hanglearning / burnt_pancakes_flipping

Python code to sort burnt pancakes.

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Python code to sort burnt pancakes.

Sample Input:

$ python3 hw1.py 1b2b3b4w-a

Sample Output:

Using A* -
1b|2b3b4w g=0, h=3
1w2b3b|4w g=1, h=3
3w|2w1b4w g=4, h=3
3b2w|1b4w g=5, h=3
2b|3w1b4w g=7, h=3
2w3w|1b4w g=8, h=3
3b2b1b|4w g=10, h=3
1w2w3w4w g=13, h=0

This program will allow user to input arbitrary number of pancakes, but user has to follow the format #C#C#C...#C#C-X to avoid unexpected behaviours from the program as there is no input format checking. X has to be 'a' indicating using A* search algorithm, or 'b' using BFS. This format follows the description of the burnt pancakes problem.

Burnt Pancake Problem

In Short

Write a program that receives an order of 4 bottom-burnt pancakes and prints the solution that BFS and A* search will find for going from the Start state to the Goal (ordered pancakes and all burnt-side down).


In this programming problem, you will work on a modified version of the classic pancake problem (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pancake_sorting#The_original_pancake_problem). In this version, one side of each pancake is burnt, and the pancakes must be sorted with all the burnt-side down. You need to write a program that receives an arbitrary order of such 4 pancakes from the user, plus the type of the search algorithm, and prints the steps that the specified algorithm will take to reach the Goal state.


Each of the pancakes has an ID number that is consistent with their size followed by a letter “w” or “b”. This way, the largest pancake has an ID of 4, the next largest 3, next 2, and the smallest has an ID of 1. The letter “w” refers to the unburnt (white) side is up, and “b” shows that the burnt side is up. The goal is reaching to “1w2w3w4w”. For instance, Fig. 1 shows an example of the IDs associated with each pancake in a certain configuration.


The input should consist of pairs of four digits and one character, a hyphen, and one last character (#C#C#C#C-X), where the first digit indicates the ID of the top pancake and the first character indicates whether if the burnt side is down (“w”) or not (“b”), the second number indicates the secondhighest pancake followed by a character, etc. The last character (X) would be either one of “b” or “a” characters, which refer to the Breadth-First (BFS) and A* search algorithms respectively.


The cost associated with each flip is equal to the number of pancakes that are being flipped. For instance, the cost of one flip between pancake 3b and 2b from the state “4w1b2w3b” to “2b1w4b3b” is equal to 3 (spatula between 2 and 3). For each state, use the same heuristic function (h(x)) that was discussed in the class: “the ID of the largest pancake that is still out of place”. For BFS, you don’t need to consider a cost and a heuristic function. Use the graph version of the algorithms, meaning that use some type of list (closed set) to avoid visiting the nodes multiple times. Add as many comments as you can to your code, so that it’s easy to understand your implementation, including the role of functions, variables, etc. Specifically, make it clear how your fringe is implemented and employed. Use an informative name for your fringe and add comments where you define that.


When needed for any of the search algorithms, use the following tie-breaking mechanism: "when there is a tie between two nodes, replace “w” with 1 and “b” with 0 to obtain an eight-digit number. After that pick the node with a larger numerical ID chosen."


Your program must print the steps that the specified algorithm (e.g., BFS) finds to solve the problem. In other words, it simply prints the solution that the algorithm finds. For each state (except the final state), use the character “|” to show where the flip to go to the next step happens. For A*, also print the value for the actual cost (function g), and the value of the heuristic function (function h) in each step. The following is an example of an input and output of the program. For instance, if there is a tie between 4b3w2b1b and 3w4w2b1b, then 4b3w2b1b will be chosen as 40312010>31412010.


1b2b3b4w-a # “a” indicates A*

Output (possible):

1b|2b3b4w g=0, h=23 # put the spatula between 1 and 2 to go to next
1w2b|3b4w g=1, h=22
2w1b3b|4w g=3, h=21
3w1w|2b4w g=6, h=19
1b3b2b|4w g=8, h=16
2w3w|1w4w g=11, h=14
3b2b1w|4w g=13, h=12
1b|2w3w4w g=16, h=9
1w2w3w4w g=17, h=0
Note that the values for g and h correspond to the “current” state, and the character “|” denotes the location of the flip for going to the “next” state. In the above example, “g” and “h” values are for illustration purposes and might be not the correct values.


Python code to sort burnt pancakes.


Language:Python 100.0%