hankcs / sub-character-cws

Sub-Character Representation Learning

Home Page:https://arxiv.org/abs/1712.08841

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Sub-Character Representation Learning

Codes and corpora for paper "Dual Long Short-Term Memory Networks for Sub-Character Representation Learning" (accepted at ITNG 2018).

We proposed to learn character and sub-character level representations jointly for capturing deeper level of semantic meanings. When applied to Chinese Word Segmentation as a case example, our solution achieved state-of-the-art results on both Simplified and Traditional Chinese, without extra Traditional to Simplified Chinese conversion.


Quick Start

Simply run one command:

./script/run.sh pku 1

It does everything for you on the fly, including data preparation, training and test.

  • You can replace pku with msr, cityu and as.
  • The second parameter indicates model options from 1 to 6, details are listed in the next chapter.

Configuration Table

We have presented 6 models in our paper. Their configurations are shown in following table:

#. model char subchar radical tie bigram
1. baseline YES
2. +subchar YES
3. +radical YES YES
4. +radical -char YES
5. +radical +tie YES YES YES
6. +radical +tie +bigram YES YES YES YES




  • Thanks for those friends who helped us with the experiments.
  • Corpora are from SIGHAN05, which should only be used for research purposes.
  • Model implementation modified from a Dynet-1.x version by rguthrie3.


Sub-Character Representation Learning


License:GNU General Public License v2.0


Language:Python 87.0%Language:Perl 9.0%Language:Shell 4.0%