hannseman / ansible-raspbian

Ansible role for setting up a secure basic Raspbian environment with sensible defaults.

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Ansible Role Travis (.org)

This role will setup a secure basic Raspbian environment with sensible defaults.

It will:

  • Install specified system packages.
  • Configure hostname.
  • Configure locale.
  • Mount tmpfs on write-intensive directories to increase the lifespan of SD-card.
  • Change the password on default user.
  • Set the default editor.
  • Setup a secure SSH configuration.
  • Configure UFW.
  • Configure /boot/config.txt.
  • Run raspi-config.
  • Configure Postfix to send email through an SMTP relay.
  • Enable unattended-upgrades.
  • Install Fail2ban.
  • Configure Logwatch to send weekly reports.

It will not:

  • Update system packages.
  • Run apt-get update. Please do this in a pre_task. See Example Playbook.
  • Install security patches but unattended-upgrades should take care of that.


  • Install python requirements by running pip install -r requirements.txt.
  • Install sshpass by running sudo apt-get install sshpass.
  • Flash SD-card with Raspbian Stretch Lite.
  • Add empty file named ssh in boot-partition of the flashed SD-card.
  • Optional: To enable wifi place a file called wpa_supplicant.conf in the boot-partition of the flashed SD-card with the following content:
        ssid="your ssid"
        psk="your password"
  • Run playbook.


sshpass is required to make the first Ansible run with the default password raspberry. Password authentication over SSH will then be disabled in preference of public key authentication with keys specified in ssh_public_keys. Your inventory should contain the following:



# Sets the system hostname
system_hostname: "raspberrypi"
# The system password for ansible_ssh_user (should configured as pi).
# NOTE: Should be changed to something secure.
system_ssh_user_password: "raspberry"
# The password salt to use.
# NOTE: Should be changed to something secure and random.
system_ssh_user_salt: "salt"
# The system locale
system_locale: "en_US.UTF-8"
# The system timezone
system_timezone: "Europe/Stockholm"
# List dictionaries of desired tmpfs mounts.
  - { src: "/run", size: "10%", options: "nodev,noexec,nosuid" }
  - { src: "/tmp", size: "10%", options: "nodev,nosuid" }
  - { src: "/var/log", size: "10%", options: "nodev,noexec,nosuid" }
# apt-get installs listed packages
system_packages: []
# Path to default editor
system_default_editor_path: "/usr/bin/vi"

# Logwatch cache directory
logwatch_tmp_dir: /var/cache/logwatch
# Email which receives Logwatch reports
logwatch_mailto: "root"
# Logwatch report detail level
logwatch_detail: "Low"
# How often to receive Logwatch report, can be set to weekly and daily
logwatch_interval: "weekly"

postfix_hostname: "{{ ansible_hostname }}"
postfix_mailname: "{{ ansible_hostname }}"
  - "{{ postfix_hostname }}"
  - localdomain
  - localhost
  - localhost.localdomain
postfix_relayhost: smtp.gmail.com
postfix_relayhost_port: 587
# Required field, set this to your Gmail-address
# Required field, set this to your Gmail password
postfix_smtp_tls_cafile: /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt

# Updates /boot/config.txt with `{{ key }}: {{ value }}`
rpi_boot_config: {}
# run raspi-config -noint do_{{ key }} {{ value }]. Options: https://github.com/raspberrypi-ui/rc_gui/blob/master/src/rc_gui.c#L23-L70
rpi_cmdline_config: {}

ssh_sshd_config: "/etc/ssh/sshd_config"
# Required field, list of ssh public keys to update ~/.authorized_keys.
# Note: One of these keys needs to be one that Ansible is using.
ssh_public_keys: []
# String to present when connecting to host over ssh

# UFW rules should always allow SSH to keep Ansible functioning
  - { rule: "allow", port: "22", proto: "tcp" }
# Configures if igmp traffic should be allowed
ufw_allow_igmp: false

# Recipient of unattended-upgrades report
unattended_upgrades_email_address: root
# Should we reboot when /var/run/reboot-required is found?
unattended_upgrades_auto_reboot: false

# Internal variable used when running tests - should not be used.
ansible_raspbian_testing: false

Example Playbook

- hosts: servers
  become: true
    - name: update apt cache
        cache_valid_time: 600
    - role: hannseman.raspbian
      - apt-transport-https
      - vim
    system_default_editor_path: "/usr/bin/vim.basic"
    system_ssh_user_password: hunter2
    system_ssh_user_salt: pepper
    postfix_sasl_user: root@example.com
    postfix_sasl_password: hunter2

      - ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIJXTGInmtpoG9rYmT/3DpL+0o/sH2shys+NwJLo8NnCj


Ansible role for setting up a secure basic Raspbian environment with sensible defaults.

License:MIT License


Language:HTML 88.4%Language:Makefile 7.3%Language:Shell 4.2%