handong1587 / faster-rcnn-cpp-demo

Encapsulation C++ version of FasterRCNN

Repository from Github https://github.comhandong1587/faster-rcnn-cpp-demoRepository from Github https://github.comhandong1587/faster-rcnn-cpp-demo

This project is forked from FasterRCNN-Encapsulation-Cplusplus .

Please refer to below blogs for detail explanations.

faster_rcnn c++版本的 caffe 封装(1)


faster_rcnn c++版本的 caffe 封装,动态库(2)


将Faster RCNN的python demo改成C++ demo


I added some local modifications to make it run on my Ubuntu 14.04 system, mostly on directory faster_cxx_lib.

Original project use OpenCV3, I downgrade to use OpenCV2 (I remove all libopencv_imgcodecs dependencies in make scripts)

To use this demo, you will need to put directory faster_cxx_lib under py-faster-rcnn/ .

cd to faster_cxx_lib, first run ./make_all.sh, then run ./run_main.sh

It can run on both py-faster-rcnn's alt-opt and end2end caffemodels.


Encapsulation C++ version of FasterRCNN


Language:Makefile 49.6%Language:C++ 24.4%Language:C 14.8%Language:CMake 11.1%Language:Shell 0.1%