleton for something that could be very cool. We have two screens driven by tab-based navigation (react-navigation), namely an events screen and a profile screen. We also have an underlying auth and events implementation against the MAD API.

We can log in to the application in the profile screen with our mad.itera.no user. There, we can see the department we belong to in the company, and we can log out again.

The events screen show all the events we have. You need to log in to see more events. When you click on an event, you are taken to the JSON payload of that event.


The tasks are listed below in random order. You can start wherever you want. Some tasks are easier than others.

Sorting events on date

Currently, events are not sorted on date. The upcoming event is shown at the bottom of the list. Sort events in a suitable place in Events.js.

Improve the event list

The list of events is not really that interesting. It only shows the title of the event. Can you make it more interesting? Some suggestions are:

  • Show date in the event cell
  • Show event type in the event cell
  • Style it differently. Be creative!

A bit more advanced

  • Filter the list on event type (MEETUP or CONFERENCE)
  • Add a search bar

Do you have any other suggestions for that page? Implement them!

Add icons to the tab bar

The tab bar is missing icons. Can you add some relevant icons? Hint: Look here for more information about changing the appearance of the tab bar. react-native-vector-icons contains many icons, and you'll also learn to link native libraries.

Add an image to the profile

Use Adorable.io to add a cute image to the profile screen. <Image /> supports external URIs through the source prop!


Implement the event detail screen

The event detail screen is a JSON dump of the event. We have a lot of information we can use here. We have a description of the event, a date, event type, public or not, speakers, open for registration etc. Use this information and present it in a clean way to the end user.

  "id": 21,
  "name": "Fagkveld: React Native",
  "date": "2018-06-05",
  "description": "**Kursbeskrivelse**\r\n\r\nKurset vil starte med en kort introduksjon til React Native. Hva er det, hvorfor bør man bruke det og hvor passer det i React-landskapet? Deretter vil vi se på hvordan man praktisk kan komme i gang ved å titte på en eksempelapplikasjon. Til slutt skal vi dykke litt dypere ned i React Native-arkitekturen og se litt på hvordan det henger sammen.\r\n\r\nNår vi er ferdige med å snakke er det fritt fram for å lage sin egen app basert på et lite skjelett og et enkelt API. \r\n\r\n**Hva bør gjøres før du kommer:**\r\n\r\nGå til [facebook.github.io/react-native/docs/getting-started.html](https://facebook.github.io/react-native/docs/getting-started.html) og trykk på “Building Projects with Native Code”. Følg de ulike stegene for ditt operativsystem og de plattformene du ønsker å nå (iOS og/eller Android). Ta med egen mobil + kabel om du vil kjøre på din egen enhet!",
  "eventType": "MEETUP",
  "foodChoices": [],
  "beverageChoices": [],
  "isPublic": false,
  "isPublished": true,
  "speakers": [
      "id": 49,
      "firstName": "Sindre",
      "lastName": "Magnussen",
      "department": "TCC_TECHNOLOGY",
      "dateJoined": "2017-02-06T08:26:54.052102Z"
      "id": 155,
      "firstName": "Hans-Kristian",
      "lastName": "Koren",
      "department": "TCC_TECHNOLOGY",
      "dateJoined": "2017-03-07T07:17:54.399539Z"
      "id": 204,
      "firstName": "Andreas",
      "lastName": "Drivenes",
      "department": "TCC_TECHNOLOGY",
      "dateJoined": "2018-02-12T08:07:28.163120Z"
  "talks": [],
  "timeslots": [],
  "startTime": null,
  "endTime": null,
  "registrationDeadline": null,
  "isRegistrationOpen": true

Experiment with the style and layout properties and maybe some of the native components included in React Native listed in the sidebar of the docs if it makes sense.

  • Show the event title and description
  • Add a <Button /> to register for the event
  • Maybe you can show the speakers in a list and open their profiles in a new screen when tapping on them?
    • Use a <FlatList /> or just use a list of <View />s: speakers.map(speaker => <View />).
    • Use navigation.navigate() to enter the new screen (remember to define the screen in screens/index.js!)
  • Add some buttons to the navigation header?

Change profile

Implement a "Change Profile Screen" where the users can update their profiles.

  • Create a new Edit Profile View or change the Profile screen (screens defined in screens/index.js)
  • Add a couple of <TextInput />s and maybe a <Picker /> for the department.
  • Add a function for dealing with the update profile endpoint in services/mad.js.
    • Can be found by inspecting network traffic on mad.itera.no 😃

Add event to the native calendar

Use react-native-calendar-events to add events from the MAD application to your native calendar on the OS.

Play with the Animated API

There is a component in the components folder that provides a basic fade animation to its children. It is used on the Profile screen. Try changing the animations or add new ones. The documentation covers the Animated API pretty good. In the animated-event branch there is an example of using Animated.event to animate based on scroll position.

The possibilities are endless. Implement and do whatever you want!

Other Resources

awesome-react-native provides a comprehensive list of React Native resources.


Intern fagkveld Itera


Language:JavaScript 71.2%Language:Objective-C 16.0%Language:Python 7.1%Language:Java 5.8%